Name: Arthur Knight
Birthplace: San Diego, California, USA
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Quadra-Elemental Knight)
Known Language(s): American English
Element: Quadra -Elemental (Air, Fire, Earth, and Water)
Weapon: Quadra-Elemental Holy Zweihander
Weapon's Name: Excalibur VII
Eye Color: Green, Yellow (only in King Form)
Hair Color: Brown, Golden Brown (only in King Form)
Age: 18
Height: 6 feet
Likes: The color blue, his sword, video games, and anime.
Dislike(s): Better competition, and death
Magic Attributes: Depends on the situation (but I'll list some elemental attacks here), Earth Shatter (downward slash to the ground and the earth splits to damage multiple enemies), Air Tornado (holds sword and spins around and around causing damage to either one or multiple enemies), Water Strike (slashes sword in the air and water will fly out and attack an enemy), Fire Slash (every time he attacks with his sword, flames comes out of it...he and Ignatius both have this ability), Quadra-Elemental Disaster (unleashes ALL of the elemental abilities into one, and causing MASSIVE damage, Arthur only uses this whenever it is necessary)
Bio: Born with an British father and an American mother, Arthur was believed to be the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of the legendary King Arthur Pendragon of England, but Arthur didn't believed that, until his trip to Lake Tahoe changed his life forever when the seventh incarnation of the holy sword Excalibur appeared out of the lake. Arthur was then greeted by the former minion from Hell, Ignatius (who was waiting for the wielder of the holy sword all this time, ever since King Arthur's death), and becomes friends with him. And now when it comes to Yoshe living in San Diego...he's "love-rivals" with Ignatius (and they don't fight each other to the death, but they do fight side-by-side with each other, despite the jealous aura around Ignatius).

Name: Yoshe Ogata
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan (during the Edo Period)
Currently Living in: San Diego, California (after 391 years of being in Japan)
Gender: Female
Race: Youkai
Known Language(s): Japanese and American English (speaks fluent English)
Element: Fire
Weapon: Flame Whip
Weapon's Name: Firecracker
Eye Color: Red (turns a bright orange when attacking)
Hair Color: Black
Age: 391 [Appears 18]
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Likes: Any clothing that is red (or black, depending on her mood), guys with swords, anime (ever since the 1960s), and cats, and qipao dresses.
Dislike(s): Cockroaches
Magic Attributes: Flame Whip (a whip with the dominant element of fire, and uses fire-based attacks everytime the user uses it, only appears when Yoshe's eyes turn into a bright orange color), Ring of Fireballs (she twirls the whip around her and then she's surrounded by fireballs that'll help her in battle), Flamin' Temper (whenever she's in a rage, fire just explodes all around her causing damage to surrounding enemies, while leaving her unharmed, that's her special attack)
Bio: Being born in the Edo period, she was a beautiful girl in all of Japan, but when she turned 18, she made contact with a youkai, and the youkai promised her life would last forever if she done something very wrong. Just after Yoshe agree tot he terms of the youkai, and she was possessed by that same youkai and, while possessed, she killed off her whole family (after all of those killings the youkai escapes from Yoshe forever), and seeing that she made the biggest mistake of her life, she's runs away from home and became cursed to live forever. She stays in Japan for quite a long while, until she decides to move into the U.S. And once she took her first look at Arthur, she has a big crush on him. And now, Ignatius and Arthur are fighting over her (not to the death, of course).

Name: Ignatius (Latin for "fiery one" wink
Birthplace: Hell
Currently Living in: San Diego, California, USA (He befriended Arthur there, until Yoshe walks in front of them)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Known Language(s): American English and Latin (but can only translate Latin)
Element: Fire
Weapon: Flame Sword
Weapon's Name: Hellbringer (which he stole from Hell, and now in his good hands)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Age: 1794 (Appears 19)
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (not counting his horns) (same height in Demonic Form...just not counting his wings and horns)
Wingspan (Demonic Form): 20 feet
Likes: Fire, black and red clothing, his flame sword. and flirting with the ladies
Dislike(s): Water, and his father (Lucifer)
Magic Attributes: Fire Slash (every time he attacks with his sword, flames comes out of it...he and Arthur both have this ability, but his is more powerful), Fire Breath (spews out fire from one deep breath), Super Nova (sword becomes intensely hot and burn everything within a 5 mile radius, that's his special attack), Demonic Transformation (his true form, he'll use this in a final battle...what that final battle might be, who knows?), Demonic Slash (painful slashes that deal critical damage, it can even cut through steel like it was nothing), Demonic Wing (wings that protect him from either physical or magical abilities)
Bio: Ignatius was the son of Lucifer (the ruler of Hell), while he and his father took a random trip from Hell to the surface of Earth, Lucifer was tormenting and killing all of the people (especially the women and children)...Ignatius didn't like seeing what his father has done to the humans, and then after Ignatius and Lucifer were arguing about leaving the humans alone, Lucifer wouldn't listen and Ignatius couldn't take it anymore and decides to leave his father and Hell forever, and also stealing the most powerful weapon that Hell have ever forged, the Hellbringer (foretold whoever steals this sword from Hell shall be cursed to live forever), he shall stay the same age of 19 throughout the end of time. And for many years (waiting for someone to wield the holy sword), he's finally befriended by Arthur (since he's the wielder of the holy sword), but when Yoshe came to San Diego, he's "love-rivals" with Arthur.

Name: Minue
Birthplace: N/A
Currently Living in: Middle of Lake Tahoe (only to give Arthur the Holy Quadra-Elemental Sword, Excalibur VII)
Gender: Female
Race: Water Spirit
Known Language(s): British English
Element: Water
Weapon: N/A (as her soul will be absorbed into Excalibur VII)
Weapon's Name: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blue (as the water)
Age: N/A
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Likes: Water
Dislikes: N/A
Magic Attributes: As of being in Excalibur VII, she can use whatever water-element attack that Arthur commands to use.
Bio: The Lady of the Lake that resides in the middle of Lake Tahoe, she's a distant relative of the famous Nimue of the King Arthur legends, she waited until Arthur came into the lake, and upon telling Arthur the whole history of King Arthur, he agrees to have her in his sword, and therefore her soul will always be in his sword (yes she can still speak to Arthur, and his buddies). She's the blue crystal on Excalibur VII.

Name: Galahad
Birthplace: N/A
Currently Living in: San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm, California (he's waiting for Arthur there)
Gender: Male
Race: Wind Spirit
Known Language(s): British English
Element: Air
Weapon: Wind Sword (and his soul is later absorbed into Excalibur VII)
Weapon's Name: N/A
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: White
Age: N/A
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Likes: Wind
Dislikes: N/A
Magic Attributes: As of being in Excalibur VII, he can use whatever air-element attack that Arthur commands to use.
Bio: As of being one of the most famous Knights of the Round Table, he was involved in the search of the Holy Grail, upon his death he was then summoned to be a wind spirit, to search for the distant relative to King Arthur (that be our hero of the story, Arthur). Galahad's soul is absorbed into Excalibur VII after fighting Arthur, thus giving the sword air-element attacks. He's the white crystal on Excalibur VII.

Name: Lancelot
Birthplace: N/A
Currently Living in: Death Valley, California (he's waiting for Arthur there)
Gender: Male
Race: Fire Spirit
Known Language(s): British English
Element: Fire
Weapon: Fire Lance (and his soul is later absorbed into Excalibur VII)
Weapon's Name: Guinevere
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Orange, Yellow (as fire)
Age: N/A
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Likes: Fire
Dislikes: Water
Magic Attributes: As of being in Excalibur VII, he can use whatever fire-element attack that Arthur commands to use.
Bio: Another one of the most famous Knights of the Round Table, he was best known for his love affair with Arthur's wife Guinevere, and also for his part in the search of the Holy Grail. Upon his passing, he was summoned to Earth as a fire spirit only to wait for Arthur at Death Valley (the hottest place on Earth). His soul was absorbed into Excalibur VII after his fight with Arthur, thus giving Arthur's sword fire-element attacks. He's the orange crystal on Excalibur VII.

Name: Percival
Birthplace: N/A
Currently Living in: Redwood National Park, California (wow, a long drive from San Diego)
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Spirit
Known Languages: British English
Element: Earth
Weapon: N/A (he's peaceful but he's willing to give his soul to Excalibur VII for earth-element attacks)
Weapon's Name: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Age: N/A
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Likes: Earth, peace
Dislikes: N/A
Magic Attributes: As of being in Excalibur VII, he can use whatever earth-element attack that Arthur commands to use.
Bio: Another Knights of the Round Table knight, that is famous for the involvement in the search for the Holy Grail (you all pretty much know where I'm going with this). Upon his untimely demise, he was summoned to be an earth spirit, but his only intention was peace, but he's willing to help Arthur out with his fight against evil. He's one of the spirits that Arthur doesn't get to fight, other than Minue. His soul was absorbed into Arthur's Excalibur VII, and thus giving it some earth-element attacks. He's the green crystal on Excalibur VII.

Name: Pandora Fate (Her real name is yet to be known)
Birthplace: San Diego, California, USA
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Magician)
Known Languages: American English and Latin
Element: Magic
Weapon: Dark Magic (which she uses to help out Arthur and the others), and White Magic (only to heal)
Weapon's Name: N/A
Eye Color: Blue (but she prefers to wear purple contacts)
Hair Color: Black
Age: 19
Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
Likes: Goth fashion, dark magic, purple contacts (doesn't matter which shade of purple), and being Arthur's childhood friend
Dislike(s): Being jealous, her dad
Magic Attributes: Healing Spell (Pandora's only white magic spell, that causes her to heal not only herself, but Arthur and the others as well), Freeze Spell (whenever Pandora casts this spell, she's allowed to freeze only one enemy), Undead Dark Fire Dragon Summon (Only Pandora is allowed to summon the Undead Dark Fire Dragon, Boragon, which she was the only person who has ever tamed it), gonna come up with more dark magic later.
Bio: Pandora, who was born with a Gothic mother and a regular father, she met Arthur when she was 8, she always comes over to Arthur and play at his place. Pandora started practicing Dark Magic when she was 10, and she accidentally summoned the Undead Dark Fire Dragon, Boragon, when she was 12 and she showed no fear against the most fiercest summon that killed all who tries to tame him, and after she battled it with her own dark magic, she weakens the dragon and successfully tamed it, making her the first person who has ever tamed this fierce summon. When Pandora was 16, when she came home from high school, she found her parents on the floor...bleeding to death...they have been shot and Pandora was mortified to see her parents dead. Arthur was the only friend of Pandora's so he let her stay at his place, and she's always been by Arthur's side ever since. Now she fights alongside Arthur and the others, after she questioned Arthur about his sword.

Name: King Arthur
Birthplace: N/A (Believed to be born in England)
Currently Living in: N/A
Gender: Male
Race: Holy Spirit
Known Langauage(s): British English
Element: Holy
Weapon: Sword
Weapon's Name: Excalibur
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Golden Blond
Age: N/A
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Likes: The Forces of Good
Dislikes: The Forces of Evil
Magic Attribute: As of being absorbed into Excalibur VII, he gives Arthur a total makeover from original Arthur, into King Form Arthur, which grants him to be super powerful, and uses holy attacks against the armies of darkness (and also to put an end to Lucifer). Even in King Form, Arthur can use other elements, as well.
Bio: The prophesied legendary King Arthur Pendragon of England, was a noble man, turned king when he first encountered the Lady of the Lake (known as Nimue), who in turn gave Arthur the legendary sword, Excalibur. And with Excalibur in hand, Arthur ruled England with an iron fist, and he also grouped up a bunch of knights and formed the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur's main intention was to find the Holy Grail, so he sends out his knights (and himself) on an epic journey to find what he desires. And after he finds the Holy Grail, (just for a sudden twist to the King Arthur legend) King Arthur drank the contents from the grail, it was poison, and a short moment later...the legendary King Arthur died, and his named shall be forever known throughout the Middle Ages. Now King Arthur roams the Earth as the Holy Spirit (from the Middle Ages, before I get any hate messages for this) in search of his family heir.
I'll have some more characters to come up with, whenever I think of something. And I'm gonna change some of the character bios later, so see ya then