I've gotten new art since the last time I posted here, too... so here it is. ^^
Tasaika once again suprised and spoiled me with gift art. She's so nice to me. ^^ Thank you, Tasa... I really appriciate it. ^^

I comissioned a pic from Raspberry Waffles... I love the way he did the stealth top. Whoo! Check out my digital boobs. xd

Linz gave me a chibi... that girl... I wish she'd let me pay her for her beautiful art! I hate her for her tallent. xd

I comissioned Sacred Flame over at Stark Naked Sticks to do this for me... her pics are co cute! I really love her style... which I guess is obvious from the number of times I've gone back. xd

Another Sacred Flame pic... I wanted a pic of me and Pinkee, and I thought one of me stealing her bunnies would be cute. xd I used one of my older outfits, because I thought it'd look best with her outfit. ^^

I got two cosplay eggs from Kejoca... man, they're cute. xd I got Yuuko from xxxHolic and Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2... I love both those characters. I wonder how the two would get along if they ever met... xd

Back at Dark Turret Dragons, they had an adorable sable ferret dragon I couldn't resist. Kinda makes me want a ferret. xd

Chineze Hotty gave be this cute pic... am I really that cutesey? I don't think so, but she seems to. xd Thank you, Chiny! ^^

I went back to Stark Naked Sticks, and got Sacred Flame to do the first pic of some of my OC characters. This pic is of the first five dolls I plan to get - Jean-Claude, Blair, Natalie, Ethan, and Azami. ^^