(5-18-10) Hey guys and girls its seemed you came across what I wrote about the girl I love <3 Gaby Alacala I mean I truly love this girl everything about her puts a smile on face even on the stormiest days <3 she always cheers me up tells me how she loves me and always will make me feel like im the golden man <3 the night I asked her the magical question and she said yes <3 it put a ache in my heart of joy <3 I love how she treats me and how she doesn’t even mind that time I fell asleep on the phone for like 10minutes <3 she thought it was funny and it made me know she cares <3 that she din’t flip out on me <3i know ima spend a life time with her and even more<3also her attitude towards me is amazing <3 its always happy and joyfull makes me just want to run up to her and kiss her <3 futher moree ich leiba Gaby <33 sie ist mieine leibt and I know forever she will have a big palce on my heart : ) <3 all I need to make It through the day is to hear her say that she loves me <3 and I know it was destined for us to be together <3 that’s why I care so much about her she is my love and only mine <3 I must say I do love her <3 btw this is the prettiest girl in the world <3 sooo back off guys C: cuz il seriously beat ya up <3 shes mine and mine forever <33 ima marry this girl <33
 There is no one other then her <3 that I have feelings for like her <3 this is my girl Gaby of course <3 S+G = Muchoo love <33 forever <33
Sexi Samuel · Fri May 28, 2010 @ 10:05pm · 1 Comments |