How i did -5/28/07-

Title: Bill Clinton Score: 8.4417 Total Ratings: 1214 Total Comments: 387 Rank: 13 Comments you received Factoids rofl nice!!!
comfortably_dumb ******** AMAZING!
cindy64bo80w Good
Tore One domokun domokun
Gem_ma haha ******** clinton! 10/10
paulines789n Cool
patsy854u1 ^_^
marie8sn285r Good
kristen7fz93n Cool
Toeb lol
-Aleera18- LOL ^_^
maryowa3ja5 -_-! nice to meet you guys
Geminicat wow
bsdfairy21 lmfao! 1000+!!!!! Good one!
yp0u13lk5673fx That is good!
jennie030jec Cool
NightGoddess15 can't see! lol
jillega82n That is good!
vernondrar0su That is good!
leroy2u82s Good
esther4930e Nice
davidij90xa2 Nice
normac5wzev That is good!
jaynewf8vqkh Good
bigheadguy67 no
clouded 10!!!!!!!!! hahahahah....return the favor?
vampiric urge props
fangyu_lin724 ...
rosannevnfspx Cool
Booty Lucious this is an original ought to be remembered~!!! lol Yes i am asian and have no eyelids... yes im proud of it!!
Avengedkid *dies laughing* 10 for making me choke!!
Never__More BAHAHAHA! This needs a 10. Ugh, impeachment. I've been waiting for a good avi with the oculus.
theasiangurl lol funnyy. 10/10
KatanaButch Wow...that's hysterica. Very nicely done. 10!
r509818zr0 That is good!
iheartnoodles very funny! 10/10! Good Luck!
xvxhanyouxvx Isn't that a glitch or something? 0_0
Impy10932 lmao
samoangurl96 lol coolies
sekiria-azael lol
PastKai funny as
Nameless Goth 10/10
5tgfr4 nice
xAsian-PunkX HAHAHAHAH XDD omgad, u give me tears on my eyes Xd heheh, well done!
BKz Baby Girl Hee hee this ones great! =D
crystals2 heart
25_DeCeMbEr_25 wow ....
Edward Elricardo Nice, lol. Pretty Original :p 10/10
Nihilicious Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's absolutely awesome, except that it doesn't look all that much like Monica Lewinsky. But otherwise, ten. rofl
weerrrtttt nice :mr green:
Frollyfruitcake Holy s**t that brilliant! rofl 10d hilariously original xd
Alyca XD 10
fiter109_2 kinda original
cute_kilala nice
sweetgirl67 sad
raspberrytea224 Very cute, love the blur.
Madreperola Good luck!
Cuboko hehe pretty original. wee!
coolguy980 cool
OGuardianAngelO hahahhaa awesome!
Oblivion863 lol
metalhead6661 nice lol
DeepDive-Roxas very vert cool man
Touraco lol
~SQUAMYZILLA~ 10!!! YES!! 10!!
khemikalblackrose nice
Blooming in Evergreen XD
l33t_ghost XD
Xo_Ale_xX lmao nice very nice wink
Chi`izu~Kaizoku hbgbghbfytghb
Doranenkahl Absolutely MUST win
Julia Constantine nice...
seraphtin not bad..10
freya-elda >_<
Tsukino-kun412 cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weda562002 totally hilarious
Shadow_Flame05 lol thats good
captyellow cool
williamc24q3v Nice
kellyn53uz0 -_-! nice to meet you guys
earl88814f Cool
Keeper Mara Love it, I'm actually going to see him talk soon, at a graduation. smile I hope his wife wins the election.
Keeper Mara Love it, I'm actually going to see him talk soon, at a graduation. smile I hope his wife wins the election.
ahelpinghandjustforyou 6
littile_amanda nice lol
chef_nanez3 lmao wtf i give this a 10/10 becasue it is sooo freaking true lmao
larryfeu7y4w -_-! nice to meet you guys
bill_tom_101 funny dude
Periwinkle-Kuni You have a very good chance to becomeing the best avi of the week. Nice.....
NakuruBlossom lol rofl
iluvguys1991 pretty charming wee!
wkhnautp awesomee
Dame Vi Sangirin HILLARIOUS! TEN!!!!!
Ayrako haha
xXLeftover CrackXx Haha...
gommenasai yukiko omg!! thats so ******** awesome!! lolz
Master Howl You just made my day. I remember when that was on the news. I was laughing. 10
CorruptedRoy 1o/1o
HannahTurnbull Omg i remember when he said that when i was looking upsongs on limewire....Your so creative!! 10/10!
Red_WolfXIII omg!! xD LMAO 10/10
Notturna This gave me a giggle xD
=P r i n c e= =]
the smoo Thats a pretty cool avatar
poojuice ~__~
4yk4 great, great , great!
ballada lol!!!!!!!
Maritri LoL
FFchaosX Thats a pretty cool avatar. But imo it clashes a little too much and you should definalty get yourself an OMG
glendahx932 That is good!
cindy76w71ge -_-! nice to meet you guys
Rozen_Riia LOL
-nighthunter- Brooke Now this is interesting! :]
cindy76w71ge That is good!
chaise0963 lol
Eternal-Oblivion Cewl
cellohugger A brilliant satire on ole "Willy"... ha ha ha.. 10 from me!
violin371353 Gaia FTW!
Cecilia LeGrand Lol.
Kanissa Haha, I love it!
randomstyx thats great
Pred. Slayer pretty cool 7/10
G00dboy_Tobi this rulz 10/10
Commander Zurg Amusing.
Yoo+Koo pretyy good
berneicey1pr2 That is good!
coco1919 lol biggrin
DeadWifes rofl love it !!
DOOM 7987 hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
francesbze1i -_-! nice to meet you guys
master vacum hahahahahahah
mimi_kamure lol! -10-
portion438494 Omg pretty excellent
ElizaLena Wow! Haha! That is too funny!
Esoterically_Vicki LMFAO XD Kajillion votes, if there was such an option!
m o n i c a LOL i like it! 10 xD
Sundara Ray that is pretty funny
Mr.SmexyMan XD
Malia_Maria Nice^-^ I like it, it's hilarious.... good luck... 10
kokita1 sdfsdefgsdfg
Kamui_Lennon GREAT domokun domokun
Goddess Sanctuary It's not funny
[.Shadow-Death.] *snickerfits to death* I love this.xD 10 for you.
Ritzy LOL 10
leah405061 Nice
Gigglesnort Lol xDDDD
Girl_Ofthe_Heavens o-O
cvcxc3dh5s01su -_-! nice to meet you guys
Chu_the_Oni "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" .... dude, you f**king did. 10
wrnssvnjmc8ds6 Nice
LozBo hahahahhahah xd
Spicy Chicken Wings Doesn't matter when you did it, it's still hilarious.
Alexandru25HolyBlade ******** great!!!!
beasty_man ... Dude... I love you... o_O.... props to you having guts to put this up! * shows rock on hand sign*
solid snake jr sacsacas
seiy-chan xD
pixieluv k i love this one i hope you win!
leonore71w73 Nice
eL` Holy Sh!!!....... 10!!
Serenetempest nice
Inuyasha_Sit_boy_108 cool
pinkywink09 cute!
SweetAngel61 nice
tinaj945v -_-! nice to meet you guys
mrtzqrqw I've seen better ones.
DarkOceanAngel Lol....a 10 +
Julia Thorn What the'? That's just great!!
Tactical Fox lol
Hikadie luv it lol
DJ Bizzerk lol 10
Demonioum looooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!
Canedo Tuxedo If this doesn't make first place, I'll be very sad. Someone should send a link of to this to our X-prez. He'd love it, I'm sure. xDD
everlastingsmile95 LOL!!
love_panic Haha. XD A+ for you.
Nowhere in the globe My fellow gaians I did not have sexual relations with that girl razz
alicommagali amazing!
Angelic_Cloud01 :big laugh: hehehe!!!10/10
Rixis Arjuna Hahahah thats a good one 10
iTig rofl xD Thats rich.
J3wel Lol xp 10/10
Rich Uncle Pennybags lol heart boxers
just-a-good-for-nothing simple but i love it 9/10
j S W E E T S LMAO nice 10'd
michelle taichou lmao
xneosanderz .....okay......
Terrex Typhoon nice!!!!!!
Butterfly Raw Haha, win.
RukkyChan lol mad D
VampyressKyttie Lolz.
PokeDrill celebrity date is sexy
ariel lisha lmmfao... cool.... niiice one
slsjxxnl Kool i love it!!
Skittycat5555 wow super different! 10/10!
wukjjdcg haha thats funny
angelofthewater13 Love it, very creative 10'd...btw I did not have sexual relations with that woman either
[Kiyoshi_mule] XDD~ <33 You need to win! D:< 10'd
SoulRoots monica leuwinski
rosalina101 razz razz razz razz razz
lukie211 this is new and funny!10d
Endura Amazing 10
Shadow Splitter 10
janaheart LOL.
Toan Embers HAHAHAHAHA. 10 / 10, hands down...or should I say pants down.
x C a g e d x W o l f x FUNNY!!!
DanceAlongtheClouds cool avi!!!!
juditht874z -_-! nice to meet you guys
fiter12345_2 extremely interesting! grrr...
mrs. pierre bouvier Clever and very very very very funny!!! 10!
jovianne lol//
Danni2793girl rofl XD
M.E.Conwell Amazing idea XDDDD
Saint Pegasus Seiya like monica was not red haired...nor skinny
SessLover18 wow...hilarious! XDD
Tsuchii Genius![/size:b12cf44e8e]
Kirschbonbon *lol* it's funny :3
rosesrnbloom Good luck on your contest. Your avie is very original. Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a nice day!
majicm9 XD very nice
p0esje LOL 10
highlighting330779 Ahh!... this is original! 9/10
WiiPlay omg pretty astonishing 9/10
oOoOoP145 lol xD
Yuichi Hirose !!! OMG
princess_nour :'D 10/10
Elinfalk rolleyes hahaha!! xD 10/10
ayame bakushin 10 rofl
Leiloshere Haha this one is great! xD
shiratori reiko lol.. nice
LittleMissSick Hahaha. I like it!
Razorwulf ... rofl
oXDarkTearsXo Ya! Awesome! Bill Clinton....I give a 10 for exposing him! >:3
Sora-Shan o.o
riku_404 7/10
Sirenas Legend.
Yacirojana hahahahaha!!! U sure followed the news that year to the T!
blackcatman funny
Haz4rd ROFL!!! NICE!!!
andy yoon lololololololololololol
Teen-Rinku I don't get it x.x; ((Yes I realize I'm stupid))
JimsonWitch Pure genius! rofl
keiisobe ooooo !!!! I LIKE IT !!!! XD 20/10!! (i wish there is a 20 =/)
Dking9527 funny
FallsMistress99 Hahaha! thats funny!! rofl
JubeiXKibagami Arr man, that deserves to win!!! Lmao!
SekushiXelda LOL! Very nice! I totally give it a 10!
Frozeenz Stupid a**-hole Clinton! I hiope you win!
Sol 0000000001 oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katsnya xD
Veripare I have to admit, this is very funny.
girliegirl1113399 ...
I_am_TJs rofl
zxcvbnm345 lol
Tanova rofl nice job ^_^ good job doing this lol
Xxchoc chip cookiesxX lmfao 10
braiii braii thats hot
zenzhu xDD interesting parody XD
Mr-Knob Lol
[Kryptonite] MMM.. 10/10
[ Bakayuki ] 10
BK Crown Win.
lucky13thirteen now that's just wierd... sweatdrop
EbGirl You win.
Slither Snake lol 5/10
Rothus LOL, i love it! 10'd
hiro6612_modern sephiroth lol
0Angelicus0 XD Makes sense!
Wurt Nice!! Clinton rocks.
Doubloons LAWLSSSS. 10'd.
Keeper of the Waters ha ha then that must be Monica
mtdtran16 cool.
jay1ge350 -_-! nice to meet you guys
Haku-Ryu lol nice! 10/10
H 0 L L Y W 0 0 D thrust lol
Hatsumono lol! Original! 10
SpaceSamuraiKz this is teh best one I've seen all day!!! xd
Dreams-for-the-depressed LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow that is good!!!!! You are a funny one!! 10 for you!!!!!
teh_panda_fairy LOL i <3 it
despaired icon_roll.gif thats amazing
sakura(vampire) lol funny
SpongeWitGunz dude nice! thats a cool story you got there.......but i bet you that your did do somthing with her
aliamalfoy lol 10/10
Steamy Dumpling DUDE! I LIKE THIS ONE!! 10'D!
Timshady once i killed 14 rats with a bat ^.^
xxp4wnedxx You deserve a standing ovation... 10'd
Dark_Nekito lolz<!!!!!!!! hahaha very funny 10/10
Ivy Foxfeather Oh, that's good. XD
Princess Makino Lmfao
Naxts_The_Demon LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess of Ember Oh my god, this the funniest thing I seen in a while. 10 just for the amusement factor
KaleIllfarn LoL Hell funny =D!
Ucets I heard of that before. XD
box386258 O RLY? quite awesome.!!!
C u n t y! Hmm... extremely astonishing wee!
nikep nice
kagome159 lol XD
30robot so original 10/10
lkiana XD
Evil Poseidon Hilarious. I did googooity that girl. I geshmoigedeed her gaflaibedeed with my gugus. And I am sorry.
plural263775 Ahh!... this is good smile
Einhorn Hey, at least he's better than Bush.
RokuHazzaku lol
Obsidianlizard Lol
ballin3000 extremely joyful
xShannax :rotfl: Quite funny. xD 10/10
cherubtin not bad
aeoilis Ahahah, nice. rofl
x.sodamachine Haahahaa. Tenn^^
xXtiaNx great!
WormHole Ehehehehehehehehehe. Funny.
Cardinal Ninja OMG, I just about fell off of my chair. GREAT cosplay....thingy.....anyway, 10'd.
XMachika Funny(:
CrystalAngelofMagic niark niark niark niark niark niark niark niark This is a funny avatar....
Gracem OH MY GOSH! Just telling you, you got a ten from me.
kittykittycutie lol :laughing: this is like too funny!
pixy7454 Hahaha!!! I can't stop laughing!!! 10/10!!!
slaghoople hehe.... I like avi's that make me laugh!
Elizabeth de la Lune Thats a pretty cool avatar. But imo it clashes a little too much and you should definalty get yourself an OMG
pwnblizzard64 LOL 10/10 GJ!
kanu of the firestorm Lawlz
Blitz300 awesome
Aquamarine415 cool. 10
scarface4269 lol.nice! smile
Pao Low *gets gold and run away*
[.Sally.] It looks great!
Moon-Kunoichi That is SOOO true. 10!
Psycho Kitty Alchemist 10/10
Darkfox1100 Perfect
Sasha_Yamato 8/10
LOL is Stupid xd Nice.
heartless93 lol. i did not have sex with that women. but i wanted too
Prince_of_sorrow13 funny first one i give a 10 to.
Cloud (buster sword) nice lol
Sheldon16 U PIMP 10/10
Cat Goddess Bastet ...?
Gedichten Ha I get it.
izinsane LolZ!!!
culpritkitty L-O-L
DemonicXgirl odd.
The Atomic Peach Funny. 3/10
lovedstorm lol, 10'd
A Devils Fortune Best. Cosplay. EVER. <33333333
deathbewoe HAHA! !0
taration lol
`Orbit xDD
MysteriousWays awesome XD creative and original, love it. lol 10/10
Lucifiel Naresemis rofl, nicely put together!
Shikyo Nashini rofl, this is awesome xD
milhouse012000 lmao
` That 70s Witch. LMFAO!
AmbientLight StarWind i love it
danny002 : shock : I guess this must of have been on the few photos of proof... 10/10 lol
[-Griever-] I love you ;-; 10/10
Ninja Wolves This is literally the best thing I've ever seen in the arenas! This should seriously win!
[Kyasurin] 9
halt141875 lol nice
marisolk56jc Cool
cynthia182 very nice
Pun_Killa There are not words to describe how awesome this is.
Nekogal #3 XD Ooooh, politically insulting and incredibly accurate! I love it! Easily 10/10. Just to let you know, the people telling you to get an OMG are bots. As are the morons who type random letters, "good!" and "uh, yeah, uh"
Ishida Ryuuken M.D. Oh Clinton... :sigh:. Points for originality. 10/10
[M]oegi lol
Azn.Dudette 7/10
Twilight Yuki ....lol
Haidee1950 cute
AHHitsAlexis nice.
China Tea Set hillarious!
x_ViAnCa_x that is so sad, but funny! I had once did a report on him myself!
demureangelica love it.
cinamincandy OMG thats amazing!!!!!
Holidayrocks How do you do that with your face cute
Endura Good Luck I hope you win.
Endura Good Luck I hope you win.
` Daidouji Tomoyo xD I lol'd it
mira de la lune Thats a pretty cool avatar. But imo it clashes a little too much and you should definalty get yourself an OMG
iminuyasha2 this is very original! I love it!
Cragxe my dear god thats funny never seen that one before
Grand21 it look stupit.and u not have pant
Never__More 10
luv yah 4 evah like your avi but mostly love the undies smile
pride08 really now
Shinobi Anbu Temari OMG! (..this is clever..) 10 for joo mad
Kyudoka · Mon May 28, 2007 @ 06:55pm · 0 Comments |
How i Did last time in the Avi Arena
Title: Phsycotic Murder Score: 7.6322 Total Ratings: 447 Total Comments: 179 Rank: 0 Comments you received Aegis-Eishiki The whole black look is constantly over-done. But this one looks somewhat interesting.
spaceshipclick2 Pretty original smile
Elijah_A there are already lots of black , shadowy themed around...
darkfairyx3 dont really lik avis wen trhey put to much effort in it
MiKoU-ChAn Waah! It's dark but very cool! Good job!
Bork Bork Bork! So nice
Vic_valentine Wow, 9
[A.N.B.U.] Hatake_Kakashi cool 9/10 , plz rate back
love1982 Very beautiful XD
MCheezy awesome design!
DemonicFyre Parts of it bug me, but I like it overall. 9'd.
Linksshadow9 Looks mexican.
princess yuki-chan why are you looking at me like that?! stay back! i said, stay back! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Kaitlyn So awesome. But I think I just like evil avs XD 10'd. Rate back?
zerilli definitly awesome i really like that u actually gave him a sword ive seen bad ones that dont even give him a weapon
k_dizzle what is with people and death and satanicness on this place geez it is annoying
Zellie5 9/10
Lost_Loney Soul interesting...in a good way!!!
browngigi Very beautiful !!!!
BruthaMan This isextrordinary biggrin
cowpooa original...
popiyy so so so koooooooooooool so im giving u a 10/10
sweetlove565 like it
marmalade_sarah pUNK!!!
goodguy5 I like it enough to give it a 7
qwhas3 Extremely awesome! !!!!
Sashana Shadow different... me likies 10
Meow Meow Love It's kind of cool.
OPHEL!AC eh. 7
le_emo18 This isawesome
ch33333seme4 Very original.
FighterBlood very cool
Suupaa Man This isoriginal :]
Billy-d cool 9/10
Gods_Hands funny but plain 7
Roniismyname112 I think it's dark,and deisterbing
moldy_soup667 ohnoes!
moldy_soup667 NEat!
witched_angel289 10/10 awsome!!
Asuka The Rose lol
Varsheena That's really creative. Certainly one of a kind. Good job.
Roodeeron If only there were chainsaws.... *ahem* I agree, more mass murderers needed. twisted
utaganar whao!!! cool avi ownz... 10/10
BabayKittay Pretty excellent
Knightmare_doku cool... 10/10 for pie..
senbonzakura kageyoshi interesting
E-kips Black and dark, awesome. Lovin' the sword.
hantitshova Second... ^_^
[Angelic_Demon] kewl!!!! i give it 10/10
Son-Goki I don't like the hat... Without the ha it would be much better...
Aimee_Carlson Meh. Needs color. Perhaps some blue or gold to match your armor.
BarransOwl hehe Mass murderers.. Love it!
bloody valinetine cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
~Cutiebuns~ nice sword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Menisci I don't like the shoulder guards. They're too out of place. 7/10
bon_jovi babe very cool
smoke-the troubled angel excellence
Hellevica 7
BukkakeMan So good
silver arthrone cool
warrendavenport So cool! biggrin
deltona Pretty nice! !!!!
gnoserif Interesting how the swords of aegis become feelers.
copthorne Pretty original!
bartrobeson Pretty amusing biggrin
thomps333 sweet dude. i really like it.
kirby1000 hi
dragons_layer cool 10
leannrenee 10/10
Aeris Magic Flower lol! ok! i shall vote u! xd
henred5 Very interesting...agree with the 1st comment! brilliant really!
A n t i C h r i s t Very well done
lock the dragon lol its good 7/10
snowhoe01 Very cool !!!
Disturbed Danny i like it
WordsWillCome cool. 9/10
No named bob its more interesting than most black guys that enter in the arena 10/10
hes messing with my heart cool
snowhoe04 Very awesome smile
Taru_Ichigari Murderer my a**.........Psychoes look like me!
candy_cute cool all black!
Rape Ape
jimkinsatbi Extremely intriguing
shi_no_baka Interesting... (Misspelled psychotic, by the way)
lawchan Scary. I like scary. dark..I like dark. Muffins i like those but I don't see any on your avatar. And that's completely...normal. So therefore, I'll give you a 10.
PewterKat This is interesting. It looks well thought out and balanced.
Navel Boogers you spelled psychotic wrong. YOu should spell check before you show anything in the arena
Kyudoka Obviously you all have seen my spelling errors.... i wasnt trying to be correct if you havent read my story its full of funny things as was supposed to be my spelling but if it bothers you all that much....... ill leave it alone just to make you even more mad -Grin-
buttfly oohhhhhh
jak_2000 TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10!
jackul black
Xiao_Jun nice
kyo kyo32396 awesome
Akarukage ....
sgt afro thats cool I've wanted to do something similar your is better
Mad Punk Disease The black really makes you look very serious about everything! Its off the chain
En Tus Ojos So good! 9/10
En Tus Ojos This isawesome
Mai_blonde This isastonishing
En Tus Ojos This isgood :]
xsimply_special I like the hat x3
Hiro_101 to plane
AryaNari *runs off and huddles in a dark corner in the basement*
Great Onizuka Sensei pretty good
anoaki nice, 10/10
XXJamie_bearXX that looks pritty good
naomiruth biggrin
lml Nadrion lml I know right. I'll give you a 10, just because I totally agree that we need more brutal murderers.
Shinami-chan coolio!!!
mshonesty Awesome.
hell purifier cool
banana pudding Waaaah this is interesting.... I love the look... there's something different about it and i like how you used the hat. What I don't like are the shoulder pads, they stand out too much. 7 from me!
Veryle 10
lilgir89 Its looks so awesome, i like the sword cuz it goes good with it, i will give u a 10
snowhoe07 Pretty amazing
demonwindmill way cool 8
AnGel oF DeaTh 2o1 its nice a nine
Hiatonen Nice. 10. Love the aegis and hat combo. xd
korean_cookie duddee. i like itt . =)
[ [ Namine ] ] you look like a psychotic mexican.. XD 10!!
wallwallwii nice
own2pwn this is awsome were you get all the stuff i giv it a nice perfect 10
woewoe666 crazy kewl
Clpincel very nice
Y o u r x M u m I agree with the first comment, though I strongly disagree with the hat. 7/10
idc15 kool
little_annie ok
Blackcandle11 Extremely astonishing
pie dude tw0 Love it! but the mith shoulders are totally out of place
Hyuuga Kage freaky yet awsome
BS Devil nice
danc3rgrl wow
LudwigKim Very original :]
I Humbly Pray 10 Extremely good !!!!
kristy210 almost over done but great job
Saphrial Interesting.
Hikari.EXE I like it.. it actually looks LIKE a murderer xd 9/10 definately... love how the lunar cowl is used too.
Soni_No_Fortuna Very good
Crabby Mc Pubelice Ohnoes.
snowhoe11 Pretty good biggrin
friikki zene Holy O_o; though the idea is very much overused, I like it! So 9'd~!
Lea Stark good
thomps333 i already commented on this one
just duckie nice
Alice Cherry Wonder I like this alot. <3
mattiii i lolve it i hope you win
17KYLE17 wow very dark......8/10
Eliada ...
JohnnyChoi tight
Ninja_Yura pretty cool. mythrill armor is too out of place though.
Scissored Heartstrings cool. 10/10
Jully AIYE! <3333 10
nemogurl I think its cool...
-Simply Rini- Too much stuff..
~Yami-Neko008~ The name made me laugh. XD
M-revolver it is freking black! 10/10
Moogle At The Front Door Cool. 8/10
EryianPrincess hmmm, interesting. i'm pretty sure i like it ^^ 9/10
The evil potato I think I just wet my pants..
LightDeath coool
Akuma01 8...
ReneSara So good. smile
Soni_No_Fortuna Extremely intriguing
Faezza cool
silentscreams22 coolness
leleling oh u can sabe me eney time 10/10 for my killer
Rylie_Riddle 8/10
princess_nine#1 wicked!
pumpkinlaylay2 Pretty good.
[The.Purfect.Kitty] cool but lose the gold thingys they dont go with your whole look ok but ill still give u a 10
snowhoe10 So excellent !!!!
Partly_Cloudy So good
snowhoe11 This isamazing
Partly_Cloudy Pretty nice!
TheDoomKitty I like it. surprised
Kyudoka · Mon Nov 20, 2006 @ 10:04pm · 0 Comments |
Well my Girl friend and i broke up
That and i found out my Buddy died in iraq today.... he was only 22 and died by an IED it just makes me mad that people make these ******** bombs to kill people.... i cant stand that terrorist blame there problems on us... granted our president is a ******** tard and gets us in a s**t load of trouble but ... i dont know im tired of it all
Kyudoka · Thu May 18, 2006 @ 04:00am · 2 Comments |