That day I thought "thumbs up" was still cool.
Some kid told me that was so 4 years ago...
I put my thumb in his eye.

That day I thought ponytails were still cool.
Some kid told me it looked gay...
I whipped him in the face with it.

That day I thought "SHOOPDAWHOOP" was still cool.
Some kid told me that people stopped shooping last month...
I blasted him (obviously).

That day I thought tribal paint was still cool.
Some kid told me I just looked like an idiot with eyeshadow on my face...
I impaled him on my spear.

That hour and a half i thought "gangsta" was cool.
Some kid told me I was ignorant...
I shot him 206 times with my glock. In the face.

That day I thought under armour + sunglasses = cool/sexy
I think I got it right that time.

That same day, when I thought you were cool.
If you actually read all of this, I'm 2 for 7!