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April 30,1014 Daily journal entry. Planning to write about my experience today. Mood: Full and regretting

Community Member
Mood: Uncertain
Song Playing: Zack Hemsey - Redemption

It has been awhile since I've posted an entry on my gaia journal.
Lately I've been reading my old entries, there are pretty out-of-date to my current situation. Sadly I've lost two of my best friends last year. Not that they've died, but I think the best way to describe it is that we've gone to our own separate ways. They've decided to stay with each other and I myself moved on without them.

I will not go onto further details about the whole thing. Though I might say that maybe I have changed a lot; find them unfitting to how I've matured as a person. Sadly I've realized that they do not funny understood the secrets that I've shared to them.

At the end of the day; burning bridges are a lot harder than said...

Moving on from that past and into the future!
My birthday is coming up. (tomorrow) Family members from left to right are asking me what I plan for my 18th birthday. Honestly, I don't want to do anything for my birthday and they're making me feel bad for me not putting much importance on my birthday. Birthday is just a date when you remember your birth. Technically speaking; remembering how your mother pushed you out from her womb and out to see how the world. Even though all you can see are fuzzy lights and shapes (great).

I have decided earlier to go to Baler with my friends, for Josh's birthday. Since his birthday is on the 10th of January. Then again I am too broke to buy a bus ticket going there and back. Now that I am left with nothing special to do, I've decided to sleep throughout my birthday. Hoping that I'll gain an inch taller (maybe).

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