Basic Statistics
Name: Christina Lynn Taylor
Nickname: Chris
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Blood type: AB
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race/Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Current status (marital/dating): Single
Political Party: Independent
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Misdemeanor or two.
Socioeconomic level as a child: Middle.
Socioeconomic level as an adult: Middle
Birth date: 8/19
Current residence: California or New York
Occupation: DJ at the New Noise club.
Hobbies/Pastimes: Making mixes, singing, archery, karate
Talents/Skills/Powers: Sex, Charisma, excels in her hobbies
Past History
Hometown: I’m not sure where exactly I’m from, but I was raised in Albany, New York.
First Memory: Furthest back I can remember is following a girl through some jungle gym. There’s stuff before, but it’s fuzzy.
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Most of them. I mean, the past made me who I am.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5’6-7”
Weight: 110lbs.
Posture: Very good. Shows confidence.
Build: Slim, with little curvature. Some curve to her hips, but not a lot. About a mid-B cup.
Skin: Peachy
Hair: Yellow dyed hair. Everywhere else is her natural dark brown. Hair cut is messy, half-way down her neck.
Widow's peak? Nope.
Ears: Normal? Attached.
Eyes: Light bags under her eyes. Hazel. Just a little closed usually. Eyes are open and exciting when she’s working or doing something she loves.
Nose: Normal.
Mouth: Lips are a bit thin, but the rest is normal. Nice, white teeth.
Expressions: Her lips give a slight grin, and her eyes usually look a little sedated. Hard to describe, easier to show the inspiration pic. She has a bit of a smile, but her eyes show a little sadness.
Describe their smile: Can be a big cheesy grin, a small smile. Its usually a crooked grin, with her left cheek going up and exposing some teeth. But she laughs and smiles normally too.
Tattoos/Scars? A small scar on the back of her right hand, not really noteworthy though. Lots of tattoos. Has two female symbols connected on her right hip, a tribal armband on her left bicep, A rose vine with four flowers on her lower back, and a small lion head on her right shoulder blade.
Glasses/Contacts? Glasses for reading, nothing else.
Left/Right handed? Ambidextrous, but favors right hand.
Who does s/he take after; mother or father? Mother’s eyes and build, father’s hair color.
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Usually shabby.
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear? Jeans, a button up shirt, a tank top, and sneakers.
Jewelry: Sometimes wears earrings, always wears a small pendant of a silver apple.
Other accessories: likes to wear her black wristbands. Has them in a variety of colors and sizes. And has some gloves.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, but doesn’t use it for fighting.
Health: Good. Could use some sleep, but it doesn’t hinder her.
Hygiene: Excellent hygiene. Doesn’t really buy flossing though.
Physical Flaws: Kinda scrawny.
Physical Qualities: Stronger than she looks.
Note: I don’t usually do make up, or nails. Well, never nails. Make up depends. For work, yes, but I don’t usually do too much outside of that.
Other Characteristics
Are they generally balanced or clumsy? Balanced.
Mannerisms/Poses/Movement: I kinda hunch when walking, but not a lot. I do keep good posture when standing though.
Describe their walk: Um…I stroll. Never really in a rush to get anywhere.
Habits/OCDs/Obsessions: I cannot stand other people in the kitchen when I am. If they’re on the other side that’s fine, but I hate people in my area. I start to flip out a bit. I have trouble cleaning house if someone is not helping or is watching. I cannot, CANNOT, stand lights being on when there is natural light outside. The blinds are open, why do you need the light on?! I like to be called Chris. I don’t need Ms. Taylor, I really don’t. I’m Chris. Don’t worry about a lack of respect with me, I prefer being called my name.
Speech Patterns: Nothing really out of the ordinary. I don’t over-articulate, and I don’t slur my words together.
Unique phrases/words: Ah, I have no idea. Not really.
Do they curse, and if so, to what extent? Sure do. I can get pretty bad sometimes, but in normal everyday conversation I don’t use too much.
Voice: It’s mid-range. Very mellow, and calm. It stays mid when I get angry, but not so calm.
Describe their laugh: Um…it varies on how funny something else. It’s usually a chuckle I guess.
Describe their sleep patterns (light/heavy sleeper, no sleep, sleeps too often, etc): I just sleep. I don’t get as much sleep as I should, and I usually have a nap sometime during the day.
Describe their dwelling/house: It’s bigger than what I’m used to. I make a decent living, and I share it with three other people. It’s big enough for us all and then some.
Describe their bedroom: Spacious. Nice dresser, sort of small closet, computer and all the hookups, audio equipment, and my lovely soft bed!
Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Intelligence Level: I’d like to think I’m mid to…mid, I guess. More world wise than book smart.
Known Languages: English, some French, and a little German.
Character's long-term goals/desires in life: Ha, none.
Character's short-term goals/desires in life: No goals, just living right now.
Secret desires: Hm…none come to mind.
How self-confident is the character? I am very confident in myself. If I don’t have faith in me, should anyone else?
How do they see him/herself? I don’t really think of myself much. I guess people see me as sort of shady, but they learn who I am over time.
How do they believe s/he is perceived by others? I don’t know. A good person? That’s what people tell me.
Is this character generally dominant or submissive? Dominant.
Patience level: Pretty high. Some things set me off fast though.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? More emotion, mix in some logic for good measure, and that’s me.
Most at ease when: Listening to music, in good company, sex.
Ill at ease when: Varying levels. Usually in high stress situations.
Describe their sense of humor: Very expansive. I laugh at quite a bit, but not everything. Stupid for stupid’s sake I don’t get.
If granted one wish, what would it be? More wishes.
Why? To cheat the system.
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths: I’m charismatic and confident.
Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws: I can be very harsh on people, but they have to cross a line.
If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be? Humility.
If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be? Lust. Hell yes baby.
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Just about anything cute.
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert, but I can get introverted.
Greatest Fear: Loss of sight of hearing,
Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Um…not a fan of bugs.
Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: I have no idea. Um…I tend to be self-sacrificing, if that counts.
Biggest regret: Not being awake when my adopted parents left for their movie and got into that crash.
Other regrets: Plenty. Not enough confessions of love, not enough love given, sacrificing happiness. Yeah, I sometimes regret my one big…strength, I guess.
Biggest accomplishment: Becoming a DJ of some renown.
Minor accomplishments: Nothing really noteworthy.
Musical talents/instruments: Singing, DJ-ing.
Character's darkest/deepest secret: Like I’m gonna tell you.
Minor Secrets: Secrets aren’t secrets if you say them!
Likes: Sex, Love, Music, Art, Dancing, Living
Dislikes: Anger and hatred.
Color: Blue or a really deep reds.
Clothing: A black beanie I’ve had forever. I wear it a lot, but mostly in winter time. Has my initials in it, with a heart.
Place: Either the club or home.
Room in the house and why: My room. It’s where all the magic happens.
Food/drinks: Italian food and Chinese food are my favorites.
Music genre: Club, house. I do like just about everything though.
Songs and Singers/Bands: Digital Love by Daft Punk. Played every time I work.
Movies/Tv Shows/Performances: The L Word, Colbert Report, anime…lots of stuff man.
Actors/Performers: A lot. I might go into detail later.
Least Favorite:
Clothing: Bras. ******** them.
Place: Anywhere where there’s no talking and I can’t bring my iPod.
Food: Guacamole! It just doesn’t look good.
Music genre: Country and rap. There is good stuff in both, but they are genres I don’t really pursue.
Where does this character like to hang out? Work, my house, with friends.
Where is this character's dream place to live? Airship! I want one!
Motto/Personal quote: Go with the flow.
Mode of transportation: Feet, usually. I do have a Mustang with some years on it for far distances, but I tend to walk.
Most prized possession: iPod and beanie.
Why? Well I need music. Like, badly. So it’s important to me. The beanie was knit by my best friend for me when we were little. It was really big on me, but I’ve grown into it.
Emotional Characteristics
Describe character's sense of morals: Morals…treat everything nice, respect life, and um…be happy.
What do they consider taboo (something they personally would never do): Anything really gross. Yeah, vague answer, but there you have it. I wouldn’t eat poo or anything.
Describe character's etiquette: Friendly, but not formal.
Describe character's sense of self-control: Usually pretty good. Sometimes I lose control though.
Spontaneous or structured? Little of both.
Instinctual or logical? More instinctual.
How does this character act in public? Alone, I’m usually quiet. With people, louder.
How does this character act in privacy? Same, but louder for different reasons. ;D
How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends? Much more formal with strangers.
How does this character act around family? We have a lot of fun. Teasing, joking…lots of it. If you mean my birth family, I don’t act very well around them. Not like they really deserve anything more.
How has this character most changed from youth? More world wise. I’ve gotten quite a few scars from life. No longer as naïve as I was, but I probably am still, if only a little.
How have they remained the same? Happy disposition hasn’t dwindled.
Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew? Adopted parents.
If so, who? Oh, guess I just said.
How has it affected them? Made me really depressed. But I eventually snapped out of it, and began to wander. Lots of fun times.
How does this character deal with or react to:
Conflict/Danger: Level headed. Worry about others first, then me. Stay cool.
Rejection: It happens. Used to hurt a lot, but I’ve gotten used to it. Rejection is never easy, but try not to obsess over it.
Fear: I don’t have too many serious fears, but they are paralyzing to me. If faced with one, I’d probably crack a joke but be freaked out.
Change: Like a river, baby. I may not always like it, but I rarely try to stop it. In my own life I will try, but it’s not my place to break someone else’s flow.
Loss: That’s life. It is sad, but try not to keep you down. It’s okay to look back at what you’ve lost, just don’t look so long that you miss the present.
Sex/Flirting: It’s all fun to me! Depends on the mood. I might play hard to get, I might give it up, or I may not be interested. Same with sex. Rough, gentle…it’s up to mood. What my partner likes does come into play too.
Pain: Not a masochist, but there is some pain I like. Fairly small limit as to what I like though.
Stress: It’s stressful. Usually blow off steam via sex or karate practice. Sometimes I blow up at friends and I feel like s**t after. Used to keep it all balled up, but I try to release it asap now.
Peer pressure: Punch them in the face/ignore. You aren’t gonna force me to do something.
Guilt: Plenty of that. I try to forget it or move past it. I can’t say I don’t care about their feelings, but I put a limit on when I can be made to feel guilty about something in the past.
Being wrong: Embarrassed, but it happens. Usually get a bit upset, but then get over it. Can’t be right all the time.
Being criticized: Same as being wrong. If it’s someone I respect and know is better than me than I take it constructively. If not, I tend to call names at them in my head. Only with know-it-alls and people who are just blatantly rude though.
Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): Like you’re gonna bother me anymore. Been called every name in the book. Try again later dude.
Offending others: This all is very vague. I like it and I don’t. If I offend someone who I either didn’t mean to or didn’t have it coming, I feel bad and try to make it up to them. If they’re being an a** and have it coming, then ******** them. Then sometimes I’m feeling very blank and if I offend then I don’t care. Rather, it doesn’t register.
Praise: I take it well, though I sometimes have trouble saying something in return. Tend to feel like I have to return the praise. I do not like too much praise though. Like, when people start laying it on thick.
Being loved: I love it. I really do. Sometimes there’s too much love, or unwanted love though.
Being hated: I don’t usually get hated, but I’m cool with it. Not everyone is gonna love me and I can respect that. Hate me somewhere else, or quietly. No need to bother everyone with your beef.
Humiliation: I think I handle that about at as well as well as anyone else…not very well. Not a big fan of practical jokes or anything like that. Usually get pissed majorly by them.
How does this character express:
Anger: Um…angrily? When I get angry I either swear or punch things. Or both. I can keep quiet and be angry too, but it eventually winds up being released via swearing, shouting, or punching something.
Sadness: Expressed by crying, silence, swallowing it down and letting it stay in me, angry sadness, or…a momentary moment, and then it passes. I’m very situational.
Fear: Screaming, gasping, crying…punching things. I swear I’m not violent, just…tossing it in there. You never know when you will punch something on reflex.
Happiness/Excitement: Kissing, hugging, laughing, clapping, high-fives…punching. Just kidding. Lots of ways to express that, don’t you think?
Love (Consider the "Five Languages of Love" wink : Love…man, these are sorta open-ended. I show my love many ways. Usually by saying “I love you,” or something. Or by holding a hand, hugging, holding…little things and things done together are some ways I show love.
Lust: Sex. Heavy flirting. Touching. Tearing clothes, if I get really into it.
Stress/anxiety: Groan of frustration, but usually I keep that to myself to get rid of it later. I might talk about it, depending on who’s around.
Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea): Ignore or avoid them. I try not to be snippy to even the people I don’t like, but it has a tendency to happen. More so if they’re getting in my face. I don’t like to fight, but if you insist, then I will.
Approval (of a person, thing, or idea): By saying something positive, like a normal person.
How does this character generally express themselves? I try to keep a carefree and happy attitude. Everyone should I think. Life’s too short to freak out over everything.
What does this character think/feel about:
Marriage: I’ve seen them work, seen them fail. I think I’m too young to care about getting married, so I don’t. It’s nothing I’m looking for right now. Though, if the right girl came along I might reconsider.
Children: If marriage is far off, children are even moreso. No plan on having them myself, but my partner can.
Family/Family Values: I loved my adopted parents. They really instilled some good values into me I think. I would love to pass their happy demeanor to kids.
Children/Youth: Kids are fun! And I loved being young, and still consider myself young! So much to do before I settle down.
Old age: It happens. And I’ll be the baddest old lady around.
Sex: Yes please.
Love: Love it. Looking more for a good time right now though. If I can get that and love, party baby.
Friendship/Other relationships: Couldn’t function without my friends.
Homosexuality: Well…being a lesbian, I’d have to say I am for it.
The opposite sex: They’re fun, usually. Plenty of assholes, but that rings true of everyone. I have a lot of guy friends.
The same sex: Fun sex here. All are squishy and fun for me. I do see more than pretty faces, naturally. And there are plenty of girls with smarts and looks. Even more girl friends here.
Money/Material things: I have no real love for money, but I know it’s necessary to live. As for material things…sort of the same. I do love them though. I could live without some of the luxuries I get, but since I get them, use em. Not hung up over them mind you, but I do like having an iPod.
Politics: Nothing I could really get into, as interesting as it is. I’m too peace and love to survive politics.
Religion: Too busy in my own life to worry about the afterlife or whatever. I don’t hate religion, mostly. I do hate that some people get turned into zealots and crusade against everything that doesn’t fit their gospel. Mind your own business, jeez.
Destiny/Duty: If destiny is real, I’ll pass on that knowledge. If I can’t change my destiny then I’m not interested. I’ll find out when I get there. I believe in duty, but I believe it’s up to the person to decide their duties.
Magic/Myth: Never seen magic as far as I know. I love myths. I don’t believe they’re true, but its so interesting to see how people explained how things are.
Racism/Races in general: Racism is so stupid. I really don’t get it. “Races” are silly too. Black, white, brown, whatever. We’re all part of the human race. Just in a variety of flavors.
Science/Technology: Science is interesting, but sometimes slips through my comprehension, as does technology. But I love them.
Nature/Animals: Um…love them. Really do. Walks in nature are so fun!
Their past: I’ve had more downs than ups in my life so far, but I’ve had good people to pull me through and keep me happy. A few regrets here and there, some anger, sadness…and plenty of good times.
Their future: No idea. I’m sure the future will be similar to the past, it just hasn’t happened yet.
Their role in society/job/etc: Just here to play people music and help them relax. Whether or not my job is important or whatever isn’t anyone’s call.
Drugs and alcohol: I drink every so often, and have tried a few drugs. I don’t get into that stuff anymore though. If others want to that’s fine, just don’t expect me to get involved.
Killing/Murder: I don’t like either.
Education: Education is a good thing. Everyone should have at least high school level education.
The foreign/unknown: Exciting!
How does the character view life? Life is a blend of happiness and sadness. Enjoy it for what it is, and don’t get bogged down by the sad times.
How does the character view death? I don’t really think about it. I know it’s gonna happen, but I’m not worried about it.
How does the character view society? Full of good and evil.
How does the character imagine his/her own death? Hopefully dying happy and fulfilled.
What does the character want out of life? Fun, and new experiences.
What does this character consider "success" to be? Hmm…following through on something I guess. Or spreading a good message.
What would the character like to change in his/her life? I wouldn’t change anything. Scars from life made me who I am, and I like me right now. So, nothing.
What most describes this character's personality? Free and caring.
Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do): Parents, friends, seeing people live in this free way and joining it myself.
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical? Event, I guess.
Relationships with others (non-married)
Relationship Skills: Very good, if I do say so myself.
Loves (non sexual): Friends? Plenty.
Lusts: A lot, most of which came into fruition.
Crushes: A lot!
Girlfriend/Boyfriend(s): A few girlfriends, but I keep myself pretty free.
Other lover(s): Hmm…I’ve had a lot.
Marital status: Single
First crush: Probably my closest friend.
Did it last? We haven’t done anything, she’s just a friend. Not that us being a thing would be bad.
Best Friends: Kate Rogers.
What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner? Someone cute as a button, who is submissive but can be dominant, and cute. Not just physically, but…is just cute. And caring, and kind…and funny.
Is the character judgmental of others and how so? Not really.
How is s/he perceived by...
Strangers? I don’t know.
Friends? Trustworthy, so they tell me.
Coworker/Colleague? Lots of fun.
Lovers? Best sex ever! I give my lovers what they like in bed.
Describe their sense of trust: I have levels of trust. Everyone starts off with a level, and you go up. Seriously betraying trust does not go well. It’s almost impossible to get back a trust lost with me.
What type of individuals does s/he like or associate with? I like just about everyone.
What type of individuals doesn't s/he like or associate with? Super druggies.
How do they treat members of the opposite sex? Same as anyone, but I sort of assume sex is on the agenda.
How do they treat members of the same sex? I don’t really treat anyone too different. I’m more flirty around girls.
What do family/friends like most about character? My attitude and generosity.
What do family/friends like least about character? Probably my promiscuity, but it’s not like they hate it. Ask them, I have no idea.
Sex/Romantic Life
What do they consider to be a romantic setting/activity/date? Just about anything could be romantic. Movies, the beach, walking and talking, dancing…I’m free to just about everything.
What did they do on their first date? Was at a dance. Dinner, then the dance.
How does a normal date go for this character? When I have them, dates usually go well. Flirting, touching…sometimes sex, sometimes not.
How would they like to propose or be proposed to? Pass on that right now, thanks.
Virgin? Not even a little.
Describe his/her sex life: Lots of it.
How often does this character have sex? I guess it depends on what you call “sex.” As a blanket answer, I’ll say very often.
How long can he/she go without sex? Few days. I don’t need it constantly, but I do need it.
Does this character have self control around individuals of their sexual desire? Describe: I do have self-control, but it gets hard to maintain if they’re trying to tempt me.
Does sex play an important role in their relationships, if so, how? Semi-important. I like to give it a lot more, so I usually sex up my partners a bit. I don’t necessarily need it in return.
Turn-ons: Scratching, biting, finger sucking, lingerie
Turn-offs: Not too much. I don’t even wanna use the word…number 2. That s**t literally is not cool with me.
Fetishes/Fantasies: Being in complete ecstasy.
Sexual perks: Open to just about everything.
Usually on the top or bottom? Top.
Dominant or Submissive? Mostly dominant, but I do love to get submissive too.
Describe their first sexual experience: Was with a friend of my brother’s, Alison. She was 19 at the time.
At what age? 14.
Was it planned/originally intended? No, I doubt that.
Was it consensual? Very.
How did they feel emotionally, afterwards? It sparked something in me. I felt really, really serene afterward.
How has this affected the character, if substantially at all? Well we kept at it for a year or two. She was something else. I picked up all of her tricks, and improved them.
Possible psychological reasons for their sexual fantasies or behavior: Ugh, this makes me feel like there’s a problem with the way I am. Did Alison affect me? Yes. Was it in a bad way? I don’t think so. I don’t have a crazy obsession with sex, I just like it. It didn’t scar me in any way, in fact it’s given me a new way to help people. I can ease tension with sex. That’s a good ability to have. Plus, I’m good.
Family (they were raised with)
Immediate family members and their ages: Neil Taylor, 45, and Morgan Taylor, 43, Ryan Taylor, 28
Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: White
Ethnicity and/or species of the father: White
Birth order: I thought it was pretty obvious by numbers.
Extended family: Cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents. They do at least. Personally, I don’t know.
Any important/infamous/famous ancestors, and if so, who? No idea.
Birthparent(s): Christopher and Amanda Johnson.
Are they still alive? They are yes. Adopted parents died when I was 17.
Did they raise this character? Adopted parents yes.
If not, why not, and/or what happened? Birth parents apparently felt ill-prepared so they left me at an orphanage, yet they had two kids like…a year after me. Go figure.
Are they still together? Birth parents yes.
How did each parent treat the character, growing up? My parents were great people, seriously. Always supportive and kind. They really helped me become who I am.
How does each parent treat the character now? Have yet to meet my mother. “Father” seems to think I should give a s**t about them now that they’ve decided to intrude into my life after 20 years.
What does each parent think of the character? He doesn’t really care for the life I’m in, and he just will have to deal with it.
How did the character treat each of their parents growing up? We all got along really good. They treated me as their girl, and…I really was. We had a fight here and there, but that’s not new.
How does the character treat each of their parents now? I always go to their grave on the anniversary. 5/16.
Siblings (if any):
Are they still alive, if not who died and when? Ryan Taylor, 28. Plus the two kids from my birth parents.
Describe how each one treats this character: He didn’t always like me. We kinda are buds now, but I guess it’s weird having a strange kid come into your life and become family.
Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings? Mhm, I got his cell.
How has this character's relationship changed with their siblings since childhood? We got closer after the accident. That’s pretty much it. We still get at odds with each other, but that’s siblings for you.
How did s/he get along with the family as a whole? Very well.
How did s/he get along with the siblings, if any? Shaky, but okay.
Describe their family life/dynamic, growing up: Open, happy, fun.
Describe their family life/dynamic now: Not really existing at the moment.
Favorite parent: Mother.
Why? Told me stories of when she tried out girls. Though not related, her hunger may have rubbed off on me.
Spiritual Characteristics
Religion: Atheist.
What are the character's spiritual beliefs? None. If something’s out there great, if not that’s fine too.
Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life? Nope.
What If
If this character were to be characterized by an object, what would it be? iPod.
Why? For my love of music, and you can have porn on them too!
What would/does this character do if confronted with someone identical in personality? Get married/Sex
What would/does this character do if spontaneously placed in a whole new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc? Try and keep cool, and get their bearings.
What song best fits this character? Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
If you could compare this character to an existing character, who would s/he be and why? Shane, from The “L” Word. She’s very sexually active. Train…whatever, from Black Cat. She has that very free attitude on life.
If you could choose an actor for this character, who would it be? Actress who played Shane.
If you could choose a voice actor for this character, who would it be?
Who/what was your character inspired by? A picture. Unlike any other picture I have seen. It inspired me to write, which a picture has never done before. She is a mix of Shane and Carmen from The L Word, with bits and pieces from my personal life, other people’s lives, and just everything I’ve read, seen, or heard.
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