Species: Mermaid (Siren)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6'4" (Head to Tailfin)
Weight: 215 lbs
Species Biology
Mermaids are an aquatic species capable of drawing oxygen from both the air and the water. They have the capacity to live in either salt or fresh water, though most live in the oceans due to its greater size. Their eyes are generally spaced far apart, and - like dolphins, whales, and sharks - they have dorsal fins on their lower backs. On land, they either have to drag themselves with their arms, or make use of other transport devices for longer distances. While not heavy enough to crush themselves, like whales, they are nonetheless at an obvious disadvantage on land, hence why most prefer to remain beneath the waves. As very little light tends to make it to the deepest parts of the ocean, mermaids have very good night vision.
Sirens are a subset of mermaids born with the capacity to influence people with their voice. Their singing skills are second to none, and tend to induce a false sense of serenity in those who hear it. While powerful in its ability to control others, it has its limits in that a sufficiently-prepared individual can resist their commands. Most sirens will simply draw a victim in close and tear their throats out with their teeth, rather than command them to drown themselves, as an individual is more likely to snap out of their trance the more a command runs contrary to what they might do on their own. While people can resist, few animals can, and this skill's initial evolutionary purpose was for hunting.
Culturally, mermaids tend to wear little in the way of clothing, as it creates unnecessary drag in the water. The affluent may take to wearing accessories, and hair pieces are common, but things like shirts and dresses are practically unheard of. The only clothing commonly known to most mermaids is the kind used specifically to protect the body, such as armor.
Salt is honest to a fault. Her capacity for lies is incredibly limited, given her inability to maintain anything that so much as resembles a poker face, so she has come to prefer simply telling the truth, even if it would be to her detriment. The only times she might attempt to lie would be when the truth runs the risk of hurting someone's feelings, though her numerous tells means that only the densest would be fooled by her claims. Similarly, she's terrible at hiding her emotions, and wears her thoughts like a book. If she finds something upsetting, humorous, or anger-inducing, it's written all over her face. In spite of this - or perhaps because of it - she's incredibly good at reading other people, and is practically a living lie detector when she's truly paying attention.
Nonetheless, Salt is an empathetic soul capable of seeing the good in everyone, even if there's none to be found. Even when angered, she doesn't believe in ever truly hating a person, regardless of how despicable they are; to her, everyone is capable of redemption. That's not to say that she'll blame herself when someone else is clearly at fault, of course. If someone intentionally does something to bother her, she'll expect an apology. However, once remorse has been shown, she considers just about anything to be in the past. Although willing to fight when necessary, she places a high value on human life, and will never kill unless she truly has to to protect herself or others.
Favorite Foods: Seaweed dishes, and just about any meat, be it sea or land-based.
Favorite Color: Yellow, the color of the sun.
Favorite Music: Classical music.
Favorite Animal: Seahorses, because she finds them adorable and charming.
Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy, land-plants, or food that is particularly difficult to chew or swallow whole.
Least Favorite Color: Red, for its negative vibes.
Least Favorite Music: Songs that are excessively noisy or high-pitched.
Least Favorite Animal: Sharks; not because they're scary, but because they're competition for her favorite meats.
Lying: Because of how terrible she is, she can't stand situations that require her to keep up a ruse. The prospect of getting caught is just so terrifying that her greatest defense is to just blurt out the truth and hope that the individual she's dealing with believes it to be a joke.
Starving: Salt grew up orphaned and poor, living on the outskirts of society to escape persecution for having been a siren. She's come close to starving to death on numerous occasions, and the idea of going without food for too long terrifies her.
Losing Mobility: As a result of her helplessness on land, she's afraid of losing or breaking the devices that she uses for long-distance travel.
Negativity: Her strict code of ethics is due in part to her behavior as a child, wherein she hated the world and everything in it, taking out the animals she lured towards her in unnecessarily violent ways. She's repressed most of those memories, but remains afraid of somehow becoming the same hateful, lonely person she once was.