Feel free to choose any design, or make some variations of your own. You can mix and match and, if need be, recolor items and clothes between the outfits as you like, so long as there is some form of mostly-black longcoat that typically reaches at least the knee (whether the one from the Nightmare (the one on the left), Kottan Bell Reunion (the one on the right), or one you make up - it doesn't even necessarily have to have sleeves), preferably with a highish collar, or, on rare occasion, she does not wear the coat in favor of another trailing garment like a long scarf or skirt/tasset.
She is semi-furry (fox ears and a tail needed with no human ears, and claws/fangs/slitted pupils etc. optional). Her nails are naturally long and black (and sharp!). Beyond that, feel free to remove the Goti Clips or make her skin and eyes more normal (white sclera and round pupil) if you want, though please keep the facial markings.
Personality notes This is a max-leveled zOMG avi that became an OC. Though she began as a relatively normal, headstrong woman, the advent of the Animated led her to spend months fighting, alone and lost in unknown territories. Over time, she became a paranoid, untrusting, and skilled fighter until she eventually cracked under the strain and started to revel in the destruction and death she wrought, learning to live sheerly for the joy of violence. She eventually re-encountered society and other humans in the form of a chance meeting with her now-best-friend and partner, fellow CL 10.0 Junett, but never truly re-adapted to peaceful civilization and generally doesn't understand the need for the companionship of other people. These days, she is independent and stubborn with a crazy edge that loves violence and near-death experiences, and can be prone to outbursts of maniacal laughter. While she does have a playful side, it is nearly always tinted by bloodlust in any context - be it greeting a close friend with a fangey and slightly manic grin or making a shockingly normal smile while using a mostly-dead, bloodied barnacle fluff as a cat toy.
Her focus on a high level of physical activity and lack of concern for social mores has led to very little modesty, and she frequently wears clothes that, while stylish in their fashion, do not cover much and allow for free range of movement. That these clothes often display her leg, stomach, and facial tattoos (all gained as tokens of major victories against the Animated after her meeting with Junett and occasional return to cities) is honestly sheer coincidence. The sole exception to this practicality rule is her ever-present long coats, which she claims are her "signature" and can be useful for hiding in the shadows and shrouding small movements from her opponents.
She really likes large, destructive weapons of all sorts (with the sole exception of the occasional backup daggers and pistols, which are the only form of gun she'll use), fire, animals, nighttime, explosions, blood, dark places, and sugary things, and gleefully chases after anything small that scurries. She also adores the strange black cat that followed - and continues to follow - her around until she accepted it as a pet and let it into her house.

Again, she is semi-furry with the fox ears and a tail with optional tertiary traits, but no human ears.
Personality Notes This was an avi that became a sort-of OC who is logical, reserved, and somewhat cold to others except for those close to her, like her kitties and Junett. She likes reading, stargazing, drawing (be it in her own room or from life on a park bench), cooking, taking walks in the rain, nature, practicing magic and alchemy, and peoplewatching from high places. Beyond that, feel free to move/remove/modify items (hat included) as you see fit.
PyroAurah · Sun May 22, 2011 @ 09:36pm · 0 Comments |