Man, Photobucket majorly shrunk this pic >__< Ah well, it is to be expected.
It is currently my wallpaper!
I was listening to the song "Colours of the Rainbow" by Italobrothers and got inspired to draw my characters dancing! Better yet, they all have hair the color of the rainbow! How clever!
I tried to put only characters from my M.O.E. story in there, but then I realized I didn't have a male character in my story with blue hair O__O;; Dilemma!!! So, to solve the problem, I threw Thyme in there. Of course, as I was drawing this, I started noticing other weird and obscure things. Starting from Yellow, the character's eye color is the next person's background color...I also noticed that none of my character's have green clothing, only green accessories...and then I noticed the hight pattern in the picture...and that everyone happens to have a belt of some sort XD!!
Funny stuff. The whole picture took about 4 hours on and off.
3 Hours of sketching because I wanted to make the hight ratios accurate...even with chibis!
Dance dance!!!
Left to right: Futo "Makki", Urok Ying, Aki Galewraith, Soya Galewraith, Thyme, Yumikaido Azalea
All characters (c) Me