When you hearthe words "World War II", prehaps you think "History all in the past. Dull, dull, dull. Nothing to do with me." But believe me, if someone says "World War II bomb", you should sit up and listen.
That's because there are small heaps of WW2 bombs buired in the most random places; and just because they didn't explode way back then doesn't mean they won't now. Actually, the longer they're left, the more dangerous they are. Without getting too technical, the insides coorode, the detonator can be exposed, and the bomb is unstable; which means it could go off at any time, risking destruction and death to anyone nearby: even now, all those years after the war.
A festering bomb is a very dangerous bomb; and the same could be said for festering anger. If you bury your anger and let it fester away under the surface, it could explode at anytime, when you least expect it. Don't be pround of anger, but pray about it.
It's dangerous; it hurts those closest to you; it causes you to lose respect in the eyes of others: it can slam doors for opporrtunity in your face; and God doesn't like it. Check out what he says about anger in Psaml 37:8, Proverbs 16:32 and Proverbs 19:11. Today, do your best to diffuse any festering anger bombs in your life before they go off.
"Cease from anger...it only causes harm." Psaml37:8
To be cont.
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