I'm a mommy. 3nodding
Cherry Cheri · Sat Apr 07, 2007 @ 03:48am · 1 Comments |
I'm preggers!! xd
Cherry Cheri · Thu Aug 24, 2006 @ 05:31am · 0 Comments |
I'm now in Washington with my new husband...picture below. I'm gonna be so bored when he goes on his sub for 3 months though so you people need to keep me company. 3nodding
Cherry Cheri · Wed Mar 01, 2006 @ 08:32pm · 0 Comments |
 Isn't he cute!! whee
Cherry Cheri · Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 05:18pm · 2 Comments |
I'm really confused...he said he still loves me and still wants to be with me but he also says he still loves her and wants to be with her. I notice I've only been bringing him pain lately and that's hurting me too... sad I don't know what to do. I know she's better then me. I don't know why he acts like I am. I only seem to cause him pain and I just want it to stop. Something in me keeps telling me to just stop talking to him and move on and let him move on too...but then there's that part that swoons whenever I hear him. He's like a drug. I can't go a day without talking to him, it's like pure torture... I love him so much and I can't help feeling jealous everytime he says how he loves her or misses her... xp It feels like she stole the one I care about most...which is kinda what she did...I don't know what to do....kill me now please.... crying gonk
Cherry Cheri · Sat Aug 06, 2005 @ 06:54am · 1 Comments |
I woke up this morning UBER sick. xp I hate being sick! Anyway, me and Jim are ok I guess. We had this huge fight last night (don't wanna say why cause he may get mad), but by the end of the night I think we're ok. We opened a few new doors in our relationship (his words) and I'm thinking it's a good thing. I'm kinda worried now though cause when I got on today I looked at his profile and noticed he's taken down our siggy of us...but who knows. I got really upset when I noticed it though, started flipping (like usual). I've calmed down since then though cause I got nosey and looked at his post history and noticed something he said at like 5 this morning about looking for his girlfriend an angelic pendent. I just don't know if I'M still his girlfriend... sweatdrop sad I hope so. I don't know what I'd do without him and losing him is like the worst thing I can think of happening. Well, I'm gonna go. I wish someone would comment on here...it's getting pathetic. xp
Cherry Cheri · Mon May 23, 2005 @ 09:25pm · 4 Comments |
I'm writing in my journal!!
Anyway, I'm almost out of high school and in college! I'm kinda scared but oh well. sweatdrop My birthday is in a few days so pretty soon I'm gonna be clubbing! It's not like I'm gonna pick up any hot guys or anything though cause me and Jimmy started going back out! heart
He's so great. I can't even explain how happy he makes me. He's the only guy that's ever trully showed me respect and love. heart I hope I never lose him.
heart Krissie heart
Cherry Cheri · Fri May 13, 2005 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |
Yes, I changed my avie...I don't know something in me wanted change. *shrugs* Anyway, today was weird. And sad. I haven't gotten to talk to my Hero in three days. crying I hate it. But, I think i've been driveing everyone nuts complaining about it, so that's all i'm gonna say...unless he suddenly signs on!!! xp ok...I guess that didn't work. Anyway, no one's been on my buddy list. I've been really lonely. I haven't talked to some of my friends in a very long time. It really sucks.
Anyway, i'll talk about how today was weird...Well, it started out normal enough....mom yelling, me late to pick everyone up....again. xp Anyway, School was pretty normal except I was starveing, even though I had breakfest, I was still hungry. Oh, in french 2 we had to memorize these stupid phone convo's. I did it with this really preppy chick....not cool. Then in weight lifting I have once again discovered how to make your a** hurt without intercorse in anyway. xp Everything else was pretty normal, I think I failed another AP biology test. Then after school, I went to meet Tony and Renae at our usual meeting spot and Tony stole my new set of keys. I bite him and he gave them back. Then while I was driving him home he gave me a wet willy (he was in the back) while driving! I was so pissed. He almost made me run into a pile of dibris! I finally got to his house. Then he reach over and started giveing me a hug and I hissed at him. He relized I was still mad and was like, "I'm really sorry, please don't be mad." Well, by this time, I wasn't, but I was acting like it cause I wanted to hear him beg. Anyway, this kept on for a few more seconds, then he kissed my cheek. Not a big deal I guess, but it was really weird, I was the only one of his "girl-friends" that he's never kissed their cheek. Then this, outa the blue...Whatever. Not that long ago, i'd be swowning (sp) right now, but not anymore. I really don't know how I feel about him, but I think i'm over him. Anyway, this is really long, so i'm gonna go. xp Bye guys. Please comment if you can think of anything to say. heart I love you all!
Cherry Cheri · Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 02:48am · 1 Comments |
Hey guys, it's been a while.... |
Well, I noticed my last journal entry was kinda....depressing....so I decied to write another one. 3nodding Anyway, I'm bored as hell. I've been helping my mother a lot. Even though she still says I do nothing. xp Oh, I do have some cool news!! I might get a job at a pet store! Pet Land to be exact! That would be awsome. I love animals and i'm good with them. The only problem is I would want to take all of them home with me. xp lol. Anyways, i'm prolly going to apply for the job in the next few days. I CAN'T WAIT! xd
Cherry Cheri · Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 02:31am · 2 Comments |