I don't know why but sometimes I get the craziest assumptions about me, the person behind the screen. So, to clear up some of that and hopefully avoid a stack of embarrassing PMs in my box here's a few facts about me, my Profile if you may razz
Name: PatriK Key Age: 23 Lives in: Sweden, a place called Västerås, roughly translates into Westridge. Occupation: Student What I really do: Gah, got me... I'm a bit of a slacker, too much spare time on my hands and too little to spend it on. What I enjoy: Music, looove to listen to it. Nothing beats getting home, slumping down in a big comfy sofa and plague my neighbours with everything from Marilyn Manson and Dark Tranquility to Lords of Acid and Childrens Lullabies... all in stereo with enough bass to cave somebodys intestines in whee Mwehehe. Also, I'm an artist, part time lately... Can't seem to get an inspirational break though. And Finally I'm an Urban Ruin Explorer, part of the V.A.T. (Vasteras Action Team.) What is an urban ruin explorer? Well, someone who goes into places nobody would think of going, places people overlook because they're old, abandoned and well, ruins. We then take pictures of all the beautiful post-apocalyptic scenery only a ruin could provide. What am I like: Well... truth be told I'm a bit of a loner, a hermit almost. I'm a goth and keep to myself most of the time. There are so many unpleasant sides to society and one can only subject oneself to So much before the head is clogged with Bullshit xp
And well, finishing off with a pic, smiling one no less.

Psychee · Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 08:58pm · 12 Comments |
Hmm... I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here... My style won't comply with my ideas and yet... Gah >_<
Anyway, I'm compelled to make a portrait of the Mysterious G-man from Half life 2. Yet, his strangely sunken down face refuses to take shape when I try and scribble... I guess I'm suffering from Bishounen-toxication from having drawn too much sugary sweet bastards... ggh!
I guess I need to practice drawing Old people but... Nah, no fun. Especially when The Mad Hatter keeps peering over my shoulder, demanding I draw him again and again... Lousy skirt-chasing fop, it's not enough I drew him and Bunny as well as The queen of hearts... But how should I let sweet little Alice take shape, hm?
Ah, for those not yet initiated, I'm in the process of reinventing the characters from Alice in Wonderland. The flamboyant boyo above is none other than the Mad Hatter himself.
Sweet little Alice is up next then... Or maybe the Dutchess? Or the caterpilalr? Yeah, that'd be a laugh... flaming crackfiend of a caterpillar.
Psychee · Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 08:21pm · 1 Comments |
Checking up on the ol' guild status |
Ahh, that time of the month again -_- Inspiration strikes and not in any form that i can put it into images so much as a scene... Two guilds escaped my fingertips and fled out into Gaia and despite all my goodwill only one of them were sniffed up by curious Gaians...
The Bleak academy and the less popular (which is beyond me) Ruthless Inc. Oh well, can't win em all.
My pride and joy, Afterlife has been devoured by the hungry tide of Database errors and is lost in the abyss... Boohoo.
Psychee · Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 08:10pm · 0 Comments |
Whew, and the journal takes off with a size 43 bootprint in its posterior. Right-o, I'll just jot down whatever needs jotting down when I feel I have enough time to spare in my busybusy schedule...
Ah, who am I kidding, I have more time than I can waste. Sucks being lazy though... So lazy.
So anyway, i'll update the journal whenever it hits me that i should. And only relevant material that will benefit mankind like Artwork deadlines or Guild news or personal info or what groceries I bought last week.
Well Zounds, enough with the introductory feces and right to it then.
Psychee · Tue Apr 26, 2005 @ 08:02pm · 0 Comments |