age: 18
location: deep atlantic oceans..tends to surface everynow and again to visit fox on a small boat
personality: sweet and caring, a hopeless romantic she can sometimes be cruel and finds it hard to trust people after being hurt many times.
when on dry land she is alot more harsh and untrusting around others although around her love she is always calm and relaxed, willing to be her true self
she is a very playful squid.
weight: 33 stone...hey tentacles are heavey :p
height: 5 foot 3
apperance: light purple skin with a few darker scales
big pale blue eyes that glow under the water
thick dark locks
small dark lips
curvey voluptious body
extra: sometimes comes up onto dry land a few times a year, using a spell to move her tentacles and give her legs, but tentacles are always on her human body be it in the form of hat or scarf
when on dry land she is alot more harsh and untrusting around others although around her love she is always calm and relaxed, willing to be her true self
True Form: outfits

Her fave outfit....Her Formal outfit....Her street outfit....Her winter outfit
human forms:

Age: 17
location: England
height 5 foot 5
weight: 11 stone
Personality: very trusting and nieve, loves games and is a huge computer geek, again a hopeless romantic. is shy around new people and muddles his words alot.
spend most of his time at the beach or on a boat visiting squidly, he is truely relaxed around her and doesnt care about her apperances. he has a true princes nature.
deep big brown eyes
soft pink lips
fox ears and tail
3 stripes on each cheek
soft muscles
extra: met squidly when fishing one day and he caught her
uses magic given by squidly to visit her world every now and again although this leaves him tired for days after.
True form:

sea form:

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