Self-Portrait Art
My mini art collection of me by various artist (from newest to oldest).

Artist: Princess Kuchiki

(Click to view larger image)
Artist: Kaenai

Artist: Houkito

Artist: Selena min

Artist: Therapii
Notes: Very cheap art for the queeen

Artist: Seiorai
Notes: Love this chibi with background!

Artist: IamHOWIE

(Click for larger image)
Artist: MisaBear

Artist: Quirkily
Notes: Freebie art

Artist: Hollielillie
Notes: Freebie art

(Click to view larger image)
Artist: TearyTartuliusNovu

Artist: TearyTartuliusNovu

Artist: cutesu

Artist: haineko_123
Notes: My first animated art!

Artist: artificial end
Notes: First paper cutout art!

Artist: Ciwish
Notes: Her newest art style called Toony Chibi

Artist: Auron Shinimori
Notes: First art I treated myself after purchasing my devil tail

Artist: xx I met my fate xx
Notes: Art was a freebie

Artist: Kappuke-Ki-Chu
Notes: Art was a freebie

Artist: Kappuke-Ki-Chu
Notes: My first chibi art // Click for larger image

Artist: Unknown
Notes: Paid for this in 2006 and kept it in my sig until September 2012. Since then, I have received so much inquiries about it. Unfortunately, I don't remember the artist. I only remember him closing his shop shortly after receiving my order and he hasn't been back since. At least not that I'm aware of. This is what my avatar looked like so long ago.
My mini art collection of me by various artist (from newest to oldest).

Artist: Princess Kuchiki

(Click to view larger image)
Artist: Kaenai

Artist: Houkito

Artist: Selena min

Artist: Therapii
Notes: Very cheap art for the queeen

Artist: Seiorai
Notes: Love this chibi with background!

Artist: IamHOWIE

(Click for larger image)
Artist: MisaBear

Artist: Quirkily
Notes: Freebie art

Artist: Hollielillie
Notes: Freebie art

(Click to view larger image)
Artist: TearyTartuliusNovu

Artist: TearyTartuliusNovu

Artist: cutesu

Artist: haineko_123
Notes: My first animated art!

Artist: artificial end
Notes: First paper cutout art!

Artist: Ciwish
Notes: Her newest art style called Toony Chibi

Artist: Auron Shinimori
Notes: First art I treated myself after purchasing my devil tail

Artist: xx I met my fate xx
Notes: Art was a freebie

Artist: Kappuke-Ki-Chu
Notes: Art was a freebie

Artist: Kappuke-Ki-Chu
Notes: My first chibi art // Click for larger image

Artist: Unknown
Notes: Paid for this in 2006 and kept it in my sig until September 2012. Since then, I have received so much inquiries about it. Unfortunately, I don't remember the artist. I only remember him closing his shop shortly after receiving my order and he hasn't been back since. At least not that I'm aware of. This is what my avatar looked like so long ago.