So the "cobay" was the LEADER of the fish humans (sounds crazy,huh?).
You should ask yourself: "Why does he becam the leader of the human fishes" or
"How did he?"
The answer is a little bit scarry.They wanted a man that is too crzy to distroy their plans and they found this poor guy...He tried to escape but he couldn't.So the fish titans droped a spear in the middle of the ship trying to catch him but somehow he escped...But later,he was down in the boiler room(because he was working there) and the Human Fishes catch him by a trap.He scream as loudly as he could be nobody heard him.(WAIT!We didn't find him in the same room? o.o)So they stole him and made him their leader.He went upstairs after me to "recruit" me in his army...But I found a Live Boat and escaped.But I forgot something HE was a fish =.=" my luck was that the boat had an powerful turbo engine.So I toot that I escaped but they we're still following me.And then......................................................................................
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Discover in next number!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~