Username: chemicallyxromanced
Name: Victoria Sabelle
Gender: Female
Age: 17; is around a century old.
What I suck at: Making sure she hunts, trying to live off of animals or artificial substitutes, staying in another form for long amounts of time.
What I know: How to stay out of trouble, seeing emotions in peoples’ eyes, using tact over force.
Race: Vampire
Orientation: Straight
Your street teacher?:
Power: Shapeshifting/taking on the form of animals. She very rarely uses this and prefers to just stay as herself. Victoria doesn’t have much control while in another form. She can also erase and manipulate memories – but, once again, she doesn’t want to turn using this power into a habit.
Personality: Victoria is usually a little daydreamy; she always has something on her mind to worry about, and dwells on past memories. She tries to live life as life is given. But she’s friendly and on the whole happy and optimistic. She doesn’t prey on humans until she’s formed a relationship and goes through long periods of time without feeding. Sometimes she gives off the impression that she cares about anyone other than herself, but inside she’s mildly selfish. She lives with the belief that vampires can get the closest to humans, even if they can’t ever be human again themselves. She will prey on someone, but not enough to kill them, and erase their memory as soon as it’s over. Because of that every memory she’s created is just hers. It leaves her empty once in awhile, but she deals.
Biography: Victoria belongs to an ancient coven of vampires in the northeastern US that was attacked less than a decade ago – the few survivors, herself included, decided that covens pose too much of a threat to create tension and power struggles among other vampires and other races. The coven split up, going their own ways, and occasionally keep in touch with letters or meeting up for a few months before going off again. She kept the name of her coven as a surname, like everyone decided to do.
Victoria failed to create a vampire out of a boy named Zacky in the past. It affected her deeply; she had never made a fledgling before and since then hasn’t tried again. She’s afraid that something is making it so she can’t, and so doesn’t show affection to humans when she is attracted to them. She hates hurting anyone she cares for.
My Teacher:
Who I want to meet: Someone on the Black Dragon’s side; she wants to see if his minions are brainwashed or can be cured. Zylem; she’s only heard rumors of a phoenix.
Who I miss: Zacky, Duke(her creator and leader of the coven), other vampires in the Sabelle coven.
Do you believe that the Guardians and the dragon will return?: She hopes the guardians do, so the fighting can be stopped.
Appearance: X … Um, she’s less Asian-looking. And she’s much paler.
Crush/Taken?: Ethan(but doesn’t accept it herself)
Username: chemicallyxromanced
Name: Ethan Sabelle
Gender: Male
Age: 18; is a few decades old.
I suck at: Constantly being on guard(he’s been alone for awhile and isn’t really up-to-date on the Black Dragon’s movement), being around werewolves(mostly, he’s avoided them), fighting against multiple enemies, keeping his attention on one thing.
What I know: What girls(and boys) like, getting what he wants with the power of suggestion, using preternatural speed.
Race: Vampire
Orientation: Bisexual; he doesn’t have “serious” relationships.
Your street teacher?:
Power: He can “see” other peoples’ auras and tap into immortals’ minds without letting them know. To a point, he can manipulate those emotions. Anything living is constantly forcing its thoughts and feelings into his head. He’s very aware of his surroundings because of this. By reading auras, though, he feels intimately close with people very quickly. He’s losing the ability to know what love is.
Personality: Ethan is always happy and warm towards people. He’s a gentleman and is polite, straying back to his human nature. He’s confident yet laid back and has many friends, but not too many who he is really close with. He is in love with the world, content with the simple things in life and pays attention to what matters most. He hides the fact that permanence and commitment sometimes scare him, and he can’t stand life if there aren’t a lot of big changes going on. He doesn’t fall in love easily, and he denies loving Victoria, but it’s there. He actually has a bit of a secret life – Ethan writes poetry and loves music. He also smokes a lot; he doesn’t feel a need to get over any addictions because smoking doesn’t hurt him as a vampire.
Biography: Ethan was also a part of the Sabelle coven(see Victoria). Still being a fledgling, he didn’t want to show weakness and went all alone into the world while he was still young. Ethan wandered alone and picked off every being, human or animal, that he found to possess beauty. He left human civilization for years. And then he came back with the appearance of the letter. And the last person he thought he would find was Victoria. Now, although he doesn’t realize it, he’s very much in love with her. He’s beginning to realize. So he’s looking for love from anyone else who’ll take him.
My Teacher:
Who I want meet: Someone to love, a werewolf who he can befriend. The guardian called Silver, whose powers he’s interested in.
Who I miss: Vampires from the Sabelle coven, his maker(who he barely remembers, and may in fact be alive).
Do you believe that the Guardians and the dragon will return?: He thinks they’ve never disappeared. But he hopes peace can be restored, or at least he won’t have to be in the middle of a huge battle.
Appearance: X Kind of like this, minus the red highlights; Ethan is “stylishly” thin, has straightened black hair that falls in his leafy green eyes, and that girly look. He has snakebites and earrings; he likes piercings and metal a lot. He wears tight clothes. Etc, etc, etc. He follows the scene/emo style.
Crush/Taken?: Victoria
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