Helen Keller once said that, "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart". But how do you know if what you feel in your heart is true or not?! How do we get our feelings and emotions to not get in the way of common sense and what we need?! There are times when no matter how bad we may want something, it is not necessarily what we need. We need to find the strength within ourselves to be able to do what is truly best for us. Pain is inevitable in life, I think we all know that, but do we cause ourselves undue pain by choosing a want over a need? The heart is a fickle thing and often it can be misleading, and in those times where can e all turn to and find solace? At times, things we feel in our hearts can conflict with each other. We can be walking, talking contradictions of the heart and mind! Life with throw some big questions at us, and we may never find the answers to most of them, but does that mean that we should never even try to look for them? Life doesn't happen if you just sit in one spot never doing, never saying, never trying, never loving. But when you go out and look for all the answers in life that you want, you find that life has a way of opening itself up to you... ... ...
FenianFrost · Tue Sep 11, 2012 @ 05:03pm · 0 Comments |