Palace Gardens
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 @ 06:50am
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 08:15pm
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 @ 05:11am
swimming/ fishing chat
Drekena: whoa, neat head gear player four Gecko Queen: i'm back catsi3d leaves the chat. Gecko Queen: thanks lol Drekena: Did I not notice it before then? Gecko Queen: i guess not Drekena: Then I am totally out of it! nurr >_< WildStream: umm wee? Gecko Queen: oh that reminds me... Chibi-BakaNeko: GRAH!!!! 'puple' is not a valid color. Open color guide. Chibi-BakaNeko: this is harder using a laptop Chibi-BakaNeko: >.< WildStream: ... Gecko Queen: there WildStream: ok i am going to go the n come back k? Drekena: okies then Gecko Queen: yes it's hard to fish with a track pad, i use my old computer's mouse.. what kind of laptop do you have WildStream: dont have one WildStream leaves the chat. Chibi-BakaNeko: dell inspiron Chibi-BakaNeko: 1300 WildStream enters the chat. Gecko Queen: I have a mac book pro 15 inch Chibi-BakaNeko: nice Chibi-BakaNeko: how are they, ive been looking into buying one myself Gecko Queen: it was a hanaka present Chibi-BakaNeko: nice WildStream: hmmm WildStream: my water meat isnt showing Gecko Queen: it's great! The screen is great, the sound is great, Gecko Queen: only head things show up in games Chibi-BakaNeko: awesome, this lappy is actually a friend of mines WildStream: i know its on my head Gecko Queen: lappy? Chibi-BakaNeko: laptop WildStream: ? Gecko Queen: hmmm.. I don't know.. could be a glitch Gecko Queen: gaaaaaa it got away!! WildStream: i caught a bass finnally dont push me in or u will be attacked buy 1000 shadow clones bandgeekishlydelicious enters the chat. bandgeekishlydelicious leaves the chat. WildStream: another Chibi-BakaNeko leaves the chat. Gecko Queen: oh i love naruto.. I bet I can make more clones! WildStream: i like gaara .squshy.fishy. enters the chat. bandgeekishlydelicious enters the chat. WildStream: ooo its bass seson Gecko Queen: mw too... he's like time's most evil victum WildStream: well he dies but gets rezed WildStream: in like manga chater 278 or something Gecko Queen: I also like inuyasha.. his big btother is evil too WildStream: dont like him as much Gecko Queen: only he's so fluffy I couldn't accept he was evil for like ever WildStream: O.o Drekena: I like star trek. Klingons are silly looking .squshy.fishy.: hi Gecko Queen: what?! have you seen his tail/scarf thing? Gecko Queen: it's like a plushy scarf Gecko Queen: it's sooo fluffy (X! WildStream: i was watching this thing on what it was, it said it was a big arm pit hair lol WildStream: but it wa a comady Drekena: omg that's hilarious Gecko Queen: ew WildStream: lol Gecko Queen: one of my friends drew a pic of inuyasha cruled up by him, sucking his tumb and using the fluff like a pillow, and his brow is just glaring at him, oh and they're Gecko Queen: little kids bandgeekishlydelicious leaves the chat. WildStream: lol Gecko Queen: it's so cute WildStream: one more coral and i get a peresent Gecko Queen: by the way.. is the big brother's mom a demon? inuyasha's mom is human, but his brother is full demon WildStream: no they had the same mum, but his bro trained more often Gecko Queen: oh... Drekena: really? I did not know that. WildStream: lol its in one of the movies Gecko Queen: oh.. I saw one of them the other night... who's the litle girl with the big brother? WildStream: lol Gecko Queen: ? WildStream: saw that 2 nights ago Gecko Queen: um... so who is she? WildStream: i.. i... forget Gecko Queen: oh.. ok altirangel enters the chat. WildStream: what r the carols for? Drekena: I caught you a delicious bass Drekena: had to say it Gecko Queen: you get one of 8 gifts altirangel: hey Gecko Queen: hi WildStream: *pushes Drekena into the lake* dont push me in it will be a shadow clone Gecko Queen: *fishes him out* Drekena: *is a girl* Gecko Queen: you seem to push everyone into the lake WildStream: though him into thelake as bait WildStream: *thow altirangel: pushes wildstream into water Drekena: quit chucking me in the lake! I'm all wet and stuff Gecko Queen: *uses fireblast to dry him* altirangel: pushes gecko queen into water WildStream: as a dry person i yell: that was a shadow clone WildStream: use your own color altirangel: pushes real wild stream into water haha Drekena: tosses wild into the water Drekena: dang you beat me WildStream: shadow clone disapers Gecko Queen: *uses shadow clone and pushes altirangel into lake* WildStream: *make shadow clones of mye and gecko altirangel: grabs on to ledge and flips up and knocks gecko into water WildStream: *phic jutsu: mind blast! Gecko Queen: *I never fall into water, instead I run along the surface and push 'im back in* WildStream: Hurts all but me and gecko altirangel: fire style phonix flame justu Drekena: *casts magic missile* Gecko Queen: *I summon WATER ELEMENTAL* altirangel: Chidori on gecko WildStream: copy justu: sand tome! altirangel: rasengan on drekena Drekena: what's that? altirangel: rasengan Drekena: I've never seen naruto WildStream: fuse ras and chidor together Drekena: well, some of an episode Gecko Queen: *uses head hunter jutsu on Drekan, he falls through dock, but his head get's stuck* altirangel: sand style sand avlanche justu WildStream: in the futer naruto put ras and chidori together Drekena: I am a girl WildStream: i am to Drekena: *jumps in the lake of her own free will* Gecko Queen: i know I just mistyped... sorry Drekena: it's cool WildStream: i like when naruto kicks suska's bass altirangel: water style water vortex justu *drekena is in water vortex Gecko Queen: aw come on people i haven't seen that much yet! Drekena: *gets motion sick* Gecko Queen: *casts lightning flar on vortex* WildStream: lol i ma in the manga sersies on 322 Gecko Queen: *ZITZZZZZZ!!!!* altirangel: water style water dragon justu Gecko Queen: oh i love that one! WildStream: *adds darkenrgy to vortex altirangel: fire style water dragon justu Gecko Queen: YAY! altirangel: earth style earth dragon justu altirangel: take that Gecko Queen: *Oh wait, is that coming towards me?* *drops pole and runs away* Gecko Queen: eeekkk! altirangel: yup altirangel: and drekena Gecko Queen: run drekena! Gecko Queen: run for your life! Gecko Queen: *slips, and falls into lake* altirangel: dragons spit out elements hits drekena Gecko Queen: *uf* Gecko Queen: awwww man i'm all wet! altirangel: fire dragon heats up water altirangel: altirangel jumps in WildStream: uses white 9 tail demon and enrgy raps around me and gecko Drekena: *casts engulfing darkness on immediate area* altirangel: ahh jaccuuzi Gecko Queen: AK *jumps out of water* Gecko Queen: lol Gecko Queen: jumps back in altirangel: keep it goin dragon WildStream: i am gaaras friend i am the one who taught him to use his sand Gecko Queen: eek i don't like the dark altirangel: and stop drag thanks Gecko Queen: oh really? Gecko Queen: drag? altirangel: dragon WildStream: hug dragon Gecko Queen: i hug dragon tooo altirangel: gets burned Drekena: shadowknight for the win Gecko Queen: then i cast electro whip and electrocute it WildStream: *pertected by phic enerdgy* sephirot333 leaves the chat. altirangel: come on ppl jump in the jaccuuzi Gecko Queen: I'm already in Drekena: might as well, Ive been in a few times already Drekena: *hops on in* Gecko Queen: all it needs is bath bubbles! Drekena: totally! WildStream: *graps a rubber dusk thows it in* Gecko Queen: *dump's some in* lana-nero-chan enters the chat. WildStream: *ducj WildStream: **duck Gecko Queen: *a fish floats belly up to the surface* Gecko Queen: *s**t! too much! WildStream: ... altirangel: takes temaris fan and blows hot air into water* there bubbles WildStream: ... WildStream: lol Gecko Queen: YAY BUBBLES! Gecko Queen: Looks around suspiciously.. MY BUBBLES!!! altirangel: *giant bubble burst in face* AHHH MY FACE IT BURNS Gecko Queen: haha Drekena: *hides in bubbles* altirangel: *takes of glasses altirangel: oh yeah look at my blue eyes Gecko Queen: that's why I have goggles WildStream: *swet drop on head while on edge of bay* y r they nuts *pushes peeps left in* Gecko Queen: drags him in Gecko Queen: *splash* WildStream: her Gecko Queen: sorry.. her.. altirangel: wait did u just notice that we are fully dressed in a jaccuuzi? WildStream: *shadow clone goes poof* Gecko Queen: no..; I used a dress sphere altirangel: well time to get undressed altirangel: *Dives underwater* Gecko Queen: *fishes cover each other's eyes with their tails* altirangel: *clothes start to float to the suface Drekena: Oddly enough, the stuff I'm wearing is kind of appropriate. WildStream: walks off bumps into a dork* Gecko Queen: *I grab them and jump out and run away* Drekena: *is a Rocky horror fan* altirangel: *comes up altirangel: whew all done WildStream: holy wow it is Gecko Queen: hehe i took your clothes altirangel: oh well ur problem altirangel: u know why altirangel: because i am skinny dipping Gecko Queen: oh god.. *hands them back* WildStream: : O altirangel: u know u like it lol altirangel: jk jk jk WildStream: dont go u wil lscare the fish and make leeches come altirangel: the hot water will keep im away .squshy.fishy. leaves the chat. altirangel: jk means just kidding Gecko Queen: ooooo i got a striper! Drekena leaves the chat. altirangel: i have swimming trunks on duh WildStream: : / Gecko Queen: I thought leeches liked warm water? Gecko Queen: jk lana-nero-chan leaves the chat. altirangel: oh S*** jumps out of water Gecko Queen: serves you right altirangel: then there were three WildStream: ... WildStream: y me! Gecko Queen: oh grat.. a boot... Gecko Queen: *sob* WildStream: *weep* altirangel: me too altirangel: *sob* WildStream: i am going WildStream: add me if u want Harusaki-chan enters the chat. Harusaki-chan: back WildStream: ... Harusaki-chan leaves the chat. altirangel: hello and buy altirangel: by wild WildStream: by Gecko Queen: gah my computer's dying.. *races to plug* WildStream: wait y r u still here Gecko Queen: ? I'm not going anyplace WildStream: kk then i am staying Gecko Queen: cool altirangel: i am leaving in like 10 min WildStream: lol
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 06:47pm
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 06:46pm
weird demon fight fishing chat
weird fishing chat/ demon fight AnnieTW: yo king goth62 AnnieTW: hi Gecko Queen: *growl* weird_oo_weird: murder redrum weird_oo_weird: bye gtg AnnieTW: *snickers* weird_oo_weird: huh AnnieTW: bibi weird_oo_weird: ok bye weird_oo_weird leaves the chat. Gecko Queen: *evil look* AnnieTW: *smiles*hi' Shashe enters the chat. AnnieTW: hi kaylee15 enters the chat. Shashe: hi AnnieTW: hi] kaylee15: hi AnnieTW: kayleee AnnieTW: *tackles* Zackire enters the chat. Gecko Queen: um, hi, can I eat you now? AnnieTW: hi Shashe leaves the chat. Zackire: hi Gecko Queen: I take that as a yes *steals soul* AnnieTW: who Gecko Queen: yours too AnnieTW: heh i have no soul AnnieTW: but if i did it ed be too hott for ya to eat Gecko Queen: yes well then I shall crystaliz your body into a little red pebble and add it to my others poor_brian enters the chat. AnnieTW: *eyes glow reder*back off AnnieTW: hi kaylee15: hi king goth62 leaves the chat. kaylee15: or not Gecko Queen: *demon wings flex* bring it on mortal! poor_brian: wuz up urbody AnnieTW: mortal im no mortal im ademon Gecko Queen: I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL! AnnieTW: *fire goes around me* AnnieTW: ahgrrrah Gecko Queen: Ya? well I'm a biger demon than you, and I'm a dragon demo which totaly kicks more but than Gecko Queen: what you are AnnieTW: the wolf demon AnnieTW: of fire FourFangs enters the chat. poor_brian: im the devils son FourFangs: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! AnnieTW: *tackles fangs*hi AnnieTW: nikki FourFangs: *pushes annie off * Howlo!! kaylee15: howls Gecko Queen: ya well dragon demons rule the lesser humonoid demons and vampiers, and they bind wolf demons FourFangs: gotta go see my other friends bye!! FourFangs leaves the chat. kaylee15: not is one AnnieTW: *looks at geko* Gecko Queen: *looks at annie* AnnieTW: im cursed i kant die Gecko Queen: *annie sits on something sharp and explodes* AnnieTW: i do not Gecko Queen: maybe not now, but you will AnnieTW: *fire goes in the sky* Gecko Queen: and everything can be destroyed, but not just through death AnnieTW: *sky turns red* poor_brian: looks at red sky* wow Gecko Queen: there is always oblivion, *ponders idea* AnnieTW: the sun is mi greatest energy AnnieTW: as the moon Gecko Queen: Ya well *annie looks up n sees the wormhole opening in the red sky* *sun is consumed by black hole* AnnieTW: *eyes go blank* Gecko Queen: *then the moon is consumed and turned into a silver pebble that i add to my colection* poor_brian: still watching the sky* damn now its black AnnieTW: *glows* kaylee15: sorry Gecko Queen: *then you are all suddenly eaten by my GIANT ATTACK GECKO!!!* *blood drips from its mouth* AnnieTW: *angel and demon wing apper on back looks at angel wing*damn genetics AnnieTW: *flys in air* poor_brian: looks around and think*..............i think i have the strongest powers Gecko Queen: my gecko is pure of heart, but obays me,so it has angel wings and dragon wings Gecko Queen: ya well your dead but you are to stupid to realize it AnnieTW: *i'm the liven dead demon wat the heck did i just sa AnnieTW: im no dead Gecko Queen: that you surrender *looks hopeful* AnnieTW: not dead AnnieTW: no Gecko Queen: oh yes you are H Y E N A enters the chat. AnnieTW: *flames surround me* Zackire leaves the chat. H Y E N A: hello kaylee15: hey AnnieTW: hi wb kaylee15: brb H Y E N A: thx kaylee15 leaves the chat. AnnieTW: *come out ultumite demon wolf* Gecko Queen: *her flames die as blue and purple ones surround me and siperoth pops out of thin air to see what kaylee15 enters the chat. H Y E N A: i killed the demon wolf wolf_maker enters the chat. Gecko Queen: the fuss is about and kills annie* Gecko Queen: no you are not siperoth! wolf_maker: hi wolf friends AnnieTW: i don't die dangit H Y E N A: hello kaylee15: hey AnnieTW: hi wolf_maker: ^_^ H Y E N A: =^_^= H Y E N A: oh wolf_maker: brb wolf_maker leaves the chat. AnnieTW: *eyes go black*with dark ara goin around me* AnnieTW: lake chaches fire of darkness* H Y E N A: hm...... kaylee15: kool glowing fish poor_brian: orbs to hell Gecko Queen: ? Gecko Queen: man I'm running out of ideas about how to kill you all. H Y E N A: lol H Y E N A: wait your going to kill me to H Y E N A: ? poor_brian: visits my farther* aka Devil aka Satan aka wateva the hell yall wanna call him Gecko Queen: DIE DAMIT! Gecko Queen: lol AnnieTW: *earth shakes lava erupts from every were* H Y E N A: sweet poor_brian: resting safely in hell Gecko Queen: ah, no you wouldn't, that's half the point Gecko Queen: except for me, hadies would think I'm so cool he'd let me rule part of hell as a prize for killing Gecko Queen: you all kaylee15: cant kil me H Y E N A: or me AnnieTW: *flames go around me* H Y E N A: omg call 911 AnnieTW: *turns normal* H Y E N A: o ok Gecko Queen: no, I can kill all of you but annie AnnieTW: *falls from sky* H Y E N A: and me H Y E N A: omg call the air force Gecko Queen: annie, will you help me kill all the lesser demons here? poor_brian: u cant kill already dead kaylee15: gusses you can me if yiou just light AnnieTW: *lands in front of them*no there mi friends whitewolf469 enters the chat. poor_brian: stands next to Annie* i got yo back AnnieTW: hi kaylee15: metoo kaylee15: hi H Y E N A: hekllo Gecko Queen: ya well then I guess they're cool *grumbles slightly* for now atleast* whitewolf469: hi H Y E N A: nice glasses whitewolf469: thx Gecko Queen: welcome my minion AnnieTW: *eyes turn back red* whitewolf469: ... whitewolf469: what's up H Y E N A: nm u Gecko Queen: you really should get that checked by an eye doctor kaylee15: the sky AnnieTW: hey white rember me whitewolf469: no H Y E N A: lol Gecko Queen: haha AnnieTW: -.- H Y E N A: burn Gecko Queen: *you burst into ashes* Gecko Queen: haha poor_brian: Gecko Queen: say something for once whitewolf469: ... what's going on in here Gecko Queen: demon fight whitewolf469: o H Y E N A: nothing at all.... poor_brian: goes off to take over my on world AnnieTW: was*falls down * Gecko Queen: foolish mortal AnnieTW: zzzz H Y E N A: ok i am out ttyl people!!!!!!!!! whitewolf469: *sits down and watches the lame fight* AnnieTW: cya whitewolf469: by H Y E N A: cxxx[:::::::::::::::> H Y E N A: by H Y E N A leaves the chat. AnnieTW: o.o Gecko Queen: I have to leave soon too, anybody want to be friends? whitewolf469: sure AnnieTW: i will xanth_freak#1 enters the chat. poor_brian: yea as long as u promise not to try in kill me kaylee15: sure poor_brian: ...............although im already dead Gecko Queen: demon side-"AHRG! THE ANGELIC SIDE OF ME IS TAKING OVER!* me- *YAY!* AnnieTW: heheh AnnieTW: hehk AnnieTW: ill be back AnnieTW leaves the chat. Gecko Queen: ok whitewolf469: ... Gecko Queen: my bucket is full, cya kaylee15: brb
Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 @ 06:12pm
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Gecko Queen
Community Member
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 @ 05:36pm