Same stuff, different day... Carpe diem! ^.~
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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 @ 05:57pm
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 @ 07:27am
OK, Yeah, so I'm bad with online journals.. stare
Anyways.. sweatdrop So this is kind of what has been going on with me for the last... I dunno, year maybe.. sweatdrop stressed 1. So, last year, July 29 I found out that my dad died. He had skin cancer and so it was good that he didn't have to suffer anymore. No one has to try to tell me anything b/c I would rather not hear the same thing(s) that I have heard for about the millionth time. 2. That was before I moved in with my friends. I was very happy with them. ^.^ They are a great pair and I wish them the best of luck! I actually moved in June ('06) XD to live with my fiancee. And yes, I have become engaged. ^.^ heart I am very happy etc yay! And so also my ex-roomies are going to move to CO, that is also why I wish them the best of luck! (They're b/f and g/f and I think he is going to propose soon, just dunno when...) (To those of you who did not know that I was engaged, I am sorry for not telling you, it was either something I forgot to tell you or didn't know how to. stressed sweatdrop Sorry for being such a dumbass with that.. stare ) 3. Recently I have been having a hard time. I feel incredibly lonely and I don't really know how to tell my friends who now live far away from me that I miss them so incredibly much and that I would love nothing more for them to call me or msg me or to come visit me when they can. I know this shouldn't be something that should be hard to do, but it has been because the truth is I feel abandoned. I feel like I put in a lot of work into it b/c I am the one calling/msging. I am the one driving to go see them or trying to see them when I am in town and lately I have been kind of flaking b/c I don't really feel like I am needed anymore... cry I don't know if this makes any sense, but It's just hard for me to tell someone that is very close to me. 4. I also feel very sad b/c I don't feel like my family supports me in my decision to get married. I don't feel like they're happy for me either. But I don't want to go into that.. stare 5. Something that I just found out too is that my great aunt died just a few days ago... crying I wasn't very close to her but I did know her and I did/do care for her and love her and so I am sad b/c she died. 6. I hate school... XD Anyone else!!!? blaugh sweatdrop So yeah, I am trying to take Spanish and it's almost past halfway through the semester and I'm just now remembering, or starting to, the stuff from all my other Spanish classes... Then again I did take like a yr or more off from college, but yeah... stressed And my other class is just kind of a blow off.. but I need to do the homework to actually do better.. stare I hate homeowrk.... scream
And I think that's about all that's on my mind right now... Well, the big things anyways.. I hope that this may help people who know me understand why I've been so messed up lately.. sweatdrop heart heart heart So I will try to stop hiding out ninja and not being all... dare I say it.. emo AGH!!! I hope I'm not ebing that... It would be so bad.. stressed
So yeah.. domokun
Friends and Family: I love you all heart Everyone else: Take care. Sleep happy and dream safe. 3nodding (That's from my friend from a game I play that takes up way too much of my time!!! ) sweatdrop
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Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 08:09am
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 @ 06:26pm
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Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 06:26pm
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 @ 05:19am
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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 @ 06:12pm
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 @ 06:55am
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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 06:08am