When we came there, we had some problems with the tables XD

See, she's having some problems too xP [Anja :3]

This is how the class looks^^

And another shot.

This is our class teacher, she's really cool! x3 and extremely good at drawing! o_o

This is Anja, one of the first people i spoke with. She has good a good music taste xD Phantom of the Opera and disney songs just rocks! <3 And by the way, she makes beautiful drawings! :3

See, this was really funneh. This girl was pretty scary! seriusly, i think she was ninja, or something like that o_O well, she gave me a big shock at a time where she had walked slowly over behind me and said "hi!" , lol.

Heheheh.. I was going to take a picture of her, but she kept hiding, so this is what'cha get XP posted it! lol

This was a good artist, and she made such cute characters! XD <3

See? I told you those drawings she made was cute, lol. Look at the penguin! XD I wanna hug it, lol.