 NAME: Elektra Natchios CHARACTER INFO: Elektra was born a month premautre when her mother was fatally wounded eight months into her pregnancy. The reason behind her mother's death being another story, the girl was raised by her father who was a Greek Ambassador to the United States. Because of a failed attempt on her life when she was nine, her father from then on hired her a different sensei to train with every year. Growing up close to her father, the sometimes caring father bullied Elektra very hard to absolute perfection in everything and would not accept less.
At age nineteen, she began attending Columbia University in Hell's Kitchen and fell for Matt Murdock. A year later, Elektra and her father were held captive by terrorists. With the help of a disguised Matt, the two defeated the terrorists, but her father was killed on accident by the police. Losing faith at the loss, Elektra joined the Chaste, a mystic ninja clan, under the direction of Stick. She was kicked out however and turned to their enemy, the Hand. Becoming a free agent, she became the top assassin for Kingpin, and the Greek was often pitted against Daredevil despite being romantically involved on and off. Fighting the villain Bullseye, Elektra was fatally wounded and died in the arms of Daredevil after crawling to him.
Stick stole her body and resurrected her, and since Elektra has been a free lance assassin. However, the Hand still works to reclaim her since the god of death haunts her for deserting. Upon her recent travels, a new sensei tried to drain Elektra's blood lust from her, but in the end her sensei died and Elektra returned to her life of killing. For a time she worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. to subdue a berserked Wolverine and also came back to assist Daredevil against Kingpin to make-up for selling him out. She was also abducted and experimented upon by the Skrull, ultimately presumed dead until Norman Osborn took her in for experimenting. While fleeing from Osborn's hired hits who wanted to claim the price on Elektra's head, it was revealed that crimes the Skrull Elektra decoy that gallivanted about in her place during the invasion were actually crimes by the real Elektra. Recently, it is rumored that Elektra is the new leader of the Hand, but it is unconfirmed. AGE: Late Twenties STRENGTHS: Elektra has lightning agility, speed, an Olympian strength and endurace. She can dodge bullets, even a sniper's rounds, as long as she can see the report from the barrel or telegraphing of the shooter. She can also walk through lit a room completely unseen and almost evaporate into shadows. WEAKNESSES: Like a normal person, a fatal blow will kill her. She's also just as fragile with breaks and bruises as a Regular Joe. Elektra also has a weakness for Matt Murdock. __________________ SKILLS Elektra is a master of martial arts and Ninjitsu. She's able to wield most weapons with perfection as well as any fire arm with striking accuracy. Elektra is also known to have some psychic capabilities. She is capable of "throwing" herself into a weaker mind where she can manipulate them into doing what she wants. Showing some lower level telekinesis, she is also able to mesmerize weaker minds in illusions. The full extent of her abilities are unknown. __________________ WEAPONS[ /b] Elektra's primary weapon are her sais. She also uses a katana, three sectioned staff, bow, smoke bombs, throwing knives, darts, stars, and her garrote.
Sample RP: Elektra was moving at a blur down the halls, blood lust possessing her after killing that man. Her eyes were wide and wild like a starved lion with a plump roast before it.
Fighting him... or rather dodging his gunfire... had taken up quite a bit of time. Then the unthinkable happened. A second person blocked her way, this one running into her out of nowhere. Eyes full of an unleashed fury, Elektra caught her swing with ease after ducking it, and snapped her fore arm in half with a twist of her own right hand. Her left hand did a ridge hand to the girl's throat, following it with a nasty spin side kick to the back of her head. There was a slight crunch of a concussion and blood, so Elektra presumed she was dead.
There was no thought involved in her action. It was all animal instinct, all hunger for bloodshed. She didn't even bat an eye as she took the woman down fluidly in a matter of a moment.
What sort of growth potential do you see for your character? There's a lot of potential for growth in Elektra. She could become colder and driven by blood lust. She could work to defeat a villain becoming a heroine again or learn to trust someone. She could be revealed as the leader of the Hand. There's lots of possibilities.
How often do you think you will rp? Psh, considering how much I love this character? A lot. I'll probably post at least every two days, and on weekends or during breaks I'm online a lot.
xX A m a - S a m a Xx · Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 08:01pm · 0 Comments |