Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity...

+dances around stupidly+ Imma pay off all my credit cards this month! And Imma goin' to see Rent on the 15th. Wewt. Wewt I say. (I am also begging my mom for Wicked tickets for my birthday)
And our new ETL wants to know everything that is going on with our lead that sucks and beat me for the position. She has been gone for three weeks sick... and they say that I am unreliable. rolleyes So we all get to have a chat with him. Hooray! Lets just hope I don't get sick any time soon. I have been working my a** off for the past two months. Six days - one day off - six days - one day off - nine days - one day off - six days ... well, you see where this is going.
... One day I will be out of my mother's living room... one day.
I got my dad the complete collection of Monty Python's flying circus for his birthday. Can't wait to give it to him. i always get him the best dvd gifts. whee
Um... I ran out of random crap to say so.... bye. ^^;... and I'm not so sure about the universe.