Though she seems like a rather healthy person she really isn't, suffering from a few dieases such as Pneumonia which is a inflammation in the lungs caused by bactirias. There is a cure but her case is a bit more fatal and are immune to most antibiotics.
The symptoms of this include coughing, possibly coughing up blood, fever with shaking chills, sharp chest pains, rapid breathing and shortness of breath as well as headaches, loss of appetite and fatigue or lack of energy, weariness. She also suffers from Hyphema which is bleeding of the eye, known as tears of blood.
Amazingly with her disorders she leads a active lifestyle as a thief. She can be seen robbing local bars and now she's moving on up to bounty offices which obviously bring in more cash. As for weapons she'll use just about anything from sniper rifles to rusty knifes though she rarly kills. Her most used items are her .50 Caliber Revolver and two rapiers. She's also been practicing with magic though she isn't a fan of it. She's studing the element of fire as well at blood bending but she hasn't gotten far yet.
Sky's theme- Powerman 5000 Supervillian

Height: 4'4"
Weight: 73 pounds
Age: Unknown
Race: Artic Imp
Bio: A trouble some Imp that loves to chaos a bit of chaos, and suffers from the Napolieon Complex, hating her height and being judged against it.
Weapon of choice: A anchor

Theme Song: Mission Control by Hail the Villain