Another Pirate roleplay.xD |
Zeroun was sneaky- he had found out where this ship wasd going and jumped into the bottom of a crate right before they got to loading them.He was hidden under soem lighter objects and knew he'd make the box as heavy as the barrels they carried currently.He bit his lip when he felt the box move, then fall.His black hair was a mess- he'd been in there an hour but there was a tiny hole in the box that provided air for him.All he had to do was hold stil and wait for one of two choices - him to be found, or him to make it on the ship. Zeroun Turner had been in trouble with the law quite recently and was running from the island to get away from them.He didn't care where he went as long as he made it off alive.He prayed that no one would be needin anything from this box once they set out though because they'd come upon a nasty surprise.He peeked out the small hole to see part of a man's shoe.It wasn't big enough to see anything else though, he heard the man shout "This one's a good filled one!Give me a hand ov' here." _______________ Selene or Captain of the Storms, moved her hand over the crates being carried onto her ship. She turned to the man who'd lent her these thing and shook his hand firmly. Her dark brown hair was tied you in a bun with loose strands hanging out from under her hat and bandanna to wear she almost looked like a man.She wore a loose off white shirt, a blue vest, dark pants and brown boots. Her green eyes staired out at the sea intently as she started up on her ship. The waters were a bright teal color this fine morning. ________ Zeroun felt the crate move, and let out a small gasp and prayed he hadn't been heard.not a minute later was the crate set down.He was on deck.Not good- that ment somethign would be needed in there, he prayed that not to be the case this time though.Maybe they would take him down below later. "We're loaded, captain!"Souted the man with a small smile " We've got it allready for ya." ___________ Selene smiled and nodded to the first-mate, who seemed to be a small portly fellow with a scared dry face. He sounded to the crew, "Alright, yer dogs, make ready for sail." He turned to the wheel, his face was cold and sunken in with age, but his eyes told him to be a small boy ready for adventure. Selene on the other hand had a warm face darkened by sun and her eyes bright ready and waiting for adventure, but stern. A few moments later the navigator stood ready as the first-mate hailed to Selene, "We're ready for sea, my lady." She looked at him without saying a word and nodded her head in approval. A few of the men searched through some crates for the rations, but were stopped when Captain walked over, "Men take these crates to cook below deck and he will deal with them when he wakes up." She said moving on to her quarters, "Yes Captain." They said in unison. ___________ They had been at thenext crate over- he could hear it and had triedto readjust in his but made a fair bit of noise.He held his breath and someone said " Alright then." to the captain and went to the front of the line of the crates and helped carry them below.They was ready to go with everything- now the weather just had to hold out. Zeroun though was simply praying he hadn't been heard with all the noise he'd made. ___________ The few men who helped carry the crates down stopped by the door of the kitchen, one said, "Did you hear that?" The others responded, "No. You must have heard a rat." A loud noise came from behind the door, something had dropped. They slightly pushed it open and found cook laying back in a chair, drunk asleep snoring and the bottle of rum dropped to the floor. They laughed, "Or maybe just him." Selene stood in front of her mirror and took off her hat, letting her dark hair fall across her shoulders. ___________ Zeroun waited, hoping everyone would expect it a rat or whoever they had spoken of. The man, simply called Jay, said "Well..that's the last of it."He went back upstairs to see whatwas going on now. ________ The men kept working, and nothing went astray. The sun was high and everything was hot. The captain exited her quarters without putting her hair back up. Her men knew she was a woman and at first they couldn't handle it, but they grew accustom to her rules. She walked amongst them and watched them carefully. The sky had grown slightly cloudy as the day moved on, not dangerous but still darkened the sky. Bellow, cook still lie asleep. _____________ Zeroun felt like h was gonna die in that small bvox and moved again,figuring no one was in there now, and made alot of noise due to the objects clanging togeather.Ohwell. "Looks lke a storm could be brewing."Jay commented with a sigh " Sun wasn't red today though- wasn't even orangy...."He laughed "Oh well..Guess it's nto walways true to it's light.." ___________ Selene looked over at the man commenting about the sun and smiled. "You know, the sun is never as bright as some think." She jumped up grabbing onto one of the riggings, climbing high to look out over the sails to see the storm was worse than the clouds portrayed it to be. Cook rolled and snorted in his sleep as noise came from the crates. A small rat ran from under his chair as he rolled hitting the wood with a loud thump. Two men heard it and laughed as they passed the closed door. They also were drunk, as most of the men were almost all of the time. __________ Zeroun hadd worried about mice.And finally felt a scraching on his leg.Oh god was one in his pants?!He yelped, tried to stand.He felt silly because the box tipped backwards and he got stuck on his back.
"Still- Sun's supposed to be red or orange f it's gonna rain at all."jay said with a frown. __________ "Mr. Stryver if we have any chance of making it past this storm at all we must go straight ahead, full speed, Release All Sails!" Selene called, grabbing a rope from beside her and pulling it loose of its knots. Everyone scattered, making sure everything was going to work and the sails were released. _______ jay helped them get the sails fixed for the storm and then went to secure the few boxes that were left on deck. _________ The clouds unleashed a flooding of water upon the ship. "I thought it was to be clear Captain." One of the men called as the water drenched them. Selene jumped down and finished off the chores. The men were everywhere readying things then suddenly they all stopped and looked out over the sea. In the distance was a ship sinking with no colors shown. They took their hats off and bowed their heads then returned to there duties as Selene went Below to wake cook. _______ "At least we have dry clothing waiting on us.Hope it's not buried under everything else though.Once they'd fixed it ready for the storm it was just time to stay ready at the stations. __________ Selene reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around in the darkness. Now that the clouds had covered the sun she'd need a lantern but that was not objective right now. She reached out and took hold of a candle lighting it as she pushed open the door to the kitchen. ____________
Tilana Wood · Sat Sep 29, 2007 @ 07:23pm · 0 Comments |