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The Thunder That Sounds Like a Single Raindrop in the Winter Storm of Life, Spinning Violently to Fill the Void Left by the Air Currents of Experience. The description is shorter then the title.

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OMG! Activity!
Yes, I know... "OMG! Bolt is actually posting!"

No, no one will read this. But will that stop me? No.

Basically, I've been very very busy with school and work. The GPD I've neglected altogether, but it's not so much a bad thing. Tacitus has taken it to a new direction, and I have to say I like it. I wish there were more roleplayers.

I've been watching a lot of anime recently, also. Dragonball Z and Naruto I've seen before, but I'm rewatching. I've never seen Cowboy Bebop, but it's amazing so far. I've also been watching Hayate the Combat Butler. Unfortunately, Lucky Star and Claymore both ended, and I was sad. It's been a good anime season for me. I can honestly say I gave InuYasha a chance, and I love it. Kikiyo is my favorite character (spelling?), since she's so tragic. It's very well written for her, but for the other characters it's a little dull.

In real life, I've been writing a novel. I'm about a quarter done with it, and I hope to complete it by next year. Then, wish me luck, because the manuscript's going to be sent out to literary agencies for possible solicitation. I'm loving the novel, and I hope people will enjoy reading it. The twist at the end of the book is just... amazing. I can't believe I even thought of it. Hopefully it will be complete. I have been thinking, "if I die before completing the novel, who will complete it?" I honestly can't think of a single person that would write it the way I'd want it to be written. I need to finish this.

I'll be graduating in a year. I hope.

Well, that's all for this post. If you have a Myspace, my name is Aishiteru_Nekomimi. Message me or something, okay?

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Bolt's Files #00005
I have some growing concerns about the way the GPD is going. Tac is a good Commissioner, and I stills ee the ideals of the first GPD in his mind. The ideals that were once my own. He tries, but the city dosn't seem to respect him and this place. It's as if they think they can get on without police. The constant attacks prove we are needed by the people to protect the people. We serve them, but they don't seem to notice. And we continue to strive on defending this building.

Lots and lots of stupid things...
-=OOC Journal Entry... Need to vent since the other journal I have is being watched...=-

A lot has happened in my life. I'm trying to write two novels right now, but they seem to be easier to love when they're in my head then when they try to exist through my fingertips. The novels are not going well.

My job is now at a tech-support place. I get calls about the internet and what I can do to get it back up and running. It's a place called Charter Communications. I've worked there for a month or two, now.

Relationships are a weird thing, and there's a lot to report. I have two main girls in my life. One who hates my existence, the other who loves me. The first girl once liked me, but then changed her mind and it was at that point I chose to like her back. Well... all that came from that is that she kissed me. Big mistake. I grew attached, and she hates me for it.

In an analysis of our "friendship" (I hate that word) I determined it would be best for us to not be friends, for her and I. She would not accept no as an answer in the normal way, so I had to make her hate me. I texted a loudmouthed friend of mine, whose loose lips had on more than one occassion sunk ships, and called the girl some rather unpleasant things. Magically she found out.

However, it was not in my plan for the friend I texted to decide he wanted to be on her side. He was my best friend, now a betrayer. At this point, both of them hate me.

There is a light, however. An old, dear, friend of mine broke up with her very overprotective boyfriend, giving me a chance to talk to her. I've spoken with her every day for about two weeks now. The sad thing is, she's going off to college soon. She is very nice, intelligent, and I could almost definately marry a girl like that, but... she's got a free ride in any college in the state. She's got a scholarship so she could go to school for whatever she wants. Good for her. Bad for us.

I'm currently living in an apartment with my sister and brother in law. We get along vey well. It helps that we all like the same things.

All in all, I have a good life. Some things have happened to cause trouble, but what is living without suffering?

My real name is Frank/Francis/Franklin/Francisco/Joe. Call me whatever you'd like, give me an IM on AIM sometime.

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Republic of Seafoam
Character Sheet

Name: "Bolt"
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Class: Master
Element: Lightning (High Speed, Low Defense)
Weapons: A single yellow katana with a lightning bolt engraved into the tsuba.

Shock - An arc of electricity that jumps from Bolt's hand to his target.

Thunder - Simply put, a lightning attack utilizing the lightning energy of the sky. It attacks from above and fires down hard upon the target. Deals more damage than Shock, but has a higher possibility of missing.

Paralysis - Using electrical currents, Bolt can shock a person's system causing them to be unable to control their own body. This may result in convultions or just a simple lack of movement on the part of the target.

Flashbang - This attack deals no damage, but rather is an attempt to blind the target with a bright light, resulting from an arc of lightning made specifically for brilliance.

Electrical Absorbtion - Bolt posesses the ability to absorb electrical energy sent at him, taking the majority of it and storing it much like a battery. He can use said energy in whatever respect he needs.

Thunderclap - An explosion of sound can be sent out from Bolt's hands, simulating the sound of thunder. It is used to scare away any wild creatures that may be threatening him, and also to reveal his position to friendlies and hostiles alike.

Lightning Speed - For a short period of time, Bolt is able to move nearly twice as fast as he normally can. His attack strength is reduced while this is happening, though he can deal damage quicker and more accurately.

Ball Lightning - This attack is an orb of electrical plasma formed and made to fire at a specified target. The attack is slow and easily dodged; though, if it hits, it is ridiculously powerful.

Lightning Lasso - This ability allows Bolt to grab and manipulate bolts of lightning as if they were ropes. He can also grab lightning and move through the air as if flying on it.

Position Desired:
Other Notes: Stands about 5' 11", Brown hair, Blue eyes, wears a white yukata with a yellow cloak.

Roleplay Sample: Staring into the sea, Bolt observed the movement of the creature beneath the briney waves. "Lugia?" He said with a snort. He didn't believe the rumors, and he didn't want to believe this creature was the monster he'd heard so much about. It had been a long voyage, and he didn't want it to end here. If he had to, he had the advantage over the monster. It was in water, after all.

Character History: Most of his history is in the dark, but what is known is that he was born to a single mother, who raised him in training Kenjitsu. He practiced daily and earned the nickname, "Bolt", from how fast he was. His true name is unknown. Having developed an attunement to the Lightning element early on, Bolt developed it further in personal training. As he trained in kenjitsu, he grew in physical strength and mental prowness. He has almost no skill with ranged weapons, but he makes up for it with his advanced skill in melee weapons.

Bolt's mother then died from a rock slide, a freak acident that killed only her. Without anyone to keep him tied down, he set his dream to being a Pokemon Master. Feeling strong with Electric Pokemon, he went on to get his own Jolteon and attempt to win all eight badges of the Kanto region. He lost against Brock, but decided to challenge Misty anyways. She was prideful, but he easily defeated her with his Jolteon. There was a joy about battle against the water-types that he enjoyed. Bolt loved seeing the electricity weave its way through the water and strike his opponents.

He then moved on to Lt. Surge, whom he lost to and decided he wanted as a mentor. He stayed with Lt. Surge and trained with him for years, neglecting the other Gym Leaders. Lt. Surge taught him all the secrets of the electric trainers. The mastery and skill Bolt showed with his Jolteon marvelled the stone face of Surge. He would have taken Bolt as his successor, had the League Wars not erupted. Bolt took on Lt. Surge's ability to underestimate his opponents. It was a flaw he would grow out of only after he had lost someone dear to him. Bolt doesn't speak properly, as his mentor Lt. Surge was a very rough and strong man. Also, he

When the League Wars erupted, Bolt left the region and moved to Seafoam. He took no part in the war but continued his personal training. To devote himself fully to his own strength, he gave most of his pokemon to Nurse Joy (which one is unknown), and lived by himself. However, he kept one pokemon for himself: a Jolteon. He was alone with Jolteon for some time in Seafoam. He acheived the rank of Master soon after that. His hooded cloak of yellow color, giving a slight static to whomever touches it, is a testament to his abilities.

It is also of note that he has a grand dislike for Earth elementals. (( blaugh )) The reason for this is obvious when hearing of Bolt's past. Jolteon died from an attack by a Golem. This attack was a result of Bolt pushing Jolteon too hard in a battle against the pokemon of Rock, he had thought Jolteon was trained powerfully enough to completely decimate any Golem. In using the manuever Rock Slide, the Golem crushed Jolteon flat and kileld Bolt's last friend. Now Bolt had lost two dear people to him in a rock slide. Since then, he had decided never to find a second pokemon to call his best friend. He would remain alone. He forever hates any Golem he sees and any Earth trainer or master.

OOC - More About Me
While my user-name is Bolt, and my characters are Bolt and Joker, my real name is Francis J. Trascritti. The name I go by is Frank.

I currently live in Louisville, KY, in the United States. I live on-campus at my school Boyce College.

My room mate is Kevin Cummings, a guy from TN, and into television and music. I am into TV as well, but movies, video games (RPGs in specific), and other forms of entertainment.

My best friends are Andrew Beard, a guy who has never watched anime prior to my intorduction of it to him; Ben Griffin, king of nerds, and highly into gaming and the Legend of Zelda; and Matt Davidson, a cool guy into trucks, speed, and hard rock.

My goals for my life are to write novels and study the history of the Old Testament of the Bible. I'm a Christian, Southern Baptist, and a very Conservative Republican. To me, God is the most important person in my life. I pray for my friends who are not saved. I pray that they would see the light and come to know Christ. I pray that some day I would meet them in Heaven.

I am currently single. I may act like I want a girlfriend, but it's not important. I would be perfectly fine never marrying in my life. To me, it is more important to accomplish something then to waste time in trying to please someone (as many relationships end up being). However, I play video games and Roleplay online (as Gaia is a testament to), but I consider that important relaxation time. wink

Well, that's me... and I hope to soon borrow my sister's camera and use it to post pictures of my campus. Good day to you.

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Bolt's File: 000004

Today I will write about some of the people I have met.

Personalities of Gaia

I suppose the most significant would be Keioko.

Keioko's a simple person to understand. She has a temper and is very moody, but when she's happy her fanged smile brings warmth to my heart.

She's a remarkable person.

Recently, she beat me in sword combat and licked up some of my blood. I've never seen that before, though I've been around vampires and demons in the past. Her sword skills are remarkable with the dual ninja-tos. Because she has such swift blades, and because she has centuries... or is it millenia... of training, she could crush me if she went all out. However, my abilities go further then just swordsmanship, so if I ever had to, I could take her. wink

Maybe... sweatdrop

The oddest thing about Kei is how young she looks. For someone pushing (what? 2000? 500?), she looks like a 16 year old.

Yet, her mind is obviously much wiser then mine, and her body much more attuned to physical activities. She is a remarkable creature. But the thing is... she looks like a teenager. I can kiss her and hug her, but that's it. Aya and I once fooled around, but I can't bring myself to with Kei. She just looks too young, it makes me feel disgusting when I think about it. I feel like a *****. Perhaps I am just being foolish. I could never bring myself to tell her.


Next, I wish to talk about The Forbidden One.

This is a guy I met in the Gaian Coliseum. He seems part robot, if not a full android. What struck me most was his ability to increase his speed in combat. It was as if he could willingly control how hard he would be going on an opponent. Despite his metallic nature, he had a good heart about him and held honor in high regard. I respect him for his ability to fight and his silence and control in combat. I consider him a new friend.


Third, I will talk about Aya Brea.

I haven't seen her in a long time, but I felt compelled to write about her. Last I remember, she was working for the government. While she was away on one such mission, I grew closer to Keioko. Aya and Keioko were the first two to see me in my six-winged form. Keioko thought I was an angel at first, I think. I attribute these wings to my Ankaa nature, though Jay could tell me more if he were still alive. I don't ever remember Jay having wings, though I could be mistaken. I digress. Aya was a workaholic, to put it simply. That didn't make her any less of a remarkable person. I recall her mitochondria skills were amazing and efficient. But it also made her unstable. We were fooling around once, and I wondered whether it was really her or some kind of mitochondria-induced passion. Still, she's the only other woman besides Klara I've ever... well, let's not go there at the moment.


The next person I will write about is Torment.

I have met him a few times. He is... odd. He was an enemy to me twice, though the second time was because of my decision to attack him. He weilds great power, and even greater when he's with his brother. I believe his name was Char... or was it Shar? Bah! My mind is going. Anyways, The Forbidden One and I were battling Torment and Shar. They summoned some kind of giant blade or something. It came down on us, and even with all my strength I couldn't stop it. I admit, I was holding back. I didn't want to kill TFO, who was near me. But even if I did use all my strength, I could not defeat Torment.


Decimus is a man I am associated with in a different sort of business. I will not go into the details of that, but he seems to be an honest person with a good heart. However, I don't knwo if that is his true name or purpose. He has set his mind towards doing only good, and he wishes to achieve that through his organization. He wishes me to join, but I can not decide whether I want to, or not. Is this organization for good?


Shiro Takaro will be the last person I discuss for now. He is a very... naive sort. He seems to be the same race as Keioko, though I am still not sure what it is. I know he's an Eastern Demon, but more then that is unknown to me.We first met by his losing his mind and attacking Keioko. She defended herself skillfully. I helped a litle by administering small shocks to Shiro's body.

It was interesting to interrogate him the next week. He had a strange air of confusion. As if he were insane. I left Tacitus a note telling him that Shiro Takaro was crazy, but he didn't listen. They allow Shiro to roam the halls freely. Kei feels he is completely innocent, but I don't share her sentiments. He is a good person, yes, but I can not forget his trying to kill Keioko. For her to forgive that so easily is dangerous to me.


With that, I end my log file.

-=OOC Quiz=-
1. How much gold do you have currently? Welcome Bolt , your Gaia Gold: 385737
2. Name: Real name? Frank
3. Birthday: August 18th, 1985
4. Age: 20
5. Birthplace: Daytona Beach, FL
6. Current Location:Louisville, KY
7. Eye Color:Brown
8. Hair Color:Black
9. Height:5'8"
10. Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
11. Your Heritage:Hmm... 1/4 Italian, 1/4 French, 1/4 Filipino, 1/8 Alaskan Native, and 1/8 of everthing else.
12. The Shoes You Wore Today: Work shoes.. black slip resistant. sweatdrop
13. Your Weakness:Kryptonite... Actually.. it's a nice, pretty face wink
14. Your Fears:Spiders, I suppose.
15. Your Perfect Pizza:Mushrooms and Pepperoni
16. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Master the Hebrew language
17. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "lol"
18. Thoughts First Waking Up:"Oh man, I need to study for [insert class name]!"
19. Your Best Physical Feature: I'm a sexy man.
20. Your Bedtime: 12 Midnight
21. Your Most Missed Memory: Being with my family
22. Pepsi or Coke:Coke!
23. McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds, freaks!
24. Single or Group Dates: I wouldn't know.. I'm not a dater, just a player. lol.
25. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Both.. mixed and served in a dirty glass.
26. Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
27. Cappuccino or Coffee:Neither, I hate both. sweatdrop
28. Do you Smoke:No
29. Do you Swear:No.. thought I have before a few times.
30. Do you Sing:No! Definately not! I mean I sing when I'm by myself and a good song somes on.. but not in frotn of people.
31. Do you Shower Daily:...uhm... redface
32. Have you Been in Love:I wouldn't know.
33. Do you want to go to College:I am in college.
34. Do you want to get Married: Not really. I suppose it would be good?
35. Do you belive in yourself: NO. I am a liar and a monster. I have hurt those I care about far too often.
36. Do you get Motion Sickness: Heh. Yeah, though not too bad.
37. Do you think you are Attractive: Yeah, I do. Other people do too, because I'm constantly being crushed on. I just am not looking for someone, though. I'm not lonely.
38. Are you a Health Freak: No.. not really.. though I do workout on occassion and go running once a week (maybe).
39. Do you get along with your Parents: Yeah, I love them like crazy.
40. Do you like Thunderstorms: YES! Lightning and Thunder rocks.
41. Do you play an Instrument: Bass Guitar.
42. In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nope.
43. In the past month have you Smoked: No.
44. In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope.
45. In the past month have you gone on a Date: Heh. No.
46. In the past month have you gone to a Mall: I work in a mall.. so.. no.
47. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Yes. Well.. not a whole box.. more like... five of them.
48. In the past month have you eaten Sushi:YES. I love sushi.
49. In the past month have you been on Stage: No.
50. In the past month have you been Dumped: No.
51. In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: redface ... No.
52. In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No. Unless you count downloading music as stealing, then yes.
53. Ever been Drunk:No.
54. Ever been called a Tease:Yes. Because I don't want a g/f.
55. Ever been Beaten up: No, no one messes with me.
56. Ever Shoplifted: To my everlasting shame, I tried to once.
57. How do you want to Die: after a long life, in my sleep.
58. What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A professor of Theology.
59. What country would you most like to Visit: hmm.. either Japan or Italy.
What you like In a Boy/Girl..
60. Favourite Eye Color:Blue. I love blue-eyed girls. smile
61. Favourite Hair Color:Any. I don't care. (preferrably brown)
62. Short or Long Hair:Short. I love short haired girls.
63. Height:hmm... about my height.
64. Weight:I dunno...
65. Best Clothing Style:Those that wear tennis skirts xd
66. Personality: Bubbly or Smart. I love the bubbly girls, but adore the intellect of the smart ones.
67. Number of Drugs I have taken: Rx or Illegal? Illegal: none. Rx: Heck if I know..
68. Number of CDs I own:No.. clue.
69. Number of Piercings:None.
70. Number of Tattoos: 0
71. Number of things in my Past I Regret: Heh. Too many to list.

Well... that's me, the mystery man who runs Bolt.

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Bolt's File: 000003

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