ok now heres the comic...follow the numbers...if your wunderin...#??? WHAT THE HELL?? ..well the stupic ink of my pencil wont go through and the damn paint or sumtin like that keeps erasin my pics..so im left for putting the subtitles on...lol haha anyway yeahh...lol here you go!LOL!
oh and there are 2 or more words that you can probaly read by yourself..but just in case not...the first letters are on the top..it says .."Beware this is mostly chibis"..yeah..anyway on the bottom of that is "its time..." and then sumone shouts "MOTHER??" and here are the numbers..lol

number one is the picture that is right next to the one that said mother..yeah..the second picture of the top right corner..lol anyway ...if you can read this....w/e...here..
1)2nd Girl: "Mother? what are you dong here? Why are you appearing in my dreams all of a sudden?"
the second dialoge is right under that first picture that i wrote for number 1.
2) 1st Girl : " You will know why soon enough my dear. On your sixteenth birthday...you will know.."
the third dialoge is when the 2nd Girl is in her bed.
Now that, that's settled all you have to do is look on the right of each picture for the new dialoge..lol yeah
3) Girl : *YAWN* "What was that all about?? ...wait i've had mother in my dreams for a few months already..why???...oooo...i have to go take a bath..."
4) Girl: "Oh well...i shouldnt worry about it..."
5) Girl : "But then again...she did appear even in my nightmares...so odd...what does mother wnat me to know?What is she trying to tell me??? ..*SIGH* SO CONFUSED..."
the the sixth one is below # 3
6) Girl: "Thats it! im getting off..im getting all pruny"
Theres writeing on the botom left corner it says " If this is confuseing i am sorry...you will get it soon lol"
ok and # 7n 8 are in the same box so yeah...
7) Father: "Hikaru! You'll be late for school!"
eight) Hikaru : "Coming!"
next box>>
9) Hikaru : " Hello! My name is Hikaru. Please to meet anyone that is reading this!LOL! well..My father is the man that is next to the kitchen sink. My little brother is right next to him.Do you see a little rectangle near my father? Inside that ((look carefully)) theres my lil bro!...anyway i had a normal life until my sixteenth birthday..so odd...Please read on.. until next time! BYEBYE"