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[Name:Dynamite Rave
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Mare
Species: Pegasus
Cuite Mark: Four Dance Dance Revolution arrows!

Special Talent:Dancing! Specifically, stealing the spotlight at any club, on any dance floor, anywhere!
Job in Ponyville: She serves tables at the local bar and she's the 'shooter filly' on Friday and Saturdays.
Personality:Dynamite is outgoing, happy and self confident. She loves being herself and thinks every other pony should be happy being themselves too!
Likes: Fast music with a good beat
Kite Flying
Gummy Candies
Dislikes: Black Licorice
Slow songs with no pony to dance with
Drunk Ponies
Brief Biography:I'll get to this later
Personal Quote:"I'm your little butterfly. Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky"