Thoughts and Ideas
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 12:56am
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 @ 04:12am
Bad People on Gaia
Now, I don't mind if you're having a bad day, and someone ticks you off and you let'em have it. Sometimes you just have to vent.
For the remainder of the gaians who let loose, "SHUT UP~!" Get a grip! You are online to have fun, NOT to try an make people feel bad. stressed I have a list her of types of gaians that are totally not cool and need to get a grip on life.
1. Grammar Nazis. Grammar Nazis bug me to no end. I see no point in flaming someone just because they make a friggin spelling mistake. If you can understand what they are writing, there is NO REASON to freak out just because they hit a wrong key and didn't check their spelling first. You Grammar Nazis have some MAJOR issues if that's what you choose to flame. stare Really, get a life.
2. n00b Haters. What is WITH this???? Everyone on Gaia was a newbie at one point in time. You didn't know the rules, you did dumb crap to piss people off. Now your BETTER than new people just because you are older on gaia??? Well, guess what? You're STILL pissing people off. Get over yourself.
3. Flamers. If you don't agree with something, You just flame someone???? WTF? Ripping on someone just because you don't agree with themis so totally not cool. People are entitled to their own opinions and just because you don't agree with it doesn't give you the right to call them idiots or anything else. There must be some major damage going on in your life if you have to rip on people online. It's cowardly not doing it face to face. But that's the point, isn't it. You're a coward.
4. Just plain rude people. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR DEAL!?!??!! What gives you the right to be rude to people? If you have nothing better to do than to start a fight in a thread, you need some help. Your annoying. Grow up already!
Well, that's my list of bad people. Geez, I don't know why we all can't get along. But I guess SOME people need to make others feel bad to make themselves feel better. Lighten up people.
heart Where's the love? heart
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 04:48am
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 04:35am
Community Member