I'm known as: Finley Finnagán
Ethnicity: Irish
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 210lbs
Sexuality: Straight
I belong to the: Emerald Desire
Position: Quarter Master

There is no amulet and all of his cloths are rags of different color he has tide and patched together, not only blue.
Eye Color: Blue
Due to his Captain's Aloofness Finley Is all business when on the deck. taking no nonsense and being loose with the cat'o'ninetales. However once off ship or below deck he is a fun loving drunkard. One touch of that famous old spice to his lips riles his Irish right up. Gold is Finley's love, He is greedy when getting it and stingy when spending it.
Finley or Fin as he lets his friends call him, was born to potato farmers up in Ireland. When he was old enough to work The English nobility has him shipped to the palace to be a servant boy. He then spent his childhood working under the handmadin of the princess. Finley never learned her name and only ever saw her once. It was a good life he was taught to read and wright as well as some basic arithmetic. It was this life that made him the man hi is today. living the life of luxury yet not having a single luxury himself. when he was 14 he ran away from his life as a servant in order to find a life where he could earn himself a lavish life. Naturally he turned to piracy. The only way to get enough gold to live like a king was to steal it from a king.
Some Details
Weapons: A 12" bullwhip, Hand maid Cat'O'Ninetales,Flintlock pistol hidden in his boot, and a steel cutlass under his shoddy kilt.
Strengths: Keeping a ship shape and hitting any target within twelve feet with his whip.
Weaknesses: Gold. He will chase it to the ends of the earth or right into a trap.
Fears: Someone finding his hidden fortune and loosing respect of his crew because of the drinking problem.
Has a love of fine wines. Spends spare time tying sharp things in to his cat.
Played by: Zero_Fategod