
Tomorrow its time to kill some zombies...or get turned...we'll see.
Lord Raven Orion · Sat Oct 13, 2012 @ 01:49am · 0 Comments |
The dim glow of the man’s digital watch face shone through the darkness, joined only by filtered light through nearby windows. Despite the cold night air, his knee-length coat was unbuttoned as he walked the maze of alleys he always took to get home. He shook his head, knowing how risky his chosen path might be, but he preferred this over the noisy, busy streets of other routes he might take.
While thinking of this, he heard a noise hidden in the night. He quickly reached into his pocket, only to hear the mew of a stray cat as it ran past. He sighed and continued walking, fingering the folding knife in his pocket. Despite his care of the knife, he had yet to use it, and hoped he would never have to. He held his hand ready to open the knife as he turned the corner onto a small street.
This street was brighter, the streetlights reflecting off the puddles from the earlier rain, shining on the reflective windows. Seeing the street clear of people, he closed the blade, taking his hands from his pockets. He stopped, looking at his reflection in a store window. Not for the first time he wished he would simply buy a hat, his shirt and coat damp from the earlier rain, his hair dark from the rain, no longer its usual shade. Remembering the time, he hurried on.
Passing the small art-supply store that he usually bought his things from, he considered his productivity of late. He was glad that he had another form of income, especially lately, but having to take extra hours to cover what his art usually brought in bothered him. When he had an idea, it was usually forced, and it was as if his skill refused to bring out a forced piece, no matter how great the proposed composition was. The frustrations this strange situation spawned then made his art suffer even more.
He snapped out of this thoughtful state as he realized he had already turned onto another fairly busy street, the last before he had to go back into that shadowed, isolated maze to get home. He shook his head at his foolishness. Not paying attention to his surroundings here was a quick way to get himself hurt…or worse. The coffee shop on this street, the same one that he had passed regularly, stood out that night for some reason, a beacon in the night. Deciding to act on spontaneous whim for once, he went inside.
The shop was laid out pretty simply, with a wooden counter, simple chairs and tables, and a few taller dining arrangements along the back, windowed wall. The woman behind the counter looked up from her work, and was not able to hide the grimace at seeing the man walk in with wet, dirty shoes. She put on a façade of a smile, and put aside the rag she had been wiping the counter with. He nodded as she greeted him, and asked not for coffee but for a cup of hot tea. She gave him a strange look at this request, but once more put on the same false smile and began working on fixing his drink.
Once he got his tea, he turned to find a place to sit, only to find that there was only one other person in the building besides him and the lady who was busy trying to clean up for the night. He walked to a small round table and began sipping his tea. It was a bit too strong, but the heat of it seemed to warm him instantly.
While he was drinking, the one other customer came over and sat down across from him. She was very pretty, exotic but common at the same time. She was a few inches shorter than he, with dark eyes and hair that was neither dark nor light, but a shade somewhere between. She gave a beautiful, contagious smile as she introduced herself. The night seemed brightened by her presence, and their conversations, his worries slipping away. Much of the time they spent at the table was dedicated to mundane everyday conversations.
After what felt like a only a few minutes, the woman excused herself, that she must leave. It was late, and she had to meet someone early that morning. The man was confused at first, hearing that, but when looking at his watch, realized that tomorrow morning was in fact, no longer tomorrow morning. He bid her goodnight, and continued to drink his tea. When she left, he felt a strange sense of absence. He pushed this aside, and began once more thinking about his artwork.
After a loud, suggestive cough, and a glare from the woman who had finished cleaning the counter, he decided it was time to hurry home. Paying his bill and, due to how long he kept the lady working this late, a rather large tip, he got up and left. A smile crossed his face as he saw the crescent moon through the gap between the buildings, and more importantly, a clear sky.
As he continued into the dark alleys, he thought of the conversations he had with the woman. He thought of his lack of inspiration, and then, like a wave crashing against the shore, ideas washed over him. Not washed, so much as filled him, crashed against him, revitalized him. He felt like a weight, one he didn’t know was there, was lifted away. His next piece came to him, openly and unforced.
With a smile on his face, and plans made, he turned left, where he would have normally turned right. Instead of the isolated, ordinary routes, he went to the bright, energized road that would take him home faster. Where he would normally have felt isolated in the crowd, he now felt as though part of the crowd. Soon, he would be home.
Lord Raven Orion · Fri Sep 24, 2010 @ 02:59am · 0 Comments |
Channelling Skills __ Air __ Earth __ Fire __ Spirit __ Water
Combat Skills _10_ Endurance (allows your character to go without rest longer) _10_ Flame and Void _10_ Agility (allows your character to be faster and more agile) _20_ Combat Strategy (points in combat strategy can determine who wins) _20_ Blades (Daggers, long swords, short swords etc.) __ Quarterstaff __ Maces __ Staff _30_ Spear/Lance __ Bows (crossbow, long bow etc.)
Common Skills __ Horseback Riding _20_ Tracking __ Bartering __ Penmanship __ Baking __ Cooking __ Tailoring __ Blacksmithing __ Farming __ Navigating __ Woodworking __ Torture __ Fletching __ Stonemasonry
Political Skills __ Leadership __ Persuasion __ Deception __ Political Strategy __ Serenity
Education __ History __ English __ Arithmetic __ Geography __ Science __ Multilingual-Old Tongue __ Multilingual-Trolloc
Thievery _30_ Stealth __ Pick Locks __ Pick Pockets __ Disguise
Lord Raven Orion · Mon Nov 02, 2009 @ 11:55pm · 0 Comments |
General: The Aiel Waste is a vast desert, inhospitible and dangerous. By day, the land is scorching and swelteringly warm, but by night, the land is fridgid and cold.
Sigil: The Aiel have no unifing sigil.
Cities, Towns and Villages: Rhuidean Clan Holds Sept Holds
People and Customs: The Aiel are fierce warriors, quiet by nature, and dangerous. They are hardened by the lands they dwell in, and do not take kindly to outsiders. Aiel call each other by the whole name, including wetlanders. To call people by only their first name seems strange to the Aiel. They follow a complicated system of honor and obligation, that they call ji-e-toh. The most important aspect of this involves weapons. They can use no weapon that is only used to kill other humans. Thus their limited weapon choice consist of three shortspears, half their height, with a foot of steel for their tips, horn shortbows, and heavy belt knives. In addition, they always raise a veil for battle. All men can fight, and some women are expert fighters. The only positions in society whom they do not harm, nor take as gai'shain are Wise Ones, blacksmiths, children, and women with a child under the age of ten. The Aiel are organized into the twelve clans. These are the Chareen, Goshien, Shaarad, Tomanelle, Codarra, Shiande, Daryne, Reyn, Miagoma, Nakai, Taardad, and Shaido. These are further divided by Sept. To create some link between the clans, there are also seven warrior societies. These are the Far Dareis Mai (Maidens of the Spear), Shae'en M'taal (Stone Dogs), Aethan Dor (Red Shields), Seia Doon (Black Eyes), Far Aldazar Din (Brothers of the Eagle), Rahien Sorei (Dawn Runners), Sha'mad Conde (Thunder Walkers), Hama N'dore (Mountain Dancers), Sovin Nai (Knife Hands), Cor Darei (Night Spears), Tain Shari (True Bloods), and Duadhe Mahdi'in (Water Seekers).
Appearance and Clothing: The Aiel are tall, and almost always well built. While their skin is naturally pale, their face and hands are usually quite dark due to their enviorment. Their hair is light, often red or blonde, and their eyes light, usually blue, green, or grey. Aiel men, and members of Far Dareis Mai, wear cadin'sor, or workclothes. These consist of loose algonde clothing in all greys and browns. Some green is added when in the "wetlands." In addition, a length of cloth, called a shoufa, is wrapped around the head, with a veil, usually black, to be drawn over the face during battle, hiding all but the eyes. For those wearing the cadin'sor, jewelry is limited; men can wear no jewelry, and the Maidens can wear a single peice that does not interfere in stealth. The rest of the Aiel women wear bulky skirts, usually grey or brown, and a white blouse. These women can, and often do, wear much more jewelry. All Aiel wear knee-length soft leather boots. Aiel warriors are always seen carrying a bullhide buckler, their heavy knife, and three shortspears, as well as a bow if they use one.
Lord Raven Orion · Mon Nov 02, 2009 @ 11:52pm · 0 Comments |