I am not here to cyber with you, because I don't want to cyber with you. One of the internet's many cheap thrills just does not interest me. So don't try it. I know I'm just incredibly sexy and hard to resist but sorry it isn't an option.
My age is 19. No I am not lying to you to be cool over the internet. I'm 19 I'm into anime and I especially love to draw it.
Drawing is indeed my life. (In comparison to emos and needing music in their life. Except I don't walk around thinking my life is spiraling downwards into a vortex of despair. Sorry Emos, I'm not too fond of you.)
I am a deviant artist, my address is: http://quartknee.deviantart.com/

I enjoy screwing around with my two good friends; Damien and Kei. We enjoy raiding Gaia Towns and acting insane/crazy/noobish/annoying for pure laughs. We usually successful contaminate other Gaian's to join us in our raids and acting weird with us and basically having a great time. If you think you'd fit in easily with our acts of pure insanity, then by all means befriend us and join us anytime.
My character is male, I love the males! Kunari is hawt, yet unfortunately women. I am a girl in real life. wink