Name: Raziel
Gender: Male
DOB: 10/06/04
Malepharin WorldsRaziel was my very first breedable on Gaia. My sister, Raechal, won him for me in an auction for 50k+... I paid her back of course, but because of her kindness, I have Raziel. My knight means a lot to me, and I'm very proud of him. Just incase anyone wondered, Raziel's name means "Secret of God." His armor design is based off of Guts from Berserk...best..anime..ever.
Name: Cerberus
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
Eoghan SleninCerberus was the result of my first successful flatsale! He's a cosplay Eoghan Slenin of the character Keroberos, or Kero-chan (my nickname for him) from Card Captor Sakura by CLAMP. Handsome, isn't he?
wink I hope to breed him one day, and complete some quests with him. Cerberus was my 2nd breedable.
Name: Ichabod
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
SunchildrenIchabod was a gift from a very close friend of mine IRL and online, Bejeeta-sama. He had won the Sunchild Halloween raffle and because I was having some IRL problems, he gave it to me as a way of cheering me up. (Even though I was hoping he would keep it and become a breedables addict like myself..XD) I still haven't figured a way of repaying him... Anyways, Ichabod's name comes from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. He's a mischevious fellow!~

Name: Li
Gender: Male
DOB: 12/10/04
ZodicalI attained Li through pure luck. I had been wanting a Zodical for a while now, especially a male Ox. (I'm an Ox, FYI - 1985) Luckily enough, a male Ox was to be sold at an upcoming flatsale. Unfortunately, I was scheduled to work that night. I asked my sister, Ebba, to try to win him for me. She agreed, and I went to work hoping for the best. ^_^ My manager came up to me later that evening and explained to me that they were cutting hours, and that they needed to send some people home. I volunteered to go home early that night, and I made it *just in time* to make the flatsale. Not only did I make it in time for the flatsale, I had won the Ox as well. ^_^ I named him Li because it's Chinese for "strong" which is a characteristic of the Ox. (Li is also the name of my favorite Card Captor Sakura character...by CLAMP. XD) He really seems to be enjoying that chocolate milk. =D

Name: Subaru & Inuki
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
Shounen-Ai LoveInuki, a minipet, was won in a Halloween Shounen-Ai Love scavenger hunt. His breed is Terragon, which are known to be strong, solid and possess amazing robot and break dancing skills. The Terragon are known to be eccentric. O.o; He's paired up with Subaru, an alchemist S.A.L I won in an exhausting week-long contest. I would wake up every morning at 6 am EST (that was the given time for the new contest to start each day) Each contest awarded a certain amount of points, and at the end, whoever had the most points got to choose between Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist Cosplay Edition) and an unknown alchemist. The events went something like this:
Event 1: Ask a friend to draw you for free as an alchemist.
Event 2: Guess the weight of L-kun's apple.
Event 3: Recipe contest. L-kun's mom will judge who has the best recipe.
Event 4: Drawing/Writing Contest. Theme: Alchemy. In the end, I got 1st place overall with 80 points total and claimed the unknown alchemist as my prize. (I couldn't believe I actually won the art contest. The piece I submitted is in my DeviantArt if anyone cares to look.) Both Subaru and Inuki are characters from my favorite CLAMP manga, X. L-kun gave me a hint that the unknown alchemist will lose his eye sight, and in X, Subaru looses his eye. (Close enough..^^) In X, Inuki is a dog spirit companion...which fits my minipet pretty well. Both of these pets took a lot of hard work to achieve, and I am very proud to own them.
Name: Coeus
Gender: Male
DOB: 12/08/04
Joey Adoption AgencyCoeus was purchased in a flatsale from a relatively new shop called the Joey Adoption Agency. Pach_work is the owner, and her artwork is amazing.
heart He was semi-custom, so I got to choose his markings, colors, gender, element...okie he was pretty much a full custom. XD His colors/markings are based off of the African Wild Dog and his element is Earth. The name "Coeus" is from greek mythology. Coeus was the Titan of Intelligence. Intelligence is an attribute of Earth Joeys. ^^

Name: Candychan
Gender: Male
DOB: 12/24/04
The Nef NestCandychan is a custom Christmas Nef based off of a Christmas Petpet from Neopets called "Candychan." I was lurking in the Nef thread, hoping Springloaded would open up some custom slots. I kept refreshing the main page, when I noticed a slot had opened up. I quickly posted that I was interested in the custom slot, but Friday_Dora had beaten me to it. Being the nice person she is, she let me have the custom slot instead of her. I must have asked her 5 times, "are you sure??...you're kidding right?" lol Springloaded awarded her kindness with a custom slot as well, and both of us recieved cutsom Nefs that day. *huggles Liz & Dora* I'm so happy because although I don't go on Neopets as much as I used to, a Candychan is one of the items I really want on that site...and a plushie pb...but anyways, having my Candychan Nef is just as wonderful, and I'm very happy to have him. He was born on Christmas Eve, isn't that special? ^w^

Name: Zeid
Gender: Unknown
DOB: Unknown
Gamer Monster PetsZeid was a gift from my sister Raechal. Isn't she nice to me? @w@;; He's based off of Bahamut from the Final Fantasy series. I named him Zeid because of a Dark Knight character in FFXI. *sigh* I
heart Dark Knights... Anyways, Zeid is Bahamut #6/9 *gigglesnort* and as far as I know, all of the Bahamuts are sold out. I luff Zeid very much, thanks Raechal!~ *plots ways to pay her back for her kindness*

Name: Kinara
Gender: Unknown
DOB: 12/19/04
Fleeting NotionsI'm not sure who got me a Secret Santa Fleeting Notion, but I'd like to officially thank them here in my journal. ^^ I named my Kwanzaa Notion, Kinara; The traditional symbol of Kwanzaa includes the kinara, a candleholder that holds seven candles to mark each principle Kwanzaa stands for.

Name: Dark Hoppy
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
Walrus LurveDark Hoppy was also a Christmas gift. Amiliane bought one for me, and I turned around and bought her one.
whee I love the colors, markings, his swirly, menacing eyebrow. XDD Anyways, I named Dark Hoppy because of an inside joke between my good friends (IRL & Gaia) EndlessSavior, Bejeeta-sama, and a few others I rarely talk to now. But anyways, meet Dark Hoppy, your lord and master. =D *pokes his pudge* He's so fat, slow, and plotting to rule the world... Awwww!~
Name: Kokuyo
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
Ryouken FieldsKokuyo was my first pet I got through bribing. XD He has one black wing, and one white wing, and his name is taken from my favorite character from Wish by CLAMP. (Even though his character design is somewhat based off of Kamui from X...by CLAMP) ...Wow, I really like CLAMP, huh? XD In Wish, Kokuyo is Satan's son who falls in love with one of the four Master Angels, Hisui the Angel of Wind. My Ryouken's markings are designed to look like a Siberian Husky, one of my favorite dog breeds. x3

Name: Tyra
Gender: Female
DOB: Unknown
The Tahnee Orphanage
Name: Kawada
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
The Tahnee Orphanage

Name: Azriel
Gender: Male
DOB: 1/21/05
The Stargrove

Name: Narcissus
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
The Tahnee Orphanage
Name: Altamene
Gender: Male
DOB: Unknown
The Tahnee Orphanage