The joys of procrasttinating. |
I'm suppose to work on my biology lab report that's due tomorrow. We didn't even do the experiment yet, but our teacher is making us write up the abstract, introduction, methods, and discussion. Yeah, he's added to my list of a** clowns. On top of this, I've also got exercise science and Human Growth. Oh, the joys of procrastinating. And having a retarded biology teacher. neutral
That aside, today was pretty fun, especially Trishy-Bear's party. I finally met up with everyone ('cept Julie, who's way up in Ottawa crying heart ), and I got Abby to explain my biology lab to me, as well as do my exercise science homework. Met some of her school friends, which was pretty cool. We basiclly just watched a movie, raided her fridge, and left. xd Haha, just like the good ol' days, way back when. We took some pictures as well, and I think I scared one of her friends with my Angus stalkings. rofl Yes, he is damn hot. Maybe I'll post his picture one day, though since no one bother reading this, I don't see why I should. talk2hand
Thursday was awsome, jacked a picture of Angus, but stupid Anthos pointed me out, so now he knows I exist. Wow, I fail as a stalker. gonk
Weeeeee~, so much homework, so I best be off. The sugar rush I had from Trishy's over feeding of chocolate is beginning to wear off, so I better get started. emo I bid you all adieu.
Sengir · Mon Oct 16, 2006 @ 02:40am · 1 Comments |
[Friday May 26, 2006] Day 1 First day of AN. During school hours I couldn't stop shaking in excitement, but when a certain incident happened (known only to Trishana and Ada), I was much less enthusiastic. None the less, AN was still pretty awsome, even while carrying a burden. I called Tempy aka Shannon when we (being Ada, Trishy-Bear, Anthony, Carol and I), finally got into the dealers room, my connection was apparently cut off. D; But at least we (we as in Ada and I in this case) got to meet last year, and we will definately the next when I finally book myself a hotel room. When leaving, we met Sigure aka Nick. <3 But it was only for 30 seconds or so. D: T'was still fun reguardless.
[Saturday May 27, 2006] Day 2 Second day of AN, and Ada couldn't come with Trish-Bear, Abby, and I due to exams. Who the heck has exams on Saturdays? Well, Ada does apparently. Moving on, we went during the afternoon and didn't get much. I met Simon, Antho, Ed, Nelly, along with a few others, so I decided to hang with them a bit. Trishy-Bear went with her sister Abby. I got a limited edition Vega poster, which was awsome, thank you. I also made Simon take a picture of this bunny dude and Nelly of some random topless [insert fangirl scream] guy with a metal arm + wing. <3 Met up with Trishy-Bear as they were leaving and coincidentally bumped into Nick again. <3 Got a picture together lucky before we were on our way again.
[Sunday May 28, 2006] Day 3 Last day. Well, this was the day I spent all my money. XD Got two photo sized pictures for 3$, a xxxHolic paper sized picture for 5$, 5 adorable magnets for 2$, leg warmers, a shonnen-ai manga, and a uber smexy Dante poster for 10$. The Dante came with some nekkid chick save her tatoos, so I decided to give her to Miko ie. Michael so my parents wouldn't yell at me. Also got some free magazines from this hot uni dude who actually thought Trishy-Bear and I were 19. We were just like, O_O;;; Dude, we're in high school. He called us kids after. >.> O well. </3 Was hoping to catch Nick before he left, but we unfortunately arrived to late. Better luck next year. <3
Sengir · Sat Jun 03, 2006 @ 01:34pm · 0 Comments |
Yesturday while I was standing in line at the Coffee Time in front of my school, some weird dude comes up to me and was like,
"Hey Babe. Aren't you hot in that sweater?"
I'm just like, "No. D':"
If this dude was hot, then I'd probably be like, "Only after I saw you. ;DD" but nooo...this guy was like freaking 90+.
Gosh, I never want to go through that again. crying
Sengir · Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 10:21pm · 0 Comments |
March Break in a week! <3 |
The schedule:
March 10, 4:00 - Winter Camp drop off. (skipping last period to walk unless I find a ride sweatdrop ) March 11 - Camp! xd And studying for math. talk2hand March 12, 5:30 - Pick up. March 13 - Sleep March 14 - Anime + Gaming + Homework March 15 - Anime + Gaming + Homework March 16 - Downtown with Ada and Trish (Abby might come)! heart March 17 - Pac-Mall pictures with Ada and Trish! heart March 18 - Visiting some Catholic church. surprised March 19 - Church + Anime + Gaming + Homework + Sleep
Sengir · Mon Mar 06, 2006 @ 01:44am · 0 Comments |
Can't wait until tomorrow! |
Well, today for the most part was fun, except my accounting exam. Wow...never knew he was like this 'til today...now I see his true colours...lol, Vihbu, if you're reading this (though I don't know why you'd be on Gaia eek ), you know who I'm talking about. Haha, I used to think you guys were being mean for no good reason, but now I can see why. Can't believe she hates him too...thought they were so close too, eh? Guess you can never judge a book by their cover.
Moving on, Vihbu drove me to Johanne's house this morning. It was so jokes...the pictures I took were so funny...hell, it still cracks me up. Don't worry Vihbu, I won't show that many people. Just close freinds. xd Went back to school at 12:45 ish, and we had to pick up JLu. That took forever because I had to eat my sexy apple. mrgreen We studied a bit, but kept getting distracted because people were coming over and talking to us in hordes. In the end, we got barely any studying done. Lucky for Vihbu, he had his Insurance on him. I on the other hand, was screwed over...hard. Argh, still so mad about what happened...o well...can't change the past...but still...this will be in my mind for a looong time...I'm not known for forgiveness...once I hold a grudge it will last forever. O well, not like I have to see him again anytime soon. talk2hand On a lighter note, going out tomorrow with Trishy-bear! I'm so excited right now...it's the only thing really keeping my mind off accounting. mad Haha, we're doing downtown...going to ahve so much fun! I'ma bring lots of moneys from New Years just for this. Hopefully I don't blow to much moneys on useless crap like I usually do...but no garentees there. sweatdrop Really hoping to see Terry or Angus so I can do some serious stalking, but the chances aren't high...Terry would most likely be at STC and Angus at Pacific. sad O well, it's still going to be awsome! Aha, we're so getting Starbucks again...best coffee ever! heart
Sengir · Thu Feb 02, 2006 @ 12:39am · 0 Comments |
I just realised my mom threw out my book that I need for my project. scream Now I got to buy another one. There goes my $30 ($15 for the one she threw out, and another $15 to buy it again) and new shirt. My God I hate her right now. stressed crying
On a lighter note, I got 3.75 sets of that elf-tech stuff between Senni and I over a period of 8 hours or so. Going to give a set to JD (Tiagami), keeping two sets for Senni and I, and selling off the rest when they go up in price a bit. 3nodding
Sengir · Mon Jan 02, 2006 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |
OMG, both Senni and I were only a few away from reaching the zombie status (I was 4 and he 3), but then the forum locked. We both would've reached it if it wasn't for the millions of leeching mofo's who are to illerterate or who are just plain ******** posting in the wrong designated threads. There are threads that say "LVL 0~30+" and "LVL 40+ ONLY PLZKTHX" for a reason. It's not because we're elite bastards, it's because we actually wanna get somewhere, and not spend 24 hours + only to be hindered by leeching mother ********. Seriously, my entire week-end was wasted because these rude a** clowns just don't give two shits about others.
Damn I wish Death Notes were real, and that I had one. neutral
Sengir · Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 02:23am · 1 Comments |
Sengir · Mon Oct 17, 2005 @ 02:21am · 1 Comments |
Trish's and Ada's B-day Party |
It was their party yesturday. OMG, it was sooo much fun! xd Julie, you should've been there!! Aha, the funniest thing happened...okay. So Ada, Trish, Abby and I are coming back from STC on the RT. We get to the stop we were supposed to get off.
So I'm just walking towards the door, then, BOOM! it slams closed in my face. I was like OMGWTF?!? eek eek eek As the good friends we are, we attempt to pry the door open. Key word: attempt. gonk
While swearing my head off, we manage to get it to open a crack...but then the RT starts moving...I shouted one last ********! before placing my hands on the window watching my friends chase after me. The only thing running through my head at that point was oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t.
I wasn't a pretty sight. My mouth was gaping open, slightly going up and down as I tried to digest what just happened. When they were out of my sight, I finally sat down.
On my way to my seat, I glanced around. Those other bitches on the RT was all smiling, and I knew they were laughing on the inside. crying
As the RT approached the next stop Ellesmere, I got off, and had to run to the other side and catch the other RT to get back to Midland.
Some pictures from the party:
 Ada spacing out
 The traditional Ada worshipping something piccu
 Ada and trish looking bored
 Trish and I attempting to be "gangster"
 Me really into watching Monster-in-law
 Me/Abby/Ada - Me giving out the infamous "look"
 Abby and I
 Me getting drunk
 Ada and I
 Abby and I feeding each other o.O
 Sleeping Abby
 Sleeping Trish
 Sleeping Ada
 Sleeping Me
Sengir · Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 03:21pm · 0 Comments |