Race/Region: Faun from Ashildur
Age: 19
Class: Rogue - shadow
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Logical. Naive. Compassionate. These are words that describe Asiri, along with the whole of her race. In most ways she follows the laws and traits of her people, yet she tries to create her own individuality, something no other faun has. Despite her naivety she is very intelligent and wants to accomplish more than being a simple housewife. She adheres to their laws of purity and abstinence, only because she doesn't know there is any other way. She is very curious while also being self conscious due to her fear of angering the goddess Ebba.
Biography: Asiri was raised the only child of a faun family. She was raised in the common belief that everyone provided for themselves and purity was valued above all else.
Personal Goals: To see the world outside her region and find a life for herself her people would not allow.
Element: Wind with sub-element of weather.
Can create localized storms, clouds, tornadoes, and sandstorms.
Use wind to push people and objects.
Manipulate wind to allow them to glide and levitate.