Those bastards called me… TECH-003.
You could say I’m the… fearless leader , or something like it.

« « ...basic details… » »
genetic condition » » Hybrid Variant.
age » » Nineteen.
gender » » Male.
sexual orientation » » Bisexual, though relationships have been low on his priorities.
ethnicity » » British, but he’s lost the majority of the accent.
languages spoken » » English.
skills » » If anything technological breaks, your best bet is to ask him to take a look at it. Like all technokinetics—and, of course, being the one that invented the method—he knows exactly how to modify Inhibitors and disable tracking chips. Also, he can keep a straight face, even when he’s lying through his teeth.
« « ...appearance… » »
height » » 5’9”
weight » » 154 lbs.
hair » » Black, medium length. Cut unevenly.
eyes » » Blue.
significant markings » » He doesn't have many scars or other markings, other than light, faded lines where the implants were places--such as his forearms, biceps, shoulders, stomach, thighs, calves, and a few other places.
dress style » » He’s not too concerned about what he wears. Mostly, just different combinations of jeans, t-shirts, jackets, and sneakers. However, he’s rarely seen without a pair of elaborate DJ headphones on—either on his ears or around his neck—that he customized himself. It's always hooked up to an old CD player. Somehow, he managed to find some old CDs in an age where such inconvenient things are more or less relics. How? Well, that’s his secret.
« « ...personality… » »
likes » » Technology (past, present, and future), music, fixing things, computers, cats and dogs, and sarcasm.
dislikes » » Utopia, not being able to explain what he means or feels, being hot, and when people mispronounce his adopted name.
brief description » » In one word, Rhys is a laidback guy. There isn’t much—other than mention of Utopia, obviously—that will upset him. He’s constantly fluctuating between a sarcastic, humorous mood and a serious one, and sometimes the switch between the two facets of his personality can be alarming to people that aren’t used to it. However, most people find it easy to get along with him, and he’s the kind of person that doesn’t mind to calmly and quietly lend an ear if someone has a problem.
However, whenever the subject of Utopia is brought up, a new part of his personality arises. This aspect of him is obviously bitter and resentful towards the group—even more so than what would be expected. The reason for this is simple: during his time at Utopia, he was part of a group that was used for more radical, cruel experimentation on altering a Hybrid’s abilities, and most of the other Hybrids in the group died as a result. For a person that treasures human worth and respect, being treated like a mindless lab rat with no disregard as to whether he lived or died was very off putting.
« « ...fighting… » »
hybrid classification » » Environmental
ability description » » Simply put, Rhys is a technokinetic Hybrid, and the experimentation that he was subjected to at the lab has granted him some slightly electrokinetic (electricity / metal / magnetic force) skill that he was not born with. This is due to several highly sophisticated implants in various parts of his body that generate an electrical current and exude a magnetic field that he can somewhat control.
Basically, all of this means that he can manipulate all sorts of technology with ease, alongside having a slight control over metal, electricity, and magnetic fields.. Just enough to levitate metal objects and draw them to him, as well as use the implanted magnetic field and electrical currents to ruin computer systems, security systems, etc.
amplifier » » His amplifier is in the shape of a black wristwatch and, oddly enough, doesn’t really enhance his technokinetic abilities. Rather, it strengthens the control he has over the electrical current and magnetic fields that were created by Utopia’s implants. It doesn’t really increase their strength as much as it just allows him to control it consciously.
weapons » » The only weapons he has with him on raids are a few knives. However, they’re actually made of a harder metal, allowing them up be used in conjunction with his electrokinetic abilities.
« « ...history… » »
brief overview » »
Rhys was born as Jacob Bennett in England once upon a time, but hadn’t lived there for more than a little over four and a half years before being kidnapped from his own home by Utopian Lab, brought there to be experimented upon during the fifth rounding up of test subjects from around the world. Only a few months after he arrived, he was given the surgery that unlocked his latent technokinetic abilities, and was trained and allowed to develop his control over the gift until he was nearly eight years old.
That was when he was selected to be part of a thirteen person group to be used for experimentation on how to change a Hybrid’s abilities or classification. This experiment—which took roughly eight years to complete due to unexpected mistakes and the fact that each of the numerous implants had to be administered in separate surgeries—managed to give him slight electrokinetic abilities as well. However, he was one of only four from the group that, in the long run, survived the mini-project with successful results.
At sixteen years old, Rhys was fed up with being subjected to the painful and cruel tests. He spent his time for the next two years working on a way to modify the Inhibitors and disable the tracking chips, and worked with nine others on an escape plan. After two years of careful planning and secrecy, they managed to escape and make it back to the United States, where he and five others went into hiding. He and the others decided to form Dystopia, and he was more or less appointed to be the leader of the tiny organization, a role which he did not mind. As laidback as he is, it brings him incredible satisfaction to raid Utopia and destroy their research, as well as bring back more of their kind to the mainland.