ive been meaning to write about this for a while now. its about how i got grounded a few weeks ago.
it gives everyone a taste of what my family is like.....
ok so heres what happened.
monday afternoon. i was hanging out with my bf (josh. and when ever i say josh i mean him; my bf)
any ways were just chilling playing games and i get a knock on my front door. its this dude were friendly and fimilar with; chris. he asks if we wanna go to ferns house and to go walking and stuff. (we are both good friends with fern. hes a close buddy)
any ways i call up my parents ask them if i can spend the afternoon out hanging around with my buds (my bf is more than a bf hes my buddy) and we depart.
we all meet up and go walking around in the woods. breaking new paths, discovering new trails and climbing trees. fun.
but any ways i live in tx so it was verry hot and soon we wre all covered in sweat and we ventured on to ferns house to get water and borrow cds and see his house and s**t.
then we walked back to my house chris got his bike from my yard where he left and and bolted because his parents kept harassing his cell phone with message of "youve had enough fun today come home"
he left we hung out in my drive way and talked and then decided we wanted to pick up the x box and take it to joshs house and play games. i go inside and retrive it and my parents tell me im in for the night. its not even dark but i have to stop having fun for the day.
josh and fern take the box and leave and im stay inside.... cry
so i go and talk to my mom (she says im botchy and have additude when i dont talk to her or spend time with her...)
so i go up behind her while shes watching brain drool tv and i ask her whats up how do i smell ect, idol chit chat. (btw i did smell horrable. sweat, sun, and woods.... yucky)
and all of a sudden the dog (cheif) sitting on her lap (dachsund, weiner dog)
freaking lashies out and bites me on the stomach streching out my shirt and breaking skin. (didnt hurt but its pretty disturbing to have your own dog do that)
and my mom all like wtf go up to your room your distubing the dog. leave now.
so i head on up the stairs and i yell back down "ok im taking a shower"
and she goes "oh no your not im taking one first." im like ok i can deal with that wont be to long before i can shower. so i continue on to my room take off my shoes, walk around my room take a few mins to my self, about 7 -10 and i look back down stairs and my mom is still glued to the tv. i ask her if shes getting and and there is no reply. so i go down the stairs, take my fathers arm of my mother, prop her back up so shes that much closer to standing and then i reach for chief still sitting on her lap and he growls a bit. thats the norm for him and my goes "oh no leave my chief" and she grabs for him and he goes apeshit again and bites her fingers and lunges toward me.
she is pissed and tells me to go up stairs. i go and i yell back down "you know why that happened? because your not in the shower right now"
my mom gets pissed and my dad shes how shes enfuriated and to make her feal better he yells up at me "your grounded one week from josh. you cant see him or talk to him. no phone"
so i was grounded.
from my bf....
sorry i really didnt word this well i will come back later and change it but at least i have gotten it down.
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![]() cloudyhead Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
I suggest you kill the dog or something.
Unless you have 'affection' for it.