i replied " yes it is, let me show you" i retrived the book and showed her. a few people wrote off that day but not only was i the 1st person to do so, my name was HILIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW HILIGHTER AND DAMN HUGE. she knew i wrote my name in but i have to work or she will fire me. she knows that, i know that, i hate it. she was like "ok" (basically a "whatever" wink i said " ok so what do i do? not show up for work? because i cant work that day im going on a trip."
"trade your hours with someone elses."
real god damn great! like any one elses hours are better! but i refered to the shedugle and found that her daugher had a nice set of friday hours. 5:30 am - 1:30 pm. i told her my perdiciment and she willingly traded. 10:30 - 4:30 was taken off my shoulders.i was suprised, she normally wants her coushy hours bad, but the hours i had was a nice long day shift; an easy run. my hours for that day werent that bad at all, espically being that they were suposed to belong to someone else. i always get realy shitty hours. like nights fridays and saturdays. i was happy, besides the fact i was working until closeing on thursday and there was nothing i could do about it because i was on shift just as i was fixing fridays hours. oh well.
i got 3 hours of sleep. i also had a late start out to my trip being that the work clock is 15 mins behind and that im not allowed to leave work when we are busy. we are most always busy. people have to have thier sonic.
we went to go see body worlds 3. its an exhibit of dead skinless people. the best anotmy you will ever see. every body part real. ever liver, piece of muscle, heart, vien, and lung all once inside a person. it was beauitful. it was amazeing. i was astounded. i enjoyed it fully. best exhibit ever. it was so awsome, i could go on and on about how spectacular it was. i loved it.
my dad on the other hand thought it was vulgar, grusome and not all too intresting. he didnt see the art in the masterful poses displaying human mucsle and bone. he was not bewlided by the tendons and bones of the foot. he also didnt belive that those were real dinosaur bones in the dino exhibit. he did not understand the funcion of the swinging penjulm in the center measuem.
"whats for?"
"well, whats it doing dad?"
"uh... swinging"
"and all the strokes are exatly the same length and same speed..."
"so what are those blocks by it, how come only half are knocked down"
"because its midday"
"so whats that mean?"
"arhhhh it keeps time!"
he wasent tantalized buy the diamonds and crystals. he kept getting in front of me and pushing me around trying to be cute. if you cant tell by now, or dont know, my dad is a big baby. he was in a world he didnt care about or undersatnd so he tried to play with me. ughhhhh so anoying. he laughs when i call him a doofas, he is amused when i call him a simp (short for simpleton) name calling amuses him and he leaves me alone for a bit. my mom and my sister are ahead of us the whole time blowing threw exhibits, not reading the note cards, and making stupid jokes all the while talking about the "fat dogs" at home. rolleyes 10 lb dachsunds. sure.
good thing i really didnt pay much attention to my family! i had a great time. i love the meseum. i go every summer, the 2 times before have been with my bf and his mom and oh so enjoyable, but never before was there the body worlds 3 exhibit. that totally knocked my socks off it was so awsome. nabed some cupons at the end of the exhibit for buy one get one free tickets, so mabye i can see the really naked people agian with my bfs and his mom. he wanted to see the exhibit bad too. it was really an exelent exhibit.
my mom knoticed i was verry much taken with the exhibit. she sugested a profession in morgutaryscience (did i spell that right) to me. thats a cool carrer and i hear it brings in tons of bacon. just one problem; blood and guts. i loved the exhibit. it seemed nautral to me. i verry much enjoyed disecting everyanimal i got a chance too, as well as the other half of the classes that were going "ewwwwwww!"
(im just hardcore like that) And then theres the blood. i like that, i can do that. but togher!!!! nooo it grosses me out. i cant watch sugery on tv! it makes me cringe! sepratley they are verry appealing but togher and.... blah. im going to have to take a deeper look in to this mortuaryscience stuff.
some pics of the stuff i saw. sheer awsome right here.

thease are actual slices of human hands. omg thats so cool. thats whats inside you!

this pic is prolly the clearest. i couldnt find many pics from the houston exhibit. there are many other exhibits right now all over the world.

bruce cambell for good measure. heart domokun
josh has been spening alot of money lateley. having it he cant keep it. hes like a kid in a candy store. he has everyright too but i dunno it just....
he bought a stero for his car. $120 but his dad says hes gonna pay half, he uses the car too.
he bought an x box 360. like $500
he bought elder scrolls like $40-50. god help me that game is so long. he always wants to play it and i dont care nor want to watch him. its stupid. if i wanted to go into the woods and swing around a sword i could do it in rl for one hell of a workout.
he bought perfect dark for like $30
he bought samauri jack online for... i dunno $20-40.
he says hes gonna spend alot of money on me though. hopefully pay back for all the shirts i would buy him (he begged for everyone), the 200 birthday he had (all he got me that year was a 14 dollar cd, poor b*****d), the 65 dollar trench coat, the this and the that. the 15 dollar camera that was expired, the 14 bucks for a game pretty pleasseeee, the 65 dollar nin sweat shirt. right now he owes me 50 and he said he was gonna buy me some dresses. if he buys me 2 plastik wrap dresses i will dismiss this. 150+ 140 = 290 plus shipping. i guess it will do. i would be extatic to own 2 of those dresses, they rock so hard.
i cant decide what color to dye my hair and what kind of bangs i want to get. hum... decisions decisions.
i cant belive summer went by so fast. holy s**t.
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