So Kids, I've Finally Decided.
That's right-I know what I want to do when I grow up. I'm going to start a game show. No no, stay with me, this is actually a good idea. It shall be called Natural Selection. Any guesses as to how it works? It's somewhat like Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, only more in the, are you dumber than a bag of ******** rocks? Sort of way. You lose? Darwin says YOU DIE. First guess star is Paris Hilton....
And speaking of her, have you heard of that new show, Paris Hilton’s My New BFF? Dear God, I swear, if that show gets any ratings whatsoever it’s going to be hard to keep me off a bridge. Being that I’m already freakishly arrogant, I try not to feel too superior to my fellow man, but some of you children make it very, very difficult. And I don’t know just how conceited she is, but I could NEVER have a best friend who worshiped me like that. My dad says he’d be her best friend. They’d play Monopoly all the time. With real money. (I can see it now, “Yes Paris, the luxury tax on $100 is $1500000!)
More Later.
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