I have a D. In Spanish. And I'm trilled. Yes, it's the worst grade I've gotten...ever, I think. But we're not even halfway though the marking period, and I've been failing for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Now I have a 73%, which in my school is a D. 77% is a C, which I'll definably have after the next test. Add in class participation and all the homework she hasn't put in yet and I'll have B. w00t! mrgreen
Now kids, you're probably wondering, how the hell did I mange to ******** this up so badly? One test. That's right. It was the first one of the marking period, and I got a 0%. I thought it would be one something completely different.
More later.
I now have an 82%. That's a C. w00t! That means NO INTERIM FOR JBIRD! In my school we only get those if we're doing really badly or really well. No news is good news. And I'll get no news. I still have to get it up to a B, (An 85%) by the end of the marking period, but I think I can handle that. One more test and I'll be there. Hell, I'll probably get there when she puts in my class participation. That counts for a TON of points, and I've made sure to give at least three answers every class, much more than last marking period and I got the participation points plus extra credit for it. n.n