Tiger says: Merry almost Christmas, everyone!
I luff you guys! heart
Let's see... my Christmas plans... Christmas eve, we're going to my cousins' house... yay! Christmas day, just me and my parents. Day after Christmas, we're going to my sister's house... fun.
I have gotten four gifts already: A scarf from the cooperating teacher I work with, a poster, a CD, and a watch smile Fun, I know.
Been a very interesting time, since I last wrote... At school, something odd happened: I was at Holbrook, teaching (that was also the day that I got to stay with the class BY MYSELF), and we got back, and I was walking out of school, and a group of teachers stopped me, and were like "What are you doing here?" Me: "Leaving..." "Where were you?" "Holbrook...?" "Oh, she doesn't know... OK, well, you need to get out of here, OK?" "O...Kay...?" It was freaky, especially when my friend told me that her class thought they smelled gas earlier... And that there had been a fire drill, and they'd returned to the school, and then been told to get out of the school again....Apparently, though, someone knocked the fire extinguisher off the wall, and the foam went off, and a teacher thought it was a fire, and pulled the fire alarm. And, if the alarm is pulled for any other reason other than a drill or a student prank, we have to get out... I dunno, still suspiscious.
Then, yesterday, the last day of school, my Teacher Cadet class decides we're gonna go to Chili's for lunch. Fine, fine. We go, my friend driving me, and then, we leave... she's gonna drive me home, but her car makes a funny noise, so we get to go back to the school so her step dad (a teacher) can take a look at it. BUT! We cannot make a left turn into the school (a stupid new policy xP) So, we go to the gas station on the corner, to turn around. No sooner do we turn in then we hear a scraping/dragging sound. Emily stopped the car and got out right there... Yeah, her whole exhaust system was dragging on the ground. She was hysterical, laughing as tears streamed down her face. She calls her step dad, and he comes and ties it up WITH A RIBBON. Emily takes his car to drive me home. We get to my house, and she comes in, and we come up to my room. Coachie, my Shepard comes in, and half-jumps on the bed. Well, then he starts acting weird, and jumps down, and is walking like all hunched up with his back paws all weird... I freaked out. It was then my turn to laugh and cry. I called my dad, cause my mom wasn't home (even though she was off xP) He comes home... but then, Coachie gets better! But all I could think was that it's a thing in Shepards that they get some sort of hip problem, and I was like: "NO!!!" My other dog already gets seizures, I couldn't take another problem...
Yeah, so, a day for freaking out.
Jefer came over today. It was fun smile SHe got a PSP for Christmas... the quality is flippin' amazing.
OK HEN! Since I'm bored and want to make this reeeeeeeaaaaaaaally long... cause... cause... I wanna.
I'm happy cause I have awesome friends and they got me some good gifts.
I'm happy cause my RP is really good.
I'm happy cause I got complimented on a poem I wrote.
I'm happy cause RJ Gators doesn't suck.
I'm sad and annoyed cause they changed Gaia.
I'm annoyed cause my present was 'stolen' at Chilis... and I got a crappier one.
I'm happy cause I'm a cam whore.
I'm happy cause I snet in my college aplications, and the two main ones got all the stuff whee
I'm happy cause my life is pretty good recently.
I'm annoyed cause my Journal has been giving me problems...
I'm happy cause I have All American Rejects now... and a bunch of other good CDs.
I'm happy cause on Jefer's site (mydeardiary.com) They're gonna make an RP forum because of Jefer, who got the idea from me.
I'm happy, cause they're gonna look at MY Rp for reference!
I'm happy cause they're gonna add my "Captain Jack Sparrow" as another rank xd
I'm amused cause the people on that site do not know what XD is... I typed it, and they said something along the lines of: "XD? Who's XD?" So, I got to explain it blaugh I said "OK, you know how : and ) makes a smile face? Well, do the same with XD... Tilt your head, and you have a smiley face with it's eyes closed." Yeah, I can be sarcastic XD
I'm annoyed cause I need a haircut...
I'[m happy cause it's almost 2006... GRADUATION!!!!
I'm happy cause Foamy made all my friends happy smile
I really hope the spirit of the season is in everyone's hearts. It'd be great if it happened all year round, but I take what I can get smile Merry Christmas to all of you guys. May everything go your way, and may nothing bad happen to you throughout the new year.
Quote: Some people are like slinkies: Completely useless, but you can't help but smile as they tumble down the stairs. Yeah, I know I used it before... Deal smile
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