So I'm watching the movie 'Mental' and the subject of "conformity" comes up and how some people lack the so-called "Instinct of conformity" but is this a bad thing?
I don't think so. To lack conformity is to be original and to be original is to change the way that others see you, see the world. So many conform because they believe that it's easier to just "go with the flow" and because they're afraid of the rejection, the mocking even the bullying that comes with standing out; with lacking the instinct of conformity.
think about it. Would you rather be a sheep, just following the flock or a free thinker? You're probably thinking that free-thinking and lacking conformity are different but they're all related. It's all connected.
You have a choice in life- to conform, to be a clone and "go with the flow" or to be an individual and do as you will.
Aura Wintergreen Community Member |