Geez, where the hell is Luki? He should have been here twenty minutes ago- "Yo, Yo! Mc Luki is in the house! So all you fine bitches better go run up and tear off your blouse!" I bit my bottom lip once I saw Luki bust through the school entrance wearing two gold chains, a pair of shades, a beanie, sweat-pants, and a hoodie. "Pretty fun, huh Mikuo?" He gave one of his almost rare grins.
Taking in two deep breaths, I held back my laughs. "Luki, you're just giving the students another reason to call you weird." He paused for a second before he began to frown. "I see Len's words got to you.-" "Please! I know how to have fun! Think of the time we are working on our expirement!" Taking off his beanie and shades, he scoffed as he opened his locker next to mine and shoved them in.
"Luki, working isn't considered having fun. Having fun is when you relax and let go of using your brain for a bit. Stupid as it sounds, but it actually helps repair the brain from getting any upcoming migrains." I fixed my glasses as we began to walk towards the science department. "It wouldn't hurt to go off and hang out instead of working on our project once in a while-" I paused from talking once Luki put his hand in front of my chest.
Before I could look at him, I noticed papers everywhere down the halls. These weren't any ordinary papers; ... these were pictures of us from last night. "O-Oh s**t!" `Hatsune Mikuo and Megurine Luki, please report to the front office.' The intercom came on.
We looked at eachother for a second before we turned the other way towards the other hall. "How the hell did they get this?" Luki questioned as we began walking. The closer we got towards the front office, the more I noticed the amount of photos increased. One had ,"Fags in Drag" written on it. I'm not surprised to have read that.
Once we walked inside, the woman who sat behind the desk just pointed for us to go inside the principal office. `The only time I've been inside the principal office was when they gave me the medal for making it into every AP class with the highest GPA; along with Luki.
Walking into the surprisingly dim room, we were immediately told , "Sit down Mr. Hatsune and Megurine." We both quickly sat in the chairs across from her. "I find it far more surprising that my two smartest students went off to a rock concert. Especially one that requires you to be eighteen or older to get in." She then held up one of the pictures that was scattered around the school. Soon as she did that, I heard Luki hold his breath. "I know you two are probably experimenting having a fun night out, but I'm afraid sneaking into an adult rock concert wearing clothes that shows your skin off is not the way to do it," I cut her off by asking, "Are we in trouble?"
Luki sighed as we saw her give us one of those looks that said, "What do you think?". It was then that I joined in with Luki and sighed as well. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to suspend the two of you for three days. I already notified your parents about this, and they're not pleased with the decisions you've made. Thanks to your sister, Mikuo; she saved you two from getting kidnapped or even raped. " Handing us our suspension slips, she released us to back home.
`M-Miku was there? She did this?!' The thought invaded my mind as the two off began wandering off towards the office. By the time we made it inside one of the halls, everyone stopped their chattering and slowly began to laugh at us one by one. "Look! I knew they were fags!" I heard Leon yell out. Turning my head to the right, I saw Miku laughing with her friends by their lockers. "C'mon! Let's kick their asses!-" "Run!" My mind snapped back once Luki grabbed my arm and started running to the exit.
By the sound of their footsteps, they were running close behind us.
Pushing the doors open we began running down the streets as fast as we could. I didn't have to look behind us to tell that they were still chasing after us. "Oh god! Will they ever give up?!- Umpf!" I yelled until the both of us bumped into a stranger. We stumbled back a few steps till we were caught by a familiar blonde.
"Piss off before I call the cops!" Len yelled as the bass player from last night stepped in. "And it won't be for you guys, it will be for me committing an attempted homicide!" His hair was completely down along with a black bow being clipped onto the side of his head.
With Leon saying `Let's go! I don't wanna deal with these freaks', him and his friends ran back to school.
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My cosplay production logo. I know it's not the best, but I like it :>