Overall the flu is still a b***h. Kinda thought it might let up after a few years and not be as much of a hinderance as it used to be... boy was I wrong. Over two weeks of flu and then I have the good fortune to develop pneumonia on top of it. I didn't know it was pneumonia for a while because the night shift at the local ER can't tell the difference between an X-ray and a newspaper. The radiologist missed it completely. Next thing I know I'm getting a call three days later telling me that I need to fork out more money to change my damn perscription. Now I have a useless bottle of anti-biotics and I'm still bogged down with a cough.
I'v been bed-ridden for the duration of it too so I'm probably dropped from my college classes. I hate this ********' cold so-o-o much...
Blue time... I'm done trying to make this work. It won't, I can't, She shouldn't.
Hopefully I can get out of the house today... wish me luck.