August 2011
[08/04/11 05:50am] Ohh, goodness. So much to catch up on.
September 2010
[09/12/10 09:59pm] HOLY--
February 2010
[02/22/10 11:03pm] Ewhh, GERMS![02/15/10 01:16am] Anyone?[02/10/10 01:39am] Boo-yahh.[02/08/10 09:34pm] Not that you'll understand this..
January 2010
[01/26/10 12:06am] Friggin--[01/20/10 09:50pm] IF...[01/18/10 12:24am] Hey! Hey, guys![01/16/10 01:19am] -Purrr-[01/14/10 02:23am] So, I did it.[01/13/10 02:09am] Is Nothing Ever Enough?[01/09/10 03:43am] Sparring.[01/08/10 02:20am] Well.
December 2009
[12/31/09 09:10pm] ;///;[12/31/09 06:04pm] Mother fucking--[12/26/09 02:05am] Oh, my...[12/24/09 09:03pm] Random Updates, FTW?[12/23/09 08:47pm] OMFG.[12/20/09 01:48am] Delays, Christmas presents, and Drawings.[12/18/09 09:29pm] TEH SIGNETUR.[12/10/09 01:48am] Subscribe? o///o;
November 2009
[11/27/09 04:38pm] Now that I've got that journal entery out of the way,[11/27/09 04:34pm] = u =[11/21/09 01:57am] She's being a complete[11/16/09 09:16pm] Looks like I was wrong[11/14/09 02:59am] I'm quite apprehensive[11/12/09 09:48pm] OMGLOLROFLHAHALMAO.[11/10/09 02:10am] FML.
October 2009
[10/29/09 02:18am] They noticed.[10/26/09 11:48pm] Sigh.[10/26/09 11:32pm] Acting like I don't know what you're talking about.[10/12/09 11:01pm] People.
September 2009
[09/02/09 01:51am] I'D LIKE TO CLEAR JUST A FEW THINGS UP.
August 2009
[08/22/09 10:42pm] ohnoes Dx[08/21/09 08:26pm] Progress Village Schedule![08/21/09 02:02am] Open House,[08/19/09 03:08pm] Lots of things planned today~[08/17/09 04:46pm] Tallie?...[08/11/09 02:26am] wow.
July 2009
[07/26/09 03:12pm] so, i have...[07/24/09 02:42am] Funny Farm?[07/19/09 04:27pm] Man, I love New York.[07/13/09 10:59pm] Ohgawd, sorry ><[07/03/09 05:36pm] Heh.[07/02/09 04:37am] Addictionnnnn D:[07/01/09 09:56pm] Wheee!
June 2009
[06/26/09 12:18am] Oh, c'mon...[06/25/09 08:44pm] Youtube. It's fun when you're bored.[06/25/09 07:43pm] Ouch.[06/21/09 05:29am] Okay, now I'm obsessed.[06/20/09 03:42pm] More quizzes![06/13/09 01:25pm] 'Cause I'm that bored Dx[06/02/09 10:53pm] How to....
May 2009
[05/23/09 03:02pm] Comments, plox?[05/23/09 03:28am] --The hell just happened?[05/19/09 11:57pm] So great xDD[05/18/09 08:49pm] Lucky? Not so.[05/18/09 01:24am] Whoa! Dude![05/17/09 05:25pm] Weeeeeeeell.....[05/15/09 05:35am] Erghhh.[05/15/09 01:16am] For the love--[05/14/09 05:51pm] *Yawn*[05/14/09 02:57am] Orchestra? Disney? Doubt it.[05/12/09 01:24am] Are you bored?[05/10/09 03:12am] Yaaay.[05/09/09 04:33pm] Heheh.[05/09/09 12:37am] DUDE.[05/09/09 12:21am] *Sigh*[05/07/09 02:24am] How come I'd never thought of this before?[05/05/09 01:39am] *Mumbles angrily*[05/04/09 01:40am] [Insert Random and Clever Title Here]
April 2009
[04/30/09 01:54am] Ahhhh...[04/25/09 11:39pm] Heheheh Cx[04/20/09 09:57pm] Check it out?[04/20/09 02:35am] Ahhhhh...[04/19/09 04:29pm] When I...[04/18/09 11:35pm] Omg 8D[04/18/09 12:31am] Decision?![04/15/09 10:03am] Usernames! |[Again?]|[04/11/09 04:06pm] <333[04/08/09 03:07pm] Mew~?[04/08/09 02:34am] Whoot.[04/05/09 08:18pm] Dear Diary...[04/03/09 12:39am] Username?
March 2009
[03/30/09 01:44am] Another little something I wrote...[03/29/09 10:17pm] That's special.[03/28/09 02:48am] MPA's~[03/25/09 01:20am] What do you think?[03/24/09 01:04am] Finally thirteen![03/22/09 02:57pm] Omg. That's long.[03/22/09 02:35pm] My new dream avitar :D[03/22/09 02:36am] Just a little something I wrote...[03/20/09 12:47am] Whoot![03/14/09 01:36am] *Gasp*[03/09/09 10:44pm] Mooore "Train" lyrics~[03/09/09 10:09pm] Chuga chuga chuga...[03/09/09 09:34pm] [/Witty Title Here][03/08/09 11:48pm] Tales of the kiss?[03/01/09 01:02am] Ku~
January 2009
[01/31/09 12:23am] Whoa![01/04/09 02:08pm] Tuesday is not my favorite day this week.[01/02/09 05:14pm] New Year!/South Carolina!
December 2008
[12/26/08 02:54am] CHRISTMAS {{AGAIN~!}}[12/20/08 11:58pm] Nuuu~[12/16/08 01:40am] Exams D:[12/13/08 06:00pm] Help me![12/13/08 12:02am] Winter Extravaganza~[12/10/08 08:55pm] Bored :'D[12/08/08 09:23pm] 3 SS